
The world's No. 1 is out of the game! Schedule on June 23: The Japanese women's volleyball team is strong in the championship, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is unfavorable

author:Sports big reference

Late at night on June 22, the semifinals of the World Women's Volleyball League, a strong showdown, the Brazilian women's volleyball team played against the Japanese women's volleyball team! The Brazilian women's volleyball team, which maintains an undefeated record of 13 consecutive wins, has reached the first place in the world in the world ranking! However, the Japanese women's volleyball team dared to fight and fought with the posture of pulling the enemy off the horse.

The world's No. 1 is out of the game! Schedule on June 23: The Japanese women's volleyball team is strong in the championship, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is unfavorable

In the first game, the Japanese women's volleyball team was superior and started with a 14-7 advantage! The Brazilian team changed formations, and Bergman's appearance was immediate. The Brazilian women's volleyball team also achieved 3 game points at the end of the game 24-21. But the unexpected came! The Japanese women's volleyball team chased the score fiercely and finally won 26-24. Yukiko Wada came off the bench, which can be said to have rewritten the situation, and played an extremely critical role, with 9 deductions and 5 hits in the first game!

In the second game, the Brazilian team responded quickly, with a big score of 1-1! Bergman is in good scoring form, and Gabi's form has also risen.

The world's No. 1 is out of the game! Schedule on June 23: The Japanese women's volleyball team is strong in the championship, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is unfavorable

In the third game, the Brazilian women's volleyball team was still helpless, and it was even more passive at the end of the game. Bergman lost points with offensive errors, 21-24! After that, Brazil faced the strong attack of the Japanese team and unfortunately blocked the net out of bounds, 21-25! The Brazilian women's volleyball team actually lost another game, it really shouldn't be! Why is it difficult for the Brazilian women's volleyball team to face the Japanese women's volleyball team every time? In the fourth game, Brazil won 25-22. In the deciding game, the Japanese team had the last laugh 15-12, with a big score of 3-2!

The world's No. 1 is out of the game! Schedule on June 23: The Japanese women's volleyball team is strong in the championship, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is unfavorable

At this point, the two sides of the final are finalized! The Chinese women's volleyball team was unfavorable, the world's No. 1 upset and first defeat, and the Japanese women's volleyball team scored 8.66 points, surpassing the Chinese women's volleyball team by 1.14 points and taking away the first place in Asia. And on the day of the finals, the Japanese team will rush for the championship. The Japanese women's volleyball team is so magical, giving the world its first defeat in the first season and ending its 13-game winning streak.

The world's No. 1 is out of the game! Schedule on June 23: The Japanese women's volleyball team is strong in the championship, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is unfavorable

On June 23, the schedule was played at 18 o'clock in the bronze medal match, and the Brazilian women's volleyball team played against the Polish women's volleyball team. At 21:30, the Japanese women's volleyball team played against the Italian women's volleyball team for the final. The final day was changed to CCTV5 live broadcast!

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