
The retired teacher threatened to "scare you to death if you say your identity", and the school responded

author:Guangxi Film and Television Channel

On June 20, netizens broke the news that the man Du Moumou was swimming in a reservoir marked with a no-swimming sign, and after being dissuaded from going ashore, he said, "You will be scared to death when you say my identity" and "The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is my friend".

On June 21, the Retirement Department of Zhejiang University of Technology issued a notice on the relevant situation of retired teacher Du Baoyin. The full text is as follows:

On the morning of June 21, 2024, the related incident of "Du Baoyin, a retired teacher of our school, swimming in the reservoir, did not listen to dissuasion and had an argument with the staff" attracted attention on the Internet.

After the incident, the retirement office immediately contacted the teacher himself to verify the relevant situation, Du Baoyin deeply reflected on his inappropriate words and deeds, fully accepted the pertinent criticism of the majority of netizens, and sincerely apologized to the majority of netizens. The retirement department of the school will also further strengthen the education and management of retired teachers, guide the majority of retired teachers to consciously enhance the sense of mission and responsibility of Lide Shuren, and live up to the care and expectations of all walks of life.

The retired teacher threatened to "scare you to death if you say your identity", and the school responded

Source: The Paper

Editor: Huang Ting

Duty Director: Yuan Yuzi

The retired teacher threatened to "scare you to death if you say your identity", and the school responded

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The retired teacher threatened to "scare you to death if you say your identity", and the school responded