
I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!

I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!
I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!

1. Today, the landlord's eldest sister came to collect the rent. The eldest sister knocked on my door and said in a serious tone: "Young man, you haven't paid the rent for three months, if you don't pay it again, I will stop renting!" I hurriedly opened the door and said to the eldest sister with a flattering face: "Eldest sister, no matter how lenient you are, you will complain that my old and ugly wife has spent all the money." Sister, you are so beautiful and understanding, I will definitely make up the rent next month! ”

After hearing this, the landlord was happy! I hurriedly handed the eldest sister a glass of water and said, "Eldest sister, you know that it is not easy for me, this time I promise to do what I say." You see, I'm usually quite honest, and I'm not the kind of person who deliberately defaults. ”

The landlord took the water glass, took a sip, stared at me, looked up and down from above, and said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't pay it for three months, and it's okay if you don't pay it for a year, the key is attitude!" "I was momentarily lost in thought; Attitude...?

I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!
I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!

2. One day I had a bad cold, and I went to the community clinic to hang a hanging bottle like a sick seedling. I sat there playing with my phone and reading the novel, as if there was a treasure in the novel. Suddenly, I felt that the world was a little weirdly quiet, and I looked up sharply, good guy! The bottles have bottomed out, there is not a drop of potion left, and there is still a little blood return. I was so frightened that my heart was about to jump out, my brain was short-circuited, and before I could react from the scene of the novel, I shouted at the top of my voice: "Little Er, hurry up and fill it up!" This voice attracted the attention of the people in the clinic...

I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!
I couldn't afford to pay the house, and I was treated like this by the landlady!


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