
The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

author:And the whole network to see

Chasing Dreams and Stars: A magnificent picture of aerospace painted by China and the world

Let's talk about a particularly cool topic - the exploration of the universe by humans. Do you know? Since ancient times, human beings have been pondering the sea of stars above their heads, wondering what secrets are hidden behind it.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

With the rapid development of technology, this curiosity has finally turned into a substantive exploration action. Today, let's talk about the exploration process of mankind in the field of aerospace, especially China's rapid progress in the field of aerospace in recent years.

First of all, we have to mention China's "Sky Eye" project. This is not an ordinary telescope, it is like a super clairvoyance of our human beings, which can go deep into the universe and capture those distant signals.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

So far, 509 pulsars have been discovered in the Sky Eye, which is four times the number of pulsars found in other countries! Imagine if the universe is a big stage, then the "Sky Eye" is the super spotlight in our hands, illuminating those corners hidden in the dark.

However, China is not about to rest on its laurels. They also want to further explore the potential of the "Sky Eye" to explore more mysterious and unknown phenomena, such as neutral hydrogen, high-speed radio bursts, and so on. It's like we're playing a puzzle and we've put together most of it, but there are still a few key pieces that haven't been found, which makes people itch.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

Of course, to explore the universe more deeply, it is not enough to have a telescope like the "Sky Eye", we also need to have a "space messenger" like a spaceship. China, the United States, and Russia are at the forefront of the world in this regard. They are not only leading economically and militarily, but also showing great strength in space technology.

Take, for example, the American spacecraft Parker. This ship is amazing, it has successfully flown to the sun's corona, which is super close to the sun!

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

We need to know that the sun is a big ball of fire, and the temperature is extremely high, but the "Parker" is like a warrior in special armor, bravely breaking in. This is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a big step forward in human understanding of the sun.

But then again, exploring the universe isn't all easy. There are successes, and naturally there are failures. For example, Ariane's "Vega" launch vehicle had problems not long after launch, causing the two satellites to disappear directly.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

It's like when we were putting together a puzzle, we finally found a piece of the puzzle, but we accidentally lost it, and that feeling was really mixed.

This incident has also sounded the alarm for the global aerospace industry: on the road of pursuing scientific and technological progress, we must always remain vigilant and continue to innovate in order to avoid similar tragedies from happening again. After all, space exploration is a high-risk, high-investment "game" that we have to afford and play well.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

Speaking of which, we have to mention China's space industry. In recent years, China's aerospace industry has advanced by leaps and bounds, which is impressive.

From the construction of the space station to the successful launch of Shenzhou-13, China's space strength and national spirit have been demonstrated. In particular, those astronauts are real "space warriors", who travel in space and have made great contributions to human exploration of the universe.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

Of course, in addition to China, there are many other countries that are also trying to explore the universe. They may not be as powerful as China, but they are also doing their best to chase that unattainable dream. This spirit is worthy of our admiration.

But then again, exploring the universe isn't a joke. It requires a lot of capital, technology, and talent support. Moreover, the process is full of unknowns and dangers.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

But it is precisely these unknowns and dangers that inspire human beings to explore. We must know that exploring the universe is not only to satisfy curiosity, but also to expand the living space of human beings, promote scientific and technological progress, and promote the development of human civilization.

To me, space exploration is like a marathon with no end in sight. In this competition, every country, every team, and every person is doing their best to chase that unattainable dream. Although the process is full of difficulties and challenges, it is precisely this difficulty and challenge that makes us more determined to pursue that dream.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

Overall, space exploration is an adventure full of unknowns and dangers. But it is this journey that gives us a deeper understanding of the universe and a deeper understanding of human beings themselves.

The launch of "One Arrow and Two Stars" failed! Eight minutes after the ignition, it deviated from the track, and 2.45 billion were all lost

I believe that in the future, with the continuous progress of science and technology and the deepening of mankind's understanding of the universe, we will be able to uncover more mysteries of the universe and realize more space dreams. So let's look forward to more exciting moments of this journey of space exploration!