
Duration knows: The duration of the fund has risen to 3 years for the first time in the year

author:Yin Ruizhe
Duration knows: The duration of the fund has risen to 3 years for the first time in the year

01 Duration tracking of mutual funds

The duration of the fund rose to 3 years for the first time during the year. From June 17 to June 21, the median duration of mutual funds increased by 0.03 to 3.00, which was in the 93% quantile of the past three years.

Duration knows: The duration of the fund has risen to 3 years for the first time in the year

02 SDIC Securities Fixed Income-Institutional Divergence Index

Duration divergence has dropped significantly. From June 17 to June 21, the duration divergence index fell by 0.03 to 0.48, which is in the 36th percentile of the past three years.

Duration knows: The duration of the fund has risen to 3 years for the first time in the year

Analyst of this report, Ruizhe Yin, SAC practice certificate number: S1450523120003

刘 冬 SAC执业证书编号:S1450523120006

Duration knows: The duration of the fund has risen to 3 years for the first time in the year
Duration knows: The duration of the fund has risen to 3 years for the first time in the year