
Who said MMO mobile games can't move bricks? The trading freedom of Tianlong 2 is the confidence!

author:Old Village E-sports

How can anyone who plays MMO mobile games now not move bricks? Either there's nothing to move around the game, or there's no freedom to trade. And recently I found an MMO "brick-moving artifact", which can be said to have played a lot of games. That's Tenryu 2! The economic system in Tenryu 2 is not something that other MMOs can learn if they want to. After all, when the game was popular, many people made a lot of money by moving bricks with it.

Who said MMO mobile games can't move bricks? The trading freedom of Tianlong 2 is the confidence!

Recently, Tianlong 2 has launched a new expansion pack, and also launched the glory server, and has also reproduced all the daily gameplay, and also reduced the burden on the liver, and moved bricks to make money is just around the corner! As an old MMO player, of course I'm going to give it a try for everyone first!

Who said MMO mobile games can't move bricks? The trading freedom of Tianlong 2 is the confidence!

I don't know if I don't try, and I'm shocked when I try. Don't say it, you can really make money by moving bricks in the glory suit! You must know that when Tianlong 2 was first launched, my friends and I brushed up all day long to fight monsters and do tasks, and a baby beast was combined in a month, and 9 gluttonies were bred, and they were sold for tens of thousands of dollars. And this time, Tianlong 2 has opened a new glory suit, and the beast breeding guarantee 7 changes, and within 15 times, it can be guaranteed to get 9 changes, and everyone wants to come back and move bricks after hearing it.

Who said MMO mobile games can't move bricks? The trading freedom of Tianlong 2 is the confidence!

The most important thing is that in the challenge copy of the glory suit, the lowest drop is the 8-star orange suit, and if you are lucky, you can also get the 5-7 star gold suit, isn't this the matter of the next book every day? And the dungeon will also drop a large number of tokens, cultivation materials and props, etc., so you don't have to worry about the liver at all, after all, those systems such as strengthening, brewing, beasts, and soul have been optimized.

Who said MMO mobile games can't move bricks? The trading freedom of Tianlong 2 is the confidence!

Now that you can get your hands on high-level equipment, mythical beasts and rare props, next, it's all over for sale~ Don't worry about not being able to sell it, like ordinary mastery methods and pets, equipment, etc., you can go directly to the trading house to consign; If there is a mythical beast or a golden suit, then go to the market and set up a stall to see if you can meet a rich man; Of course, if you want to pick up some extra money, you can also go to the world channel to see if there is anything that needs to be customized, after all, you can earn a lot at one time.

Who said MMO mobile games can't move bricks? The trading freedom of Tianlong 2 is the confidence!

In general, Tianlong 2 is really attentive this time, in order to allow everyone to move bricks better and earn more, a glory suit has been specially prepared for everyone. If you also want to move bricks to make money, you might as well try it in the new server. By the way, remember to get the new service package first when you go online~