
Long An Natong: "Live Streaming" Helps Fruits Become Popular in the "Cloud"

author:Nanning Agriculture

To open up product sales, the most "hot" way at the moment is to bring goods through live streaming. Natong Town focuses on local characteristic industries and high-quality characteristic fruits, and with the help of the development of e-commerce Internet celebrity economy, it implements the sales model of "special fruits + live broadcast", so that Natong fruits can take the "e-commerce express" to realize live broadcast to help farmers increase income.

Long An Natong: "Live Streaming" Helps Fruits Become Popular in the "Cloud"

The live broadcast expert introduces dragon fruit to netizens. Photo by Huang Xiaohua

Walking into the special fruit origin warehouse located in Fangba Base, Fang Village, Natong Town, the live broadcast expert is enthusiastically introducing Natong's specialty dragon fruit, "Origin picking, fresh delivery!" The fruit is mellow and fragrant! Sweet and delicious! On the one hand, the anchor's hard shouting, on the other hand, is the vivid display of on-site picking and tasting, this immersive experience makes the audience in the online live broadcast room place orders one after another. In just one night, more than 12,000 orders were sold, and then, the back-end technicians checked the information of the express orders, and the workers methodically packed and packed the order products and shipped them to all parts of the country.

Long An Natong: "Live Streaming" Helps Fruits Become Popular in the "Cloud"

There is a busy scene in the warehouse of Fangba special fruit producing area in Longan County. Photo by Huang Yongfu

It is reported that the origin warehouse will be put into operation in December 2023, providing primary processing services such as agricultural product sorting, packaging, warehousing, and logistics for the surrounding 3,000 acres of dragon fruit and 4,500 acres of citrus planting bases. Since the dragon fruit entered the harvest period, the company has introduced a well-known e-commerce operation team to enter the field through live broadcasting, create an influential online + offline trading platform for landmark products, and cooperate with well-known Internet celebrities to normalize live broadcasting, so that "traffic" becomes "sales" and helps special agricultural products "go global". Since June, a total of more than 40 live broadcast activities have been carried out, and more than 1.8 million catties of dragon fruit have been sold online, with sales exceeding 4.5 million yuan, and the bumper harvest of "red fruits" has been packed into farmers' "money bags".

Logistics is turning, and money is rolling in. In addition to opening up fruit sales, "live streaming" has also given birth to a number of jobs such as fruit sorting and packaging, driving more than 300 nearby villagers to work, and each person has increased their income by more than 4,000 yuan per month.

Long An Natong: "Live Streaming" Helps Fruits Become Popular in the "Cloud"

Workers sort and pack the dragon fruit. Photo by Lu Yuxia

In the next step, Natong Town will further integrate agricultural resources, focus on building characteristic brands of agricultural and sideline products, strengthen the "cloud" power of e-commerce, attract more talents to return to their hometowns for entrepreneurship and employment, attract high-quality e-commerce enterprises to settle down, promote the integration of production, supply and marketing, and let the e-commerce Internet celebrity economy boost the construction of rural revitalization.

Disclaimer: The copyright of the reprinted content and pictures published by this headline number belongs to the original author, and the authenticity of the content is reserved by the original author.

Source: Rong Media Center of Long An County

Correspondent: Huang Xiaohua

Editor: Nanning Agricultural Information Center

Legal Counsel Unit: Guangxi Fayan Law Firm

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