
There is no cure for this kind of "pain" of the baby, but it is a good thing for growing taller!

author:Breed something

After the baby is two years old, if the baby suddenly shouts leg pain in his sleep at night, but can play happily the next day, this is likely to be the so-called "growing pain", which is a common phenomenon in the process of children's growth, and it is also a small signal that they are quietly growing taller!

Growing pains, this "mysterious" pain, is really confusing!

There is no cure for this kind of "pain" of the baby, but it is a good thing for growing taller!

So, why do babies experience such growing pains? It is generally accepted in the medical community that this is mainly because the bones grow much faster than the muscles and tendons in children as they grow up, and this mismatch in the growth rate can lead to the muscles and tendons being pulled, resulting in pain. Growing pains are usually characterized by the following:

1. Muscle pain is predominant

Growing pains usually appear as pain in the muscles rather than problems with the joints or bones, and the painful area is not red, swollen or warm. The level of pain varies from person to person, from mild discomfort to severe pain that usually lasts from a few minutes to a few hours.

2. Pain at night

Many babies have growing pains that attack at night, but during the day they seem to be fine. This may be because bones grow faster at night, or because your baby is busy with other activities during the day and is less likely to feel pain, which becomes noticeable at night when it relaxes.

There is no cure for this kind of "pain" of the baby, but it is a good thing for growing taller!

3. The location of the pain is variable

Growing pains often appear in areas such as the calves, thighs, and knee sockets, and occasionally in the groin area. Pain usually occurs outside the joints and is often bilateral, although there are cases of unilateral pain. In addition to growing pains, some children may also have symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, or sleep disturbances.

4. Self-healing

Growing pains are usually short-lived, regardless of the severity of the pain, and usually go away on their own after a few nights, and the same is true for the next attack, without the need for medication.

There is no cure for this kind of "pain" of the baby, but it is a good thing for growing taller!

Although growing pains are a sign that your baby is growing taller, frequent pain does not mean that you will grow taller in the future!

Some mothers may have the misconception that the more frequent the growing pains, the taller the baby will grow in the future. But this is not the case, growing pains are only an external manifestation of the baby's growth and development, and whether or not you experience growing pains is not directly related to the final height. The final height of the baby is determined by multiple factors such as genetics, nutrition, sleep and exercise.

Therefore, regardless of whether the baby is experiencing growing pains or not, mothers should start from nutrition, sleep, exercise and other aspects to tap the potential of the baby's height development. In daily life, in addition to ensuring that the baby has a balanced diet and comprehensive nutrition, some key nutrients, especially those that are difficult to obtain enough vitamin AD in the natural diet, must be remembered to supplement.

Vitamin A is the "secret weapon" to promote the growth of bones in the baby's limbs, which can enhance the cell activity in the epiphyseal cartilage, promote the differentiation and balance of bone cells, and improve the growth rate of bones. At the same time, vitamin D also plays an important role in promoting bone growth, which can help calcium absorption, promote the calcification and renewal of new bone, and maintain blood calcium balance. Without vitamin D, the body's absorption of calcium is greatly reduced, and severe deficiency may also lead to conditions such as rickets. 0-3 years old is a critical period for the growth and development of the baby, mothers should pay attention to and scientifically supplement vitamin AD from the birth of the baby, at least until the age of 3, to lay a solid nutritional foundation for the baby's height development. In addition, ensure that the baby has a good night's sleep, adhere to proper exercise, and take a multi-pronged approach, so that the baby's height can be taken to the next level!

Although growing pains are a normal physiological phenomenon, it does not mean that there is no need for attention. If your baby's pain is severe, you should let them rest and relax their muscles. Parents can also supplement some nutrients that help cartilage tissue growth and vitamin C, which is beneficial for collagen synthesis, or use a hot towel to warm or massage the baby's sore area before bedtime, which can effectively relieve pain and discomfort.