
Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

author:Old things

Let's talk about the mystery of "Lan Boy".

Friends who are familiar with the original work of "Dream of Red Mansions" should know that Jia Lan is the only purely positive character in the entire Jia Mansion, and the other male masters and young masters can more or less find faults, but Jia Lan can't find any faults.

At a young age, he knew that he was wise and self-protecting, never provoked right and wrong, had no bad habits, behaved appropriately, devoted himself to studying, and was very self-motivated.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

From this point of view, Jia Lan is the child who is most like Jia Zheng, so he is also the most loved by Jia Zheng.

We all know that Jia Zheng is an old-fashioned person who never praises his children in person, but the only time he praises them in public is Jia Lan.


In the seventy-fifth time, at the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner in Rongguo Mansion, Jia Zheng accompanied Jia's mother to play a game of drumming and passing flowers, and when it was passed to Baoyu's hands, Baoyu composed a poem. Jia Zheng nodded silently after seeing it, but because he wanted to make Jia's mother happy, he reluctantly said:

"It's hard for him, but he just refuses to study, and the words are indecent."

Then Jia Lan also wrote a poem, Jia Zheng was "overjoyed" after reading it, and was busy telling Jia's mother to listen, which shows the gap between Jia Zheng's attitude towards Baoyu and Jia Lan.

For this reason, Jia Yu also told a joke to satirize Jia Zheng's partiality, which shows that Jia Zheng's preference for Jia Lan is recognized by everyone.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

What's even more commendable is that in the environment of "birth is greater than ability" in Jiafu, Jia Lan is still the eldest grandson of Jia Zheng, and he is also the great-grandson of Jia's mother's only in-law - he is the son of Jia Zheng's eldest son, Jia Zhu.

Therefore, Jia's mother is also quite concerned about the "Lan boy", adding ten taels of silver to his mother Li Kun every month, and often shows some concern for Jia Lan.

Also in the seventy-fifth time, each room of the Mid-Autumn Festival sent a lot of food to Jia's mother, and Jia's mother instructed before eating:

"Give this porridge to Brother Feng to eat."
"This bowl of bamboo shoots and this plate of wind-pickled civet cats are for Feng'er Baoyu to eat, and that bowl of meat is for Lan Xiaozi to eat."

It can be seen that in Jia's mother's heart, Jia Lan's status is still quite high, and in comparison, Jia Huan has never had such treatment.

Of course, care is care, and there has never been such a pampering as Baoyu. Therefore, Jia Lan's status in Jiafu is still very different from Baoyu, which is extremely incommensurate with his status as a great-grandson.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

In the whole "Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Lan's sense of existence can be said to be very low, and he only made four official appearances in the first eighty times, and each time he was shallow.

Everyone's evaluation of Jia Lan is: "Born with an eccentric heart", which means that he is not social, which shows that Jia Lan lacks a sense of belonging in Jia Mansion.

The strangest thing is that as Jia Lan's own grandmother, Mrs. Wang has never shown any form of concern for him from beginning to end, and it can be said that she is completely indifferent.

This is an extremely abnormal and inexplicable phenomenon.

According to Leng Zixing's introduction, we know that Jia Zhu is Mrs. Wang", which means that Jia Lan is indeed her grandson. Moreover, Mrs. Wang's mother-son love for Jia Zhu is shown many times in the novel, and Mrs. Wang almost cries every time she mentions Jia Zhu.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

On the thirty-third time, Baoyu was beaten, and Mrs. Wang called Jia Zhu and cried:

"If you live, I don't care if it's a hundred."

In the thirty-fourth episode, Mrs. Wang said to the attacker:

"My son, you know, that these words are the same as my heart. I didn't know how to take care of my son, when you were Uncle Zhu first, how did I manage him, do I not know how to take care of my son now? ”

As she spoke, Mrs. Wang's tears couldn't help but roll down.

It can be seen that Mrs. Wang's feelings for Jia Zhu are still very deep, but why do she ignore Jia Zhu's only son, Jia Lan?

Not only that, but from the performance of Jia Lan's mother Li Kun, it can be seen that Li Kun is also very afraid of his mother-in-law. Therefore, Li Kun is always cautious in doing things, for fear that he will fall behind something.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

There are all kinds of signs that Jia Lan's life experience is not so simple, otherwise all this would be very unreasonable.


Her husband Jia Zheng loves him very much, and her mother-in-law Jia Mu also cares about him, this child is honest and motivated, and he is Jia Zhu's only child. No matter from any point of view, Mrs. Wang should not be in such a state of ignoring him.

For Mrs. Wang's performance, I think about it, there are only three possibilities:

1. What did Li Kun and Jia Lan's mother and son do wrong, so that they caused harm to Mrs. Wang, which caused Mrs. Wang to have feelings of disgust towards them.

Second, Jia Lan, as the eldest grandson of Jia Zheng, has a higher status in the patriarchal inheritance system than Baoyu, who is the second son of the concubine, which threatens Baoyu's status in Jiafu, so Mrs. Wang is hostile to Jia Lan.

3. The identity of Jia Lan's eldest grandson is false, that is to say, Jia Lan is not Mrs. Wang's own grandson.

Based on the above three possibilities, I repeatedly searched for evidence from the original text of the novel for research.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

For Li Kun, his relationship with Mrs. Wang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is indeed a bit abnormal.

In the fifty-first episode, Qingwen was sick, and Baoyu didn't want her to move out, so she quietly asked someone to tell Li Kun, and Li Kun said:

"Just take two doses of medicine, if it's not good, it's better to go out."

In the seventy-fifth time, after the raid of the Grand View Garden, Xue Baochai wanted to move out to avoid suspicion, so he went to greet Li Kun, Li Kun said:

"Why don't you stay for a day or two and come in, don't let me fall down."

It can be seen that Li Kun is cautious everywhere, and the most important reason is that he is afraid that Mrs. Wang will say that he is not. And can make Li Kun so a soldier, it can be seen that Mrs. Wang usually doesn't treat her well.

But even so, there is no evidence that Li Kun has done anything wrong, which can be seen from Jia's mother's attitude towards her, let alone the young Jia Lan.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

Therefore, the contradiction between Mrs. Wang and Li Kun and Jia Lan's mother and son should be found from other aspects.

Regarding the "right of inheritance", according to the records of the "Great Qing Dynasty Regulations":

"All civil and military officials should join forces to raid the shade, and let the eldest sons and grandsons raid the shade; If the eldest descendant is deceased, the second descendant will inherit the shade; If there is no second descendant, Fang Xushu's eldest grandson will attack the shade; If there are no children and grandchildren, Xu Ling's younger brother and nephew should be the successor to the shadow. ”

According to this regulation, the title of Rongguo Mansion should be inherited by Jia Yu's son, even if Jia Yu does not have a son-in-law, at least Jia Lian, who is a concubine, will inherit it. In other words, the title of Rongguo Mansion will not be on Baoyu's head anyway.

For the inheritance of Jia Zhengyi, it should be Jia Zhu first, and after Jia Zhu's death, Jia Lan should inherit it, and Jia Lan will be Baoyu after him.

Looking at it this way, it seems that Jia Lan does threaten Baoyu's position. But even so, after all, Jia Lan is Mrs. Wang's own grandson, and after Jia Lan inherits the family business, she will not threaten Mrs. Wang's status, and Mrs. Wang should not have any hostility towards Jia Lan.

What's more, if Jia Lan is the legal heir of Jia Zheng in the future, then Mrs. Wang should please him in advance, why don't you ignore it?


In this way, there is only one last possibility left, that is, Jia Lan is not Madame Wang's own grandson.

This is divided into two situations, one is that Jia Lan is not born to Li Kun, and the other is that Jia Zhu is not born to Mrs. Wang.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

Regarding the origin of Jalan, the fourth chapter wrote

The novel does not explicitly tell us that Jia Lan was born to Li Kun, but judging from Li Kun's feelings for Jia Lan, the possibility of biological birth is extremely great.

Moreover, in the thirty-ninth episode, Li Kun said:

"I think when your Uncle Zhu was in Japan, He Zeng didn't have two people... As soon as your Uncle Zhu is gone, I will send it away while I am young. If one of them can hold on, I have an arm. ”

The so-called "two people" are actually concubines like Raider and Ping'er, in ancient times, if the concubine had given birth to a child, the male owner should not be sent out after death. It can be seen that none of Jia Zhu's concubines have children, and Jia Lan is born to Li Kun.

After some exclusion, there is one last possibility, that is: Jia Zhu is not Mrs. Wang's biological son.

This may sound like a bit bold, but is it possible?

Personally, I think that this possibility is the greatest, and there is a lot of evidence in the novel.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

On the twenty-fifth occasion, Aunt Zhao and Ma Daopo discussed plotting against Baoyu and Wang Xifeng, and Aunt Zhao said:

"Kill the two of them, tomorrow this private is not afraid that it is not my ring."

Why does Aunt Zhao think that after Wang Xifeng and Jia Baoyu die, Jia Zheng's family property must be Jia Huan's? Thinking like this, he obviously didn't take Jia Lan to heart, which also shows that Jia Lan is not a descendant.

And Jia Lan is obviously Li Kun's own son, if he is not a descendant, it is only possible that Jia Zhu is not a descendant.

Aunt Zhao also complained to Ma Daopo:

"It's like this now, which one of our girls are in this house! It's not that there is a treasure jade, but a living dragon. ”

The direct reason why Aunt Zhao's situation is poor is that she is not treated by Mrs. Wang, so Wang Xifeng, who is in charge of the house, does not want to see her. It can be seen from Aunt Zhao's words that before Baoyu was born, her situation was not like this, which is why Aunt Zhao was jealous and hated Baoyu.

So, why did Mrs. Wang not target Aunt Zhao before Baoyu was born, but after Baoyu was born, Mrs. Wang targeted Aunt Zhao everywhere?

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

There is only one answer, that is, after Baoyu was born, Aunt Zhao threatened Mrs. Wang's status, so Mrs. Wang wanted to target him.

But Jia Huan is just a concubine, and his status is not the same as Baoyu, and it is impossible to threaten Mrs. Wang, so it can only be Jia Zhu.

If Jia Zhu was born to Aunt Zhao and passed on to Mrs. Wang earlier, and Mrs. Wang had Baoyu in her forties, she naturally didn't want Jia Zhu to be her eldest son.

Therefore, it is very likely that after Baoyu was born, Jia Zhu was deprived of the status of the eldest son. Or what is even more scary is that Jia Zhu's death may have something to do with this matter.

This inference can explain many unsolvable problems in the novel.


Why does Aunt Zhao think that as long as Baoyu and Wang Xifeng are killed, the family business of Jiafu will fall into the hands of Jia Huan?

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

Because after Baoyu was born, Jia Zhu had lost the status of the eldest son, so after Jia Baoyu's death, according to the priority of inheritance, Jia Huan was the only legal heir.

Therefore, Aunt Zhao planned to finish her work, not only took out all her belongings, but also gave Ma Daopo an IOU of five hundred taels of silver.

It is precisely because of his son Jia Zhu that he was once cultivated as the eldest son, so before Baoyu was born, Aunt Zhao's living state was very superior, Mrs. Wang was not embarrassed for her, and Jia Zheng also loved her.

Just imagine, with Jia Zheng's character and values, how could he like such a vulgar person as Aunt Zhao? It is conceivable that Aunt Zhao should not have been like this before, it was after Baoyu was born, she and her son Jia Huan were controlled everywhere, and she was forced to be like this.

Why is Aunt Zhou, who is also an aunt, just keeping to herself, and Aunt Zhao is ambitious, and she has to find a sense of existence from time to time, the reason is that she used to be treated very well in Jiafu.

In this way, we can understand why Jia Lan's treatment in Jia's mansion has been polarized, on the one hand, Jia Zheng and Jia's mother care about him very much, on the other hand, Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng don't ask him at all, and Mrs. Wang even has some hostility towards Li Kun.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

And Jia Zheng's behavior of praising Jia Lan in public is very inconsistent with his Taoist character, who knows if he is not out of a kind of compensation for Jia Lan?

Moreover, Jia Lan in the novel is obviously far from Mrs. Wang and Jia Baoyu's faction. In the ninth episode, Baoyu and Qin Zhong were bullied in the school, and Jia Yan, who was the great-grandson of the Rongguo Mansion, wanted to help, so Jia Lan tried his best to persuade him:

"Good brother, it has nothing to do with us."

It can be seen that Jia Lan has no feelings for Jia Baoyu at all, if Baoyu is his second uncle, he will definitely not be like this. Moreover, in the whole novel, Jia Lan has never intersected with Jia Baoyu.

On the contrary, Jia Lan's appearance in the novel is often with Jia Huan, and at the important banquets and ancestor worship activities in Jiafu, Jia Lan is like a shadow behind Jia Huan.

Let's imagine, with Jia Lan's character, why would he get so close to the obscene Jia Huan? If Jia Lan is not Aunt Zhao's own grandson, I am afraid that Li Kun, who has always been wise and wise, for fear of offending Mrs. Wang, will not let Jia Lan and Jia Huan get together.

In the fifty-fifth episode, Aunt Zhao's brother Zhao Guoji died, and Aunt Zhao made trouble with Tanchun because of sending silver, Li Kun hurriedly persuaded beside her:

"Auntie, don't be angry. I can't complain about the girl, he is full of tugging, how to say it out of his mouth. ”

As soon as Li Kun's words came out, he was immediately robbed by Tanchun. Imagine what a shrewd person Li Kun is, if it weren't for the existence of this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, how could he be willing to offend Tanchun for Aunt Zhao?

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

Sure enough, in the fifty-sixth episode, when Tanchun was complaining, the author inadvertently interjected a sentence to reveal the life experiences of Jia Zhu and Jia Lan.

"Li Kun and the others saw what he said sincerely, and thought that she had been slandered by Aunt Zhao every time she lived, and she was also burdened by Aunt Zhao in front of Mrs. Wang, and she couldn't help but shed tears."

Why did Li Kun cry sadly, "I was also tired by Aunt Zhao in front of Mrs. Wang", this seems to be talking about Tanchun, but in fact he is not talking about himself. And if it weren't for this relationship with Aunt Zhao, how could he be involved by him in front of Mrs. Wang?

brief summary

It's a long article, so I'll make a brief summary.

As Jia Zheng's wife, Mrs. Wang has no heirs at the age of thirty, so she naturally has to consider the issue of succession, and Jia Zhu, born to Aunt Zhao, has become the best candidate.

After Jia Zhu passed on to Mrs. Wang, out of compensation for Aunt Zhao, Aunt Zhao was treated very well in Jiafu. And because Jia Zhu is not a real heir, Jia's mother did not raise him by her side.

Dream of Red Mansions: Why didn't Mrs. Wang ask her grandson Jia Lan? Jia Zhu's origin is a mystery

When Mrs. Wang was in her forties, she had Jia Baoyu, and Jia Zheng had a son, and as the only sister-in-law, Jia's mother raised Baoyu by her side.

However, at this time, Jia Zhu's situation was very embarrassing, and Mrs. Wang naturally did not want him to replace Baoyu's status as a concubine, so there was a conflict of interest between Aunt Zhao and Li Kun.

The final result was that Aunt Zhao and Li Kun had the upper hand, Mrs. Wang was very unkind to the two of them, and Jia Zhu died in a daze.

Therefore, Aunt Zhao has been full of resentment since then, while Li Kun is cautious everywhere, and even Jia Lan has become without a sense of belonging.

In order to compensate Li Kun's mother and son, Jia's mother and Jia Zheng took special care of them.
