
Who has the sky ever spared (Liu Mao Book House)

author:Self-improvement spring breeze FSk
Who has the sky ever spared (Liu Mao Book House)
Who has the sky ever spared (Liu Mao Book House)
Who has the sky ever spared (Liu Mao Book House)
Who has the sky ever spared (Liu Mao Book House)

I have a deep affection for the people of "Liuqiaoyu" village, and I will never forget this piece of land that raised me! For more than 20 years, I have been working hard to promote the development of "Liuqiaoyu" village through various channels. In short, one purpose is to use the good policies of the state, and actively strive for the full help of government leaders at all levels to "Liuqiaoyu" village, and strive to create this "poor mountain and bad water" in the past, so that it will truly become a "feng shui treasure land" where everyone yearns to live and recuperate, and a "scenic spot" for tourism check-in.

When I went back more than 20 years, I first said that "Liuqiaoyu" village is a rare "treasure land of feng shui" in the world, and the most enviable thing is that there is a water source, as long as the river management is strengthened, "Liuqiaoyu" and the surrounding villages will be benefited by point and area. Because of my words, many people in the village insulted, ridiculed, and ridiculed at that time! More than 20 years have passed, and "Liuqiaoyu" village has become well-known to women and children! It has indeed become a veritable "treasure land of feng shui", and has been valued by leaders of governments at all levels and relevant ministries and commissions of the state! Several times special funds have been allocated to reform and control this "poor mountain and bad water", and several times the preferential policies have been tilted towards "Liuqiaoyu" village so that it can give priority to construction and development.

The infrastructure of the state's construction of "Liuqiaoyu" village is that the people of Liuqiaoyu have hardened thousands of acres of barren mountains and bald mountains into a "paradise" with fertile mountains and beautiful waters in the poorest and most difficult era. This is a golden signboard that Liuqiaoyu Village will be valued by the state in the future, and it is also the most solid advantageous resource for the healthy development of "Liuqiaoyu" Village in the future. Some people are greedy for the merits of heaven and take it for themselves, and they have been bragging about Liuqiaoyu Village for a long time, bombing every day, blindly obliterating the "great achievements" of the previous generations of Liuqiaoyu Village, and arguing in vain without thinking about abolishing the selfless dedication of all generations of villagers! Take all the merits for yourself. People in their sixties and seventies recall a little that there is absolutely no one in the leading group who has ever spent money bribing party members and the masses in order to become a cadre of the "Liuqiaoyu" village, and then become a village cadre. Instead, they swooped down and twisted into a rope with the people, did not be greedy or corrupt, bowed down to practice and led the people to work hard, and got the resolute support and support of the people from long-term practice, so that they became "village cadres". At that time, in my memory, the life of the village cadres was poorer than that of the common people.

The current cadres of "Liuqiaoyu" village are not the same as the village leaders of the past! A few people are arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and domineering, and do whatever they want, thinking that they are superior in wisdom and omnipotent, and cover the sky with one hand! What he did brought great harm to the society and the people of "Liuqiaoyu" village. This person's nonsense on various occasions has also damaged the party's image and the image of the people of Liuqiaoyu Village in a certain aspect. Now every party member and the masses in "Liuqiaoyu Village" have a lot of doubts about their mixed up with this title and identity (this represents that committee member). It can be said that his personal honor is at the expense of the vital interests of the people, and since then the villagers have disdained it and regarded it as fraud! Looking through the articles published in the newspapers in the past, checking the speeches made on different occasions, and the records of speeches at each party member meeting in the village, which sentence of the person was true? Looking at the content of his article, it is full of jokes and fragile attacks, it is simply a concealment of the world, full of nonsense, deceiving the upper and lower levels and harming the country and the people. The common people know what they are doing, and they may be afraid of retaliation from their people and gangs, so most of the people have no choice but to swallow their anger and let them go unchecked.

What is even more ridiculous is that he said that he was a "provincial cadre" in the village, and boasted that the party committee and government of the Yanzhuang Office could not control him. His own level is the same as that of the secretary of the Gangcheng District Party Committee. This kind of unbounded and unashamed words dare to be made public, which really makes people laugh off their big teeth! Maybe his name has been in the newspaper a few times, and he has been on TV a few times, and he thinks that he is great and has become a "great person" who cannot be beaten. Liuqiaoyu Village is a poor ravine, and 90 percent of the people who are a few years older than me have no knowledge or culture, and even if they know two words, they can't tell whether their wild words are true or false. Besides, they will not search for information about the planning and construction of "Liuqiaoyu" village from the Internet, computers, and mobile phones, and they will not be able to judge how big the village cadres of "Liuqiaoyu" are. Many people who are unheard of will naturally believe it. For a while, even I was convinced! Later, I consulted several leaders who used to be in charge of the organization of the municipal party committee, and they explained to me in the same tone that the village leaders did not have the term "provincial management cadres" at all.

Think about it, if a person who even deceives anyone, how sincere is he to the person in the "Liuqiaoyu" village, and how sincere is the person who dares to deceive the "Liuqiaoyu" village? Therefore, we should loudly call on the relevant leaders to go to the "Liuqiaoyu" village for a private visit to the micro-service, investigation and research! We must not tolerate adultery and shelter them, and ask the leaders to resolutely eliminate this kind of "social scum" who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, who steal from men and prostitutes, and deceive the people to trust them. No matter how capable it is? It doesn't matter how much credit they have in the past? It must be cleared out of the Liuqiaoyu Village Village Committee. You can't raise tigers for trouble, and it will harm the poor. If we do not clean up the "social scum" that has been mixed into the party as a cloud, and turn our hands into rain, from the "Liuqiaoyu" village committee, this will be the irresponsibility of the party committees and governments at all levels towards Liuqiaoyu Village and the state. irresponsible for the future construction and development of Liuqiaoyu Village.

Just a few examples! He said from the newspaper that he had twice donated a huge sum of money for the construction and development of Liuqiaoyu Village (now 90 percent of the people in Liuqiaoyu Village are suspicious, and according to some people within the village committee, they told me that they played these deceptive methods in order to become a village cadre). The higher authorities allocated a special fund of 7 million yuan to Liuqiaoyu Village to blow up the "artificial lake," but only dug a pit, and never heard the relevant leaders at the higher level to investigate and audit. You can also check how many party members joined the party? The people of Liuqiaoyu Village don't know how to count and don't understand anything, so are our relevant leaders at all levels more stupid than the people of Liuqiaoyu? In the past five years, the best land in "Liuqiaoyu" village has been planted with trees, and five years later, the forest has been returned to farming, and this alone has caused a huge loss of nearly 300,000 catties of grain to this "poor ravine" people, which will be outrageous to think about! In order to make the most of your rights! I don't know how many people have been harmed by his minions, and even I, the person who has made the greatest contribution to "Liuqiaoyu Village" and is the most honest person, will not let go! At the instigation of his people, he and his kind cut off a 12-centimeter-diameter ginkgo tree at my gate, and Jiang Yisheng, who cut down his ginkgo tree with his own hands, should be punished and cannot be let go (arrest Jiang Yisheng first). Later, he built an altar for me from my yard, and its righteousness was used to destroy my family's "feng shui". Haha is really like a sketch performed by Zhao Benshan: I don't study Marxism-Leninism, but I study feng shui again. That's why they used such despicable and filthy means to suppress me. All kinds of deception to me may also reflect the bad intentions of others, which is a major manifestation of the weakness of the thief's heart. In order to rationalize the collective land that he occupied privately, he said to the common people without shame: The outside of the courtyard is all collective land, and individuals cannot occupy it. So, may I ask the large area of land occupied by the people behind the building to plant flowers and trees, is that not the land of the "Communist Party"? His life style also needs to be investigated, and I ask the higher-level leaders to thoroughly investigate him. In fact, whether it is a retaliatory attack on the collective or an individual, it is a "right" that is at work and a "selfishness" that is at work. This kind of shameless person who believes in superstitious methods, despicable and filthy thoughts, has a poisonous heart like a snake and scorpion, and sooner or later everyone will be miserable! This cannot but arouse the great attention of more than 60 Communist Party members and more than 1,400 people, and still less arouse the vigilance of party committees and governments at all levels.

Why is this kind of person with ill-intentioned wolf ambitions most afraid that I will return to my hometown Liuqiaoyu Village, and he also said to me personally: You can't let me talk casually. What right do others have to restrict my personal freedom? Is there something that is not to be seen between this and its kind? Or is it embarrassing, embarrassed for profit, and the cheating father and mother have done more things that can't live for the people of Liuqiaoyu Village? It also requires the higher-level authorities to conduct a thorough and strict investigation of this person, covering all aspects of this person (when the leader goes to make an unannounced visit, he must not go to people with some influence in the village, they are almost a group of people).

I may have to make huge sacrifices for this article, or even get into trouble. I know that in Liuqiaoyu Village, I am alone in the tiger's den to fight with this group of people, and there are all kinds of kinship and kinship between them, and all kinds of interests or money relationships are constantly cut, and they naturally form gangs and factions, and may put me, the low-level people, to death! "If you want to add to the crime, there is no excuse for the trouble", his ghost is clever and cunning, and he will definitely collude with his minions to collude with the government, win over the underworld, and do whatever it takes to retaliate against me as he did last year, and even more cruel if he is even more ruthless! But in front of a group of villains, there are still many ordinary people living at the bottom behind me and a very small number of Communist Party members with a sense of justice in Liuqiaoyu Village, so I will let go. In the past, many party members and masses in the village, who did not know the truth, were all tricked by their people and made a mess. Liuqiaoyu Village is not "Liuqiaoyu Country". The majority of the people in Liuqiaoyu Village have always firmly believed that truth will always defeat evil. It is also the source of self-confidence in the "Communist Party" to scrape the bones and cure the poison, govern the country and safeguard the material wealth of the people from being damaged by the dregs of society!

Therefore, I wrote this article to call for the protection of the "Liuqiaoyu" from being ruined by its "social dregs", and I must write like this! Exposing a handful of moths hiding in Liuqiaoyu Village must also be written like this, otherwise I will not be at ease. "If I don't go to hell, who will?" I promise my fathers and fellow villagers as the son of an honest and loyal old "communist"! There is absolutely no selfish distraction, wanting to take credit and benefits from Liuqiaoyu Village!

My general starting point is as always, I will never ask for a penny of money from Liuqiaoyu Village or Liuqiaoyu people, let alone have ulterior motives for fame and fortune. I still think of a common man, and I will not harm every grass and tree in Liuqiaoyu Village as before. The purpose is still the same as the original intention, which is to completely change this "poor mountains and bad waters" and let all the people living in "Liuqiaoyu" village live a good life. If you don't believe me, try to read every one of the nearly one million words I've written for Liuqiaoyu Village over the past 20 years (I've never boasted to anyone in the village that I wrote articles for Liuqiaoyu Village, and 90 percent of the people in Liuqiaoyu Village didn't know that I had written so many articles for the village.) One: Most of their party members and the masses will not pay much attention to the affairs of the village. Besides, he can't read and write, and he can't play with mobile phones and computers. Second, at present, the village leaders are the same as the people of Liuqiaoyu Village, and they have no culture or knowledge, even if a few people have some knowledge, they are all pediatrics. For more than 20 years, none of them knew that I had written nearly a million words of articles for the village. It was when Wu Xiguang was the village director, and he read the articles I wrote in the newspaper. )! They are the best "ironclad evidence" that proves that I have developed this piece of land, made a name for this land, and selflessly contributed to our "Liuqiaoyu" village and the old and young masters.

Note: Because I am a poor person living at the bottom of the ladder, I do not have the ability and means to report these problems to the relevant leaders at the higher level. Besides, when I saw the leader, my heart trembled, and I couldn't speak. I always think that the leaders are special people, smarter than me, the common people, the true and false can be seen at a glance, we trust all kinds of leaders from the heart.

Besides, in this society, officials are "both lost and prosperous", big and small officials are all their own family members, and even if we reflect these problems, the leaders will not believe it, let alone look at it. In addition, the village officials of Liuqiaoyu Village are different from the secretaries of other villages, and they are provincial cadres (this is what I said to me personally, and the proof is that all the cadres in the village.) At that time, they greeted the leaders of the district party committee on the upper floor). Although the problems of ordinary people like us are true, it is impossible for the leaders of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, the Jinan municipal party committee, the municipal government, the Gangcheng district party committee, and the district government to dare to ask, because in their own words, no one in the Yanzhuang office can control him in the Gangcheng district party committee and government. (For months I have pondered over and over again, what is it that makes them so crazy even if they dare to say such things?) It wasn't like that before. Could it be that the old saying goes: the bigger the official becomes, the bigger the more treacherous he becomes? Leaders at all levels must not relax their vigilance against others, who believe that every leader is not as smart as his own, and no one can speak well, and his tricks are clever! We can't let others treat our leaders at all levels as monkeys, otherwise they will harm many cadres. It's really blowing up with me...... Hahaha)

The picture uploaded is a house that I spent 80,000 yuan to repair by someone in the village. Because they are all in the same group, we can't afford to provoke them, and we are afraid that they will collude again and harm me again. The first draft of this article was provided by Liuqiaoyu Village, and then I sorted it out based on my own actual experience (among them, 16 Communist Party members with a sense of justice. Although they are members of the Communist Party, they are afraid of reprisals, and they dare not say anything. I would not confess their names even if I had been tortured with cramps and skins, and in my personality I had promised them that I would not betray them. )

I asked the people of Liuqiaoyu Village not to sit in the right seat, if there is no change, then encouragement, the ancients said well: there is no illness in the heart, knocking on the door at night is not alarmed. If you want to sit in the right seat, it can only be said that you are a thief with a weak heart, and you don't recruit yourself, you throw yourself into the net, and you have nothing to do with me. I ask the relevant government leaders to investigate thoroughly, starting with the person who cut the ginkgo tree on my gate. This is the best breakthrough, and then follow the vine and peel off the cocoon, and you can find out anything that happened in Liuqiaoyu Village in the past.

He has different hearts and mouths, is scheming, can speak well, is full of nonsense, strong words, and has a deep routine, and uses both intimidation and temptation methods for me and my wife. It's not like we, the common people, can handle it. I still ask the superior leaders to thoroughly investigate and scrutinize. I don't believe that the superior leaders can't distinguish the truth from the false, and I don't believe that the people won't tell the truth after a long time. Many ordinary people who have no ability like me are indeed living in a kind of oppression.

I'm telling the truth. But leaders at all levels, you don't have to be as scared as I am. Although he is clever in deception and thinks that he has no gaps, he will actually fail to attack himself. For example, if he planted flowers and trees on the collective land occupied by the village behind the building, he said that he was cultivating a high-quality sapling for the village to produce a certain fruit. Dozens of acres of irrigated land in the village have been abandoned, why do the high-quality saplings cultivated for the village have to be cultivated from the back of their own buildings? This is another breakthrough in the investigation of his person. When he said this, three other people could testify. If there are not enough acres of land and trees, it will not be possible to allocate funds to build facilities such as the West Water Pool (this is the reason why the common people are not allowed to farm). There are likely to be big cats here, and there are even a lot of articles to dig up. Later, I consulted the main leaders of Gangcheng District through a visit, but the matter was even more false, and it was also a plot by his people to deceive the people of Liuqiaoyu Village. (Li, Wu, Fu).

In addition, this person is afraid that I will come back to be the village secretary (haha, I am not even a party member, it is really funny). The intelligence of young children is really ridiculous! May I ask if the people of Liuqiaoyu Village, including his family, are small, and the development of Liuqiaoyu Village like this is what his people think, think, and do? I think: every step forward in the development of Liuqiaoyu Village, its people dare not even think about it. Besides, it was not the article I wrote that he had led the masses to complete a certain project in "Liuqiaoyu Village". Instead, I wrote the article, and after a few years or months, the relevant departments at the higher level supported the implementation. This is evidenced by the dates I noted when I wrote these articles.

I will officially retire in 3 years, my family has an old house, and the national law allows me to move my hukou back. This has also become the reason why others want to peel a layer of skin from me, and they have asked me for affection several times. I have written nearly a million words of articles to the village for more than 20 years, and it is only natural that I will move back to my hometown! How could he say such obscene words, just by virtue of this, the superior leaders have to dig deep and study carefully, I am no longer afraid of his people's yin and yang, and at present, the people of Liuqiaoyu Village may know some of the roles I played in writing articles for the village.

You can't hold fire in paper, and you can't bury dead people in snow. One day, the truth will come out! People in Liuqiaoyu Village can search for Liuqiaoyu from a computer or mobile phone Baidu, and they will immediately see the seven words "planning, Zheng Weijun, Xiaomi", which means that all Chinese know how Liuqiaoyu Village was recommended to develop. Now many people in the village also know that I have never given up for decades and built Liuqiaoyu Village into what it is today. Some people in Liuqiaoyu Village may also be suspicious? How did I make it up? It means that it is not sticky, the grains are not divided, and the lazy person is one. I don't deny this! In my 50s, I really didn't do any physical work since I was a child, not to mention that manual work was easy work, and I did very little in my memory. Now a few people have learned all the truth by reading my articles on the Internet, and I naturally have won the support and respect of the people of Liuqiaoyu Village without me explaining. He thinks he is skillful and flawless. thinks that he can speak well, but in fact, he has a thick mouth and thick skin, and he is full of nonsense. It's all pediatrics, and it's all little tricks. They played with me by breaking my leg and then giving me a pair of crutches...... (haha...... It's really playing with fire, more than clever, and cruel)

People may think that the operation in the village of "Liuqiaoyu" is solid and seamless. He was born in construction engineering, so he naturally created all kinds of illusions and all kinds of proofs to confuse everyone. In fact, he is also a sharp-mouthed and thick-skinned, full of nonsense, strong on the outside and dry in the middle, and vulnerable to a hypocrite. thinks that he is clever in deception, but in fact, he is playing all children's tricks. It may also be that he has a guilty conscience, and now he lives like a mouse in Liuqiaoyu Village, and the next step will be even worse.

To put it bluntly, I know that I can't afford to mess with them, and I'm just hitting a stone with an egg. People are powerful and rich! But I'm really not worrying about other people's affairs for my own affairs, I'm worried that others will use the power in their hands to harm more people in Liuqiaoyu Village, who are as honest as the two of us.

The most pitiful thing in the world is the poor people, "say a thousand things and ten thousand", who in this society takes the "common people" as people? In order to protect my entire family and relatives from personal aggression and harm for a long time, I can no longer listen to the dregs of a certain society. Besides, my family is the poorest and most honest family in the village of "Liuqiaoyu", so I also advise them not to invite me and my wife to dinner again. We are all the most incompetent poor people, and there is no need for this. If you say that, they don't deserve to invite me and my wife to dinner. I didn't post and retract this article, and I retracted and retracted it. This time it will never be withdrawn.

When someone in the "Liuqiaoyu" village used underworld personnel to murder me or my family, the time for him and his entire family to die was also coming. I can say without reservation that I am the "public enemy" of a very small number of social scum and corrupt officials in "Liuqiaoyu" Village, and they naturally hate me to the core. But I am definitely a good person who stands with the poor people, because I only have the people in my heart. Therefore, I am definitely not afraid of these "social dregs". One day, even if they use the most shameful and despicable means to get rid of me, a thorn in their flesh, they will be restless. Suppose one day they join forces to hire an "executioner" to murder me. If the executioner hired by them once he understands the truth of the matter. He himself will even fight back, cut down the grass and eradicate the roots, and avenge me.

In order to eliminate the evidence, he called me at 9 a.m. on December 14, 2022 to tell me that the tree behind his building had been killed by Yi Yongxiang and his second uncle. Later, the two of them came to my house again and dismantled the "altar". Let's see how they act next. I don't think they will let me go easily, it's a delaying tactic. The method that you come up with in the future may be even more vicious. Anyone who has worked in construction will be budgeting. After the people asked them to dismantle the altar and lay 2 meters of bricks, they told them that they had paid more than 10,000 yuan. If all living evidence is destroyed by others, won't other evidence of other aspects be destroyed? This is still a hooligan trick to use the carving insect trick to get away with it and continue to deceive the people of Liuqiaoyu.

In order to build and develop Liuqiaoyu Village better in the future, some higher-level leaders decided to select a young man with public heart, cultural knowledge, and computer and mobile phone skills from 64 party members to serve as the secretary of the party branch of "Liuqiaoyu" village. They can't be used anymore. I wrote an article of nearly one million words for the village of "Liuqiaoyu" on the Internet, and I didn't know anything about it, which is really ridiculous! So! They will not be able to grasp the relevant information about the country's rural construction in advance, and this should be because they are mentally old and incompetent. As a poor ordinary person in "Liuqiaoyu" Village, this is my heartfelt words, and I would like to ask the relevant leaders at the higher level to give me a judgment and judgment.

The ginkgo tree I planted with my own hands was still flourishing last year, but this year it and his comrades have also killed it. Think about how hateful these people are, and how bad they can do it. Could it be that the world under the leadership of our Communist Party continues to let them behave recklessly? Higher-level leaders should also thoroughly investigate the truth of the facts and give our people an explanation.

Today is June 11, 2023, and my house has been repaired, but the east side of the yard is still the same. When I walked into the courtyard, I remembered the demolished altar, the three holes in the west gable wall that were rushing into the courtyard, and the scene of being framed by the village masons and their people. Why are they blackmailing me like this? The more I think about it, the more I feel that I am too kind, so I have these bold and reckless people who are so presumptuous to me.

Even if he boasted that he was a "provincial cadre" in Liuqiaoyu Village every day, he must have done many evil things. I strongly suggest that the members of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee, the Provincial Government, the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Government, the Gangcheng District Party Committee and the District Government, and the Party Committee and Government of the Yanzhuang Office of the Communist Party of China should be dismissed from all posts inside and outside the Party. I implore the Shandong Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Jinan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Gangcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and the Yanzhuang Office Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to secretly go to Liuqiaoyu Village to investigate. Don't read my article and then pass it on to others. Liuqiaoyu Village strongly suggested that the higher-level party committee should clear him out of the Liuqiaoyu Village Party Committee. Give the people of Liuqiaoyu Village a fairness.

At the same time, he pleaded with the leadership of the Communist Party of China to take active action to destroy the masons who had long oppressed the common people at the bottom of Liuqiaoyu Village, who had the nature of the underworld and the evil snobbery of the family, and who repaired the "Liumao Book House" for the first time.

Now that the Communist Party has issued a message to the whole country to eliminate evil, I have the courage to publish this article, otherwise even if it lends me 100 guts, I will be helpless.

Published in China on April 14, 2022. Jinan city. Liuqiaoyu Village, Gangcheng District, Liumao Book House.