
A quiet place can nourish the mind

author:Yantian culture
A quiet place can nourish the mind
A quiet place can nourish the mind

The years are sometimes lively, sometimes light. So slowly, I got used to being indifferent in a prosperous place and nourishing my heart in a quiet place. In the journey of life, there are some dreams that wake up as you do; Some people scatter as they walk; Some feelings fade when you look at them. There are some things, the more persistent you are, the more you keep them, the farther away you are.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

So, don't push too life, learn to let go appropriately, what should go will go, and what should come will definitely be on the way.

At the same time as time gives people experience, it will also give away the vicissitudes of life, Mo Yan said, life is four, come is accidental, go is inevitable, do it as a matter of course, go with the flow, so you have to learn to be gentle with the world.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

In fact, life is only three days, yesterday, today and tomorrow, always have not seen clearly, yesterday has gone away, there is no time to cherish, today has passed, not ready, tomorrow is coming.

Life will be confused, and there will be many unsatisfactory in life, but the years that pass in a hurry are destined to not be repeated.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

Life is a sail raised, there will be wind, waves, and reefs, but no matter how hard the road ahead is, you must move forward bravely, even if there will be turmoil, you must have your own direction to move forward.

Only if you have peace of mind, you will not be swayed by life, so you should be stable and calm, you have to work hard if you want to get it, don't fight for it if it's not your own, don't rush for quick success, and don't be arrogant.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

Have your own preferences, persevere, the beauty of life lies in experiencing all kinds of life, and still be enthusiastic about life. We always hope that the years will be quiet, but how can the years be quiet?

Behind all the unfazed life, there are ups and downs in the past; Behind all the bravery, there is a heart that does not admit defeat; Behind all the successes is tireless exploration and perseverance; Behind all the glamorous and glamorous, it comes from long-term endurance and tempering.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

The place where the wind and smoke of those years have passed is the tranquility of the soul and the most beautiful scenery in the journey. Every day, I write gratitude among the flowers, and collect the scenery along the way.

Live up to every flower, treat every flower fall, and collect every inch of the breeze and moon. The most correct attitude in life is to give yourself back.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

Life is not only about reluctance, but also poetry and distance, try to give yourself a smile every day, you will find the beauty of this world. Life goes and goes, you don't know what you will encounter, the best response to life is happiness, the best reward for life is to live life as you want through your own efforts.

With a plain heart, I love every morning today, and look forward to every desired tomorrow. No matter what fate gives us, it is good to flourish inside.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

Days are the seeds of a bouquet of flowers. When you plant sunlight, you will bloom bright flowers; Sow kindness, and it will fragrance the withered soul; If you plant warmth, you will touch the softness of your heart. Just as the wind will remember the fragrance of a flower, time will also remember the footprints we have left behind.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

May every corner of your life,

There is a subtle and quiet beauty,

May you look down on the vicissitudes of the world,

The heart is safe and sound,

Wash away the lead,

I can be treated gently by the years.

A quiet place can nourish the mind

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Source: Most Ceramic