
What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

author:A-Yuan thought in pieces
What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

Editing / Video Production / Ayuan Broken Thoughts


The news comes from domestic authoritative media,

There are no personal opinions, please feel free to read them.

Today is June 23, 2024, Sunday, the 18th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar

1. About 2.3 tons of water was discharged into the sea after a water leak occurred in the spent fuel storage pool of Unit 4 of the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant in Gyeongju City, South Korea. The Korea Nuclear Safety Commission has sent experts to investigate the size and cause of the leak and to take samples of seawater to assess the environmental impact. The effective radiation dose of the leaked water is well below the annual dose limit for the average person. The results will be made public.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

2. Four Chinese science and engineering students were subjected to unwarranted harassment and interrogation in the United States, two of whom were researching artificial intelligence. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) conducted an interrogation for more than 10 hours, paying attention to the political background and scientific research capabilities, detaining electronic products for no reason, and repatriating 3 people, causing 1 person to be missing for more than 30 hours. The US has been accused of going beyond normal law enforcement, carrying ideological bias and obstructing China's scientific and technological development. The source reminded that Chinese students studying in the United States need to carefully assess the risks.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

3. For the first time, the Lugu Lake Provincial Nature Reserve recorded the yellow-throated pheasant, a national first-class protected animal, and the red-bellied horned pheasant and blood pheasant, which are national second-class protected animals, through infrared cameras. The reserve has strengthened the protection of wild animals and plants, improved the ecological environment, and achieved remarkable results in biodiversity conservation. The resource background survey project, launched in July 2023, also captured the activities of other wildlife such as macaques and spoon chickens.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

4. In response to the dispatch of China Southern Power Grid, Guizhou Power Grid Company urgently organized 139 people and 13 emergency power generation vehicles, carrying pumps, emergency lighting and other equipment, to rush to help the power grid repair after heavy rainfall in Guilin, Guangxi. Guilin suffered from severe waterlogging and power supply interruption, and Guizhou Power Grid personnel actively participated in power protection and rescue to help restore power supply in the disaster area as soon as possible, showing the style of "Guizhou Electric Railway Army".

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

5. Zhoushan City has launched all-factor value-added services to help the development of nine industrial chains. Since 2024, 15 major tasks and 55 service initiatives have been implemented, with 651 million yuan of funds and 1,599 service enterprises. The General Administration of Customs supports the pilot registration of overseas fishing vessels to alleviate the shortage of raw materials for tuna processing enterprises. Zhoushan has also strengthened financial and talent services to promote the high-quality development of the industrial chain.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

6. Luan Yushuai, the little brother of China's express delivery, will appear in the marathon of the public group of the Paris Olympic Games. He accumulated points through daily running, swimming and other activities, and won the lottery after reaching 100,000 points by the end of 2023. Luan Yushuai trains for two hours a day, running three to four hundred kilometers a month. For the first time in the Paris Olympics, a mass marathon was set up, and 800,000 people around the world registered, and 40,048 people finally won the lottery.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

7. More than 75% of township health centers in mainland China meet the basic standards for medical services. 13 national medical centers and 125 regional medical centers have been established, covering provinces with weak medical resources. The goal of medical reform is to solve major diseases in the province, cities and counties with general diseases, and towns and villages with minor diseases. This year's focus: promote the experience of Sanming, develop new quality productivity of health care, build a high-quality integrated service system, and digitally empower medical reform.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

8. On June 22, Huang Xiaoming won the Best Actor Award for his role as Wu You in the movie "Sunshine Club" at the Golden Goblet Award Ceremony of the Shanghai International Film Festival. In order to create the character, he gained 30 pounds to enhance the dullness of the character. Huang Xiaoming thanked the team and family in his speech, and said that he would firmly move forward on the road of being an actor. "Sunshine Club" is directed by Wei Shujun and tells the warm story of Wu You taking his sick mother to find sunshine.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

9. On June 22, more than 2,000 athletes participated in the Hubei Yichang Chaotian Roar Natural Water Rafting Competition. Six Olympic champions helped, Huang En/Huang Xiao, Jinmei Swimming, and Mao Shukai/Zeng Kejie won the championships in each group. Chaotian Roar Scenic Area takes rafting as the core and expands diversified tourism projects.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

10. The rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was postponed due to the high water level of the Seine. It was planned to use about 90 boats to transport athletes along the river, but water quality problems caused by continuous rainfall made it unsuitable for triathlon and swimming competitions. The Organising Committee wants less precipitation to allow for safe rehearsals and ensure water quality is up to standard, and the Games will take place from 26 July to 11 August.

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

What are your thoughts on today's news? Feel free to comment and share. I wish you all the best! #头条创作挑战赛#

What's New! Read today's news in three minutes, June 23 news summary

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