
She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

author:Simple Wind Sound LpOoB9

Who said that being over forty is an "aunt"? Li Xiaoran gave this point of view a resounding slap in the face with his own practical actions! In "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", the 48-year-old "goddess" not only exploded in acting, but also ignited the audience's enthusiasm again with her coveted 36D figure.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

Li Xiaoran, this name is well-known in the entertainment industry. Born in 1976, she is now in the age of knowing her destiny, but you can never guess her real age! In the latest broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", the eldest princess Li Yunrui played by Li Xiaoran is not only wise, but also beautiful and moving. That graceful posture, fair and delicate skin, where is there a trace of nearly half a hundred years old?

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

Many viewers are curious about how Li Xiaoran maintained such a state against the sky. It is reported that her maintenance secret is actually very "down-to-earth": strict diet control and regular exercise habits. Consistent yoga and swimming every day not only maintain your figure, but also keep your skin elastic. In addition, sunscreen is also her skin care strategy, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, sunscreen is always the first step.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

To say that Li Xiaoran's success is not just about his appearance. Her acting skills are also recognized as first-class in the circle. In "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", the eldest princess Li Yunrui played by Li Xiaoran can be described as a combination of wisdom, scheming, and gentleness, and the complex role setting has extremely high requirements for actors. However, Li Xiaoran easily controlled it and interpreted the multi-faceted character well.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

In fact, Li Xiaoran's acting career was not all smooth sailing. At the end of the 90s, when she first entered the entertainment industry after graduating from the Beijing Dance Academy, she was questioned for her lack of performance experience. But Li Xiaoran was not defeated, but skillfully integrated the elegance and rhythm of dance into the performance, and gradually formed his own unique performance style. Today, she can easily touch the heartstrings of the audience with a look and a smile, which is the result of years of precipitation.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching
She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

Li Xiaoran's success is no accident. Born in a military family, she grew up in a military district and was exposed to the rigorous self-discipline and perseverance of soldiers. This special upbringing environment has shaped her independent, calm and resolute character.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, Li Xiaoran has always maintained the true character of a soldier's child. She is extremely serious about her work, and is often the first to leave the last actor on the set. I put my heart and soul into each role, constantly communicating with the director and colleagues, and striving to interpret the role more three-dimensional and realistic. It is this kind of professionalism that has won her a good reputation in the circle.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

As we all know, the entertainment industry is a place to look at faces. can gain a long-term foothold in this circle, and appearance and figure are naturally indispensable. Although Li Xiaoran is nearly fifty years old, she looks at least ten years younger than her actual age when she is well-maintained. Her maintenance tips are simple: keep exercising, eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

Li Xiaoran will do an hour of yoga practice every day, which can not only keep her figure, but also relax her body and mind. In addition, she also pays special attention to her diet, usually focusing on light, eating more vegetables and fruits, and less greasy food. Adequate sleep is also an important factor for her to maintain her appearance, ensuring 7-8 hours of sleep every day to allow her body to get enough rest.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

As an excellent actor, Li Xiaoran has put a lot of effort into each role. When she receives a new role, she reads the script carefully to gain a deeper understanding of the character's background and personality traits. In order to better shape the character, she will even experience the life of the character and feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the character.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching
She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

During the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", in order to better interpret the role of the eldest princess Li Yunrui, Li Xiaoran specially studied a large number of historical materials to understand ancient court life and power struggles. She also deliberately learned some ancient etiquette, and strived to restore the realism of the characters in the details. It is this kind of serious attitude and in-depth study of the role that makes Li Xiaoran's performance always surprise the audience.

She is nearly half a hundred years old and has participated in the celebration for more than half a year, and her 36D figure is still eye-catching

Li Xiaoran's success is not only because of her beauty and talent, but more importantly, because of her dedication and love for her acting career. From the stage to the screen, from obscurity to the goddess of the screen, Li Xiaoran proved with his practical actions: as long as you work hard, age is never a limit. However, in this fast-changing entertainment industry, can Li Xiaoran continue to maintain her brilliance? Will the rise of a new generation of actors pose a threat to her? We'll see the answers to these questions.