
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it

author:Zhaozhou release
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it

"The circuit court of the Fanzhuang People's Court of the Zhao County People's Court is now open!" Overhead is a solemn coat of arms, behind which is a banner of the circuit trial, three tables, six chairs...... As the gavel sounded, a simple circuit court was held in the village committee of Dasizhuang Village, Xiezhuang Township.

County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it

In order to facilitate the mass litigation to the greatest extent, let the people experience the court trial "at zero distance", and achieve the unity of legal effect and social effect, on June 20, the circuit trial vehicle of the Fanzhuang Court of the county court drove into the village committee of Dasizhuang Village to openly hear a dispute over the right to life, the right to body, and the right to health.

The trial of the case for the villagers to raise dogs to hurt people, before the trial, the two parties were emotional, arguing endlessly, once affected the normal trial, after the Fanzhuang People's Court President Wang Haitao patiently explained the law and the persuasion of the masses present, the two sides finally calmed down, the case was successfully opened.

County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it

At the scene of the trial, the clerk read out the court discipline to the parties and the crowd present. The trial process was fast-paced, rigorous and orderly. After the trial, considering that the two parties were neighbors and villagers, and a judgment might not completely resolve the conflict, Judge Wang Haitao invited the village committee and the lawyers representing both parties to repeatedly persuade the parties and their families to negotiate peacefully. In the end, the plaintiff and the defendant each took a step back, and the two parties reached an agreement on mediation, and in order to ensure the harmony of the villagers, "the case is closed", and the defendant fully fulfilled the compensation of 26,000 yuan on the spot. Subsequently, Judge Wang Haitao read out the mediation agreement to the audience, which was recognized by the audience.

County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it
County Court: This circuit trial is worth it

After the mediation, Judge Wang Haitao popularized the law to the crowd on the spot: "The Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations all stipulate the obligations that dog breeders and managers should perform. Therefore, with the help of this trial, it is hoped that the breeder will fully realize that his dog is also a potential source of mobile danger, and must be strictly guarded, so that the dog can be raised in a civilized manner, raise a dog in accordance with the regulations, and enjoy the pleasure of getting along with the dog safely and securely. 92-year-old Grandpa Zhang said: "I hope you will often come to our village to resolve conflicts and popularize the law, and we warmly welcome you." ”

Finally, Judge Wang Haitao invited Wang Bo, a local professional dog trainer, to give the audience relevant knowledge on how to deal with dog bites, and the dog trainer also gave psychological counseling to the plaintiff, hoping to reduce the plaintiff's fear of dogs psychologically. The plaintiff's mother expressed her sincere gratitude to the judge for the trial, mediation, and psychological counseling, "I didn't expect the judge to let the defendant perform immediately, and also gave my daughter psychological counseling, and I am really grateful for the meticulous arrangement." ”

County Court: This circuit trial is worth it

The people have called for it, and the judiciary has responded, and this circuit trial is a concrete embodiment of the county court's initiative to extend its judicial trial functions and continue to deepen the governance of litigation sources. This circuit trial has shortened the distance between judges and the masses, enhanced the parties' sense of trust in judges, and the court officers and police have taken steps and brought back the hearts of the people. In the next step, the county courts will continue to give full play to their subjective initiative, and move the people's courtrooms to the fields in a "going out" way through methods such as legal popularization and publicity, circuit courts, and professional guidance, so as to provide the masses with multiple channels for resolving disputes, so that the tentacles of judicial services can extend to every corner of the countryside.

Source: County Courthouse

Editor: Ma Pengli

Review: Xu Jinjin

Producer: Nie Congchao


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