
Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

author:Ichii Lao Li


Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

On weekends in the park, there will be a lot of people exercising, basically sweating profusely, Brother Li, who was sitting on the side, saw Xiao Chen and asked a strange question: "Xiao Chen, we sweat when we exercise, why are your clothes so dry?"

Xiao Chen glanced at Brother Li, there was indeed a clear difference between the two of them, and recalling that in his life, he also rarely sweated physique, which also made him feel strange.

They suddenly fell into trouble, and even sweated for exercise or not like to sweat, which is healthier?

What do we think of the hints that sweating gives us? Friends with questions, let's uncover the secrets behind it together.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

1. The secret behind sweating?

Whether it is a hot summer or a cold winter, as long as we devote ourselves to sports, it is inevitable that we will sweat profusely and feel very comfortable, which is a common phenomenon in the eyes of many people.

Many people think that sweating is to detoxify the body, and sweating more will be beneficial to the body.

But friends who have this idea are wrong, and it is even easy to fall into the mistake of health, sweating can indeed remove accumulated fat from our body, but it also has greater benefits.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

It is a natural way to dissipate heat and maintain a balanced temperature, sweat is mostly water, and electrolytes like sodium and potassium not only remove toxins from our body, but also maintain balance and health.

So there are many people who have questions? Which is healthier, sweating during exercise or not sweating? Sometimes, even if you don't exercise vigorously, just a simple activity and do daily chores, you will naturally sweat.

In this case, everyone will feel uneasy and wonder if there is something wrong with their body.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Sometimes we may find ourselves sweating easily, and there are many reasons for this, such as when we speak in front of others or take exams, we may feel a little nervous and anxious.

This emotion will make our sympathetic nerves become excited, and then we will start to sweat "like crazy".

We all know that people who want to exercise and fitness, if they don't sweat, they can't achieve the effect of exercise, and our body can't metabolize and circulate better.

When the ambient temperature rises or we move more, the body automatically turns on to help us expel excess heat and keep our body cool and comfortable.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Our body excretes sweat through the sweat glands every day, which is probably more than half a bottle of mineral water, especially when the weather is particularly hot or when we exercise.

Each of us sweats differently because of the fact that our sweat glands are somewhat different in number and location.

Our body has about 4 million sweat glands, most of which are hidden in our palms, soles, armpits, chest, and face.

The number and location of the sweat glands will vary slightly from person to person, which is why some people are particularly prone to sweating, while others have relatively few.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Sweating helps us regulate our body temperature automatically, and when we exercise or feel hot, our body naturally kicks in to keep us cool and comfortable by sweating.

Moderate sweating not only keeps our skin moisturized, but it also helps the body to effectively flush out those unwanted waste and toxins, like giving the body a small cleanse.

And those who sweat a lot, their body can quickly dissipate heat, lower body temperature, and reduce the burden on the heart and blood vessels, which also shows that their metabolism is very active and their physical state will be relatively healthy.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Some people find that they are less prone to sweating, which may be because their sweat glands function slightly less or have a relatively small number of sweat glands.

The heat in their body is not so easily dissipated by sweating, they will feel stuffy more easily, and they may even have problems with heat stroke. On the contrary, friends who are prone to sweating, especially those who sweat inexplicably, may also hide various hidden diseases in their bodies.

Not sweating or sweating a lot doesn't mean you're unhealthy, it's just a difference between individuals, and it doesn't necessarily mean there's a big problem.

For the secret behind sweating, you don't have to be anxious, because everyone's body secretion is different, and you need to look at it according to your own physique, and take corresponding measures in time when there is an abnormality in your body.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Second, frequent sweating should not be ignored

First, hyperthyroidism is not neglected

Hyperthyroidism is a disease that many people may be unfamiliar with, and even often ignored, but patients with hyperthyroidism do sweat inexplicably, causing serious discomfort in the body.

When we find that our appetite has increased greatly and we eat very full at every meal, but strangely, the weight has not increased, but has decreased, and our emotions are easily irritable and uncontrollable.

When we calm down, we find that we are always sweating, which may be an attack of hyperthyroidism, which may indicate that something is wrong with our body.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Second, the blood sugar is low

In order to control their weight, many friends will control their diet, even if they are hungry, they will not eat, this way of eating can easily lead to problems in the body and fall into symptoms of hypoglycemia.

They are not exercising, that is, they are not eating any food, and they hope to lose weight by dieting.

In the long run, we will all have hypoglycemia, let ourselves break out in cold sweats for no reason, and feel dizzy and weak.

We can prepare a blood glucose meter for ourselves at home, and always pay attention to our blood sugar changes, especially for patients with diabetes, it is a problem that cannot be ignored, and do not harm your body because of weight loss.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Third, suggestive signals of myocardial infarction

When we sit at home, without any strenuous exercise, we will find that our hands and feet suddenly sweat, especially on the forehead, always sweating unconsciously, making us feel flustered, accompanied by chest pain and rapid heartbeat.

This is likely to be a suggestive sign from a heart attack, which can cause a significant drop in the amount of blood the heart outputs, causing blood pressure to drop and blood vessels to constrict, resulting in these abnormal symptoms, especially for those with a history of high blood pressure or heart disease.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

3. Tips for discharging "health sweat".

We all know that exercise can make a person's body stronger and healthier, and bring us physical and mental happiness, especially friends with poor physique and low immunity, who need to actively participate in the process of sports and feel the enthusiasm of sports.

When exercising, the body starts the process of burning calories to help us effectively remove toxins from the body, which is a very healthy activity.

Taking some time out of your day to exercise, whether it's walking, running or yoga, will help you get healthier, allowing your body to sweat naturally and gain a stronger physique.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Ginger is a must-have spice in the kitchen of many family friends, it can not only help us increase the deliciousness of our dishes, but also help us perspire.

Especially when we are sick and have a fever, and when we get chills all over our bodies from the rain, cook a bowl of ginger water. Adding the right amount of brown sugar or lemon can help us dispel the moisture and cold in our body, so that our body can quickly discharge sweat and play a role in health protection.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Many people don't know the concept of drinking water, and often replace it with cold drinks, which makes the physical condition worse and unable to enter the state of metabolism.

Regardless of whether we sweat or not, consuming enough water every day is an important task to maintain the balance of the body, and it is normal to drink about 1500 ml of water a day.

We can find that many athletes need to hydrate themselves in time after sweating, so that they can have more physical strength to continue fighting.

Drinking enough water every day is the foundation of maintaining good health, and warm water not only helps us sweat, but also boosts metabolism and makes the body more refreshed.

We can buy a kettle, with a capacity scale, you can know the capacity of your water anytime and anywhere, not only to remind yourself at all times, but also to increase the fun challenge of drinking water.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

We can develop the habit of soaking our feet before going to bed at night, which can relieve our fatigue for the day and give the body relief and comfort.

The temperature of the water should be moderate, and the foot soaking time is about 15 minutes, during the process of soaking the feet, we can feel a wave of heat slowly surging up to the heart, and the body will slowly sweat.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

Spending time in the sun is also a natural way to help sweat, not only to maintain our body's balance, but also to bring various benefits to the body.

Through the process of basking in the sun, the mild sunlight shines in, we will also let the sweat in the body be discharged, although the amount of sweat is not much, but the slight sweat, these sweats are the sweat of health, for our body to play a role in metabolism, the process of excreting toxins from the body.

But remember that we don't choose to arrange it in the stage of the sun in order to sweat, which will make your body unable to bear the load, resulting in heat stroke.

Strong ultraviolet radiation can also damage the skin, and mild sunlight and natural perspiration are the best ways to maintain health.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something

In summer, don't stay in the air-conditioned room often, not only the space is closed, the air cannot be circulated, but the air-conditioned room is particularly dry, so that the skin lacks moisture, and the whole person will feel uncomfortable.

Although it is inevitable to blow the air conditioner when the weather is hot, it is also necessary to arrange the time interval appropriately.

Occasionally sitting in the cool environment and enjoying the natural breeze can also make the body sweat naturally, which can cultivate the body's independent sweating.

Who is healthier between people who sweat when they move or people who don't? Frequent sweating suggests something


Sweating is a hint of health in the eyes of many friends, but there is a lot of health knowledge in it.

We should not ignore the warning given to us by the body, when we find that our body sweats abnormally, or sweats less, we can also give ourselves a physical examination, eliminate more hidden diseases, and let ourselves gain more health and happiness.

Reference sources for the content of the article:

Love sweating is the body detoxifying? Don't be blindly happy, or hint at 3 kinds of questions--Medical Federation Media2020-02-13 17:24