
Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

author:The screen is cloudy and deep
Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

Guo Taiming, who originally threatened to build a factory in China to "enjoy food" for Chinese mainland people, never thought that he would one day become an outcast, originally wanted to follow the United States to withdraw from China, wanted to move Foxconn to India, but did not expect the "sanctions" to come so quickly.

When it comes to Foxconn, I believe everyone is familiar with it, as Apple's Chinese foundry, Foxconn can be said to have made a lot of money, not so much that Foxconn has made money, but that the money has been made by Terry Gou.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

As the world's largest electronics foundry, Foxconn has also successfully ranked among the world's top 500 companies, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Foxconn has completely caught up with the express train of China's reform and opening up.

In order to support enterprises, the state has launched many preferential policies to help enterprises develop, this wave of dividends has made many enterprises rise rapidly, Foxconn is also one of them, Guo Taiming is Taiwanese, because of the country's strong support policies, he also became the richest man in Taiwan Province of China.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

But he never expected that after his worth doubled, Guo Taiming didn't know his position clearly, and he began to be arrogant to our mainland, and threatened many times: "Foxconn came to the mainland to build a factory to give the mainland food, and Foxconn can withdraw from the mainland at any time." ”

I really don't know what Guo Taiming can be rampant, if there is no strong support from the state, can he be so big, Foxconn may be just a little-known small factory, and now after making a lot of money, I don't want to be grateful, and I actually said such brainless remarks.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

sarcastically mocked the motherland, but began to lick Lao Mei crazily, and even put on a face that only apples were the first to look forward, but he didn't expect that he was just a chess piece in Apple's hand.

As a businessman, mercenary is engraved in his genes, but his mistake is not to know how to be grateful, if there is no national policy, where would there be Foxconn today.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

But Guo Taiming remembered all the kindness on Apple's head, thinking that if Apple hadn't made Foxconn its foundry, Foxconn would have completely collapsed.

The most infuriating thing is that when the scientific and technological competition between China and the United States was the most intense, Guo Taiming actually chose to side with the United States, followed behind Apple, and catered to the "de-Chineseization" of the United States.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

Before the emergence of Huawei, Apple occupied half of the mobile phone market, and it was difficult for other mobile phone brands to compete with it.

But we don't believe in evil, Huawei mobile phones were born, with superb performance, and affordable prices, quickly entered the international market, when the first old United States broke the defense, trying to stop Huawei, to keep their title of the world's first.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

However, it should not be said that the means used by the United States are really not ordinary black, and it has launched a technological blockade, imposed economic sanctions on Huawei, and even used a conspiracy behind the scenes, so that those foreign manufacturers who supply chips to Huawei will stop supplying, otherwise they will be punished.

Under the pressure of the United States, these suppliers had to jump out one after another, for fear of offending the United States, Huawei fell into a predicament for a while, since you blocked Huawei, then we will study it ourselves, with the unremitting efforts of scientific researchers, Huawei was reborn, and the Kirin chip developed by itself was beaten by many foreign manufacturers.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

Now it's the turn of the Americans to be dumbfounded, they can't imagine that they will force out a king bomb, with the continuous growth of Huawei, a lot of market share is also under the name of Huawei, and the United States has begun to want to impose a new round of sanctions on China.

And this breakthrough is Apple's foundry Foxconn in Chinese mainland, after the United States proposed to move Apple's supply chain out, Foxconn chose to stand with them and jointly create trouble for us, and Terry Gou was willing to be Apple's pioneer.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

Even in order to take credit in front of his master, he planned to move the $300 billion production capacity of Foxconn on the mainland to India, and join the United States to obtain more resources.

But it is obvious that all this is Terry Gou's self-touching, and the moment he decided to relocate Foxconn's $300 billion production capacity to India, he was destined to make a big mistake.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

The reason why Foxconn can succeed in China is because of the strong support of national policies, but Guo Taiming has never seen this, but feels that he has created countless employment opportunities for the people of the mainland, and his merits are immeasurable, and he even said that he came to the mainland to build a factory for the mainlanders to enjoy food.

But when you go to India, you can't enjoy this kind of treatment, he chooses to build a factory in India, on the one hand, to cater to the United States, on the other hand, because of the low wage in India, and there is no other benefit.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

On the contrary, there are many drawbacks, first of all, the general quality of Indian workers is low, and it is a pipe dream to let them work overtime like Foxconn employees in China, and secondly, the equipment here is particularly backward, and the power cannot keep up, and India often has to cut power.

The production capacity can not keep up at all, the quality of the products is also particularly inferior, and the low yield has become a fatal problem.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

And Cook has long been not interested in Foxconn, he came to China several times without mentioning Foxconn, but frequently showed favor to Chinese companies such as Luxshare Precision and Pegatron, and then Cook also intended to reduce orders for Foxconn.

Instead, he turned around and handed over part of the orders to Lixun Precision and other companies, according to this trend, Chinese companies will replace Foxconn one day in the future and pocket all Apple orders.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

And the foundry Wistron established by Terry Gou in India has been dug into a corner by Indian companies, and India's xenophobia is particularly serious, many foreign manufacturers want to build factories in India, but most of the results are failures.

As Wistron continued to spread bad news, the Indian consortium Tata Group took advantage of the situation to squeeze Wistron out of the Indian market, thus replacing it as Apple's largest assembly plant in India.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

Seeing that Guo Taiming "fell into the water", the United States did not lend a hand, and even took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, regarding the attitude of the United States towards Foxconn, it is not difficult to see that Foxconn has no right to speak.

After all, Terry Gou shot himself in the foot, I remember that when Foxconn was brilliant, the United States attached great importance to it, not only handed over a large number of orders to it, but even invited Terry Gou to build a factory in the United States, which was enough to give Terry Gou face.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

The construction of a factory in the United States is also a complete failure, and the United States has begun to reduce its dependence on Foxconn, maybe one day, Foxconn will be completely abandoned by Apple, and I don't know if Guo Taiming will say that he will come to the mainland to build a factory for mainlanders to enjoy food.

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly

Sources of information:

"300 billion! Foxconn suddenly acted, foreign media: Guo Taiming "revealed his original form" began to settle accounts"

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly


"[China News] Terry Gou invests $10 billion to set up a factory in the United States"

Foxconn lost the bet! Guo Taiming never dreamed that the "sanctions" would come so quickly