
Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

author:Langfang Treasure

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Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

In fact, before the launch of this car, because of the square box shape and toy attributes, it won a good degree of attention and discussion, but after the price (79,800-89,800) and configuration were announced, the market feedback was not good.

From its launch in May to December, a total of 14,683 units were sold, with 3,254 units sold at Zuighao, and since then it has continued to decline, hovering over 1,000 units.

The reason is very simple, Baojunyue has a short battery life (303 km), small space (wheelbase 2110 mm), low configuration (only two airbags at the top), although it has the name of "Yueye", but everyone knows that it is a big toy for urban commuting, and it will not be chosen if you really want to go off-road.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

Some people may say that the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV battery life, space, configuration, etc. are inferior, why can it sell out, but Baojunyue is also cold received by the market? The answer lies in the price, Wuling Hongguang MINIEV price is lower, less than 50,000 can start, once the starting price zuidi only 28,800, consumers will not hesitate too much when choosing, buy it as a shelter from the wind and rain, urban commuting scooter, but Baojun Yue is also close to 100,000 yuan, has reached the "warning line" when consumers buy a car, after repeated hesitation and shop around, it has lost a lot of opportunities for successful transactions.

But obviously, Wuling Baojun is unwilling to give up the category of Yueye, and firmly believes that it can be popular, therefore, the body is longer, the space is larger, and the product power is higher Baojun Yueye PLUS is coming, and the official revealed that it will be listed in the first quarter of this year, and some product information and official pictures have been exposed.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

It is reported that the Baojun Yue PLUS will be based on a new platform architecture (different from the Baojun Yue), and the overall shape of the vehicle is basically the same as the 3-door version, which is still a small square box style. The length, width and height of the vehicle reached 3996 * 1760 * 1726mm, and the wheelbase was 2560mm, which was significantly improved compared with the 3-door version, but it still belonged to the category of small SUV.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

As for the form of power, there is no news about the extended-range powertrain that many netizens are looking forward to, the new car still uses a pure electric engine, and will be equipped with a 75kW high-power motor, with a speed of up to 150km/h and a CLTC range of 401km.

Obviously, Baojun wants to open, since the 3-door version of the model that specializes in the "Yueye Toy" route cannot open the market, then arrange the Yueye PLUS, which has a larger body size, stronger power and longer battery life, to "put on" the "coat" of the hard square box and honestly take the urban commuting route.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

So can such a change help Baojun Yueye's product series achieve a leap in sales and officially enter the mainstream ranks? We might as well start with the analysis of the product itself, as well as the competing products it will face in the future.

As we mentioned earlier, the Baojun Yueye 2023 flagship version priced at 79,800 yuan has a low level of overall software and hardware equipment, and the performance of active and passive safety, assisted driving, comfort configuration and human-machine interconnection is not eye-catching. The 89,800 yuan Zhizun version has a relatively good performance in terms of configuration, but it can only be regarded as reaching the standard line. In the case of small size, short battery life and low configuration, the price is almost 8-90,000 yuan, and this pricing strategy directly leads to the high and low opening of Yueye's product series.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

Yueye PLUS has made a series of upgrades for space, power, and battery life, and if the price is in the early 100,000s, then it will definitely further reduce the cost in terms of configuration; If you want to have the same configuration level as the 3-door version of the Yueye Zhizun version, then its price is likely to be more than 120,000, or even higher.

Especially in the price range of 10-130,000 yuan, BYD Dolphin is heavily guarded, although it is a small car, but the positioning and price are similar, consumers are likely to compare it with Baojun Yue PLUS when choosing.

The sales volume of the dolphin is obvious to all, perhaps its three-electric system, intelligent configuration and Yue Ye PLUS can not be separated from the big gap, but the size (length, width and height 4125x1770x1570mm wheelbase 2700mm) is significantly larger, coupled with the BYD brand itself with the blessing of the voice, Yue Ye PLUS can get out of the competitiveness is only one appearance.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

If you want to make up for the square box field, the pressure on Yueye PLUS is even greater, and the same pure electric route is iCAR 03 (12, 980,000 up), which is the positioning of a compact SUV, with better space, battery life, and configuration.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

If consumers are not obsessed with buying a new energy square box SUV, then the Jet Traveler will also announce the war, the entry version of 139,900, the standard configuration rate is already very high, and the level and configuration of the two are not at all in the same order of magnitude, for consumers who want to commute more comfortably in the city and go outdoors on weekends, the Jet Traveler will be a better choice.

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

Written after zui

All in all, after the first shot was not fired, the product sequence of Baojun Yue is now in a relatively awkward position.

As a small SUV, if you take the low-cost route from the beginning, relying on a more personalized appearance, this model is likely to achieve considerable sales. However, the price of 8-90,000 yuan + 3-door positioning, as well as some product strength, are destined to make this car unable to become a volume model. Now Yueye PLUS was born, the fundamental purpose is to solve the problem that the 3-door version of the model is small and the audience is not wide enough, but the price of the 3-door version is placed there, and the price of Yueye PLUS will definitely not be too low, once the price is high, it is the old road of the 3-door version of Yueye.

It can only be said that Baojun Yue is now playing a good hand of cards, and does not take the low-cost range extension route, and it is useless for Baojun Yue to come PLUS!

Yue Ye PLUS quickly rescued the scene, how much does it cost to sell it to catch fire?

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Wuling Baojun official 400 hotline: 400-177-1979