
In fact, it is not easy to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, but why does everyone on the Internet earn more than 10,000 yuan a month?

author:Green pepper education

Share my chats with friends who earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and friends who earn 7-8k a month.

About the monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan: the city coordinates Xi'an, this friend is in Xi'an Huawei West Research Institute, as for how much money can be taken in a year, this has never been clearly said to me, but I conservatively estimate 300,000 a year, this friend is a graduate of Xidian University, it is usually difficult to make an appointment because it is too busy, basically 996, sometimes when busy a month does not take a vacation, he once told me, Huawei is suitable for rural children, the kind of children who are willing to work hard to change their fate, because they are very busy and busy, but the busy report is high income, Generally, after working at Huawei for about three years, you can basically pay a down payment, get married, and start a family. His monthly salary is more than 10,000 years of hard work from a prestigious university +996.

There is also a classmate, in a state-owned enterprise, also 996, the school background is average, the school ranking about 100 in the country, graduated with a bachelor's degree, has been working for 7 years now, 150,000 a year, and a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, but he is rising little by little, and he has worked hard to accumulate it over the years.

There is also a friend, graduated with a doctorate, entered a university in Xi'an, and the monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan, he is a weekend, and there are winter and summer vacations, he is undoubtedly the highest happiness index at work, but he has suffered a lot in the first 30 years.

Therefore, it is not easy to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, either you have a high education, or you have a good education, and you can endure hardships; Either you start your own business, and after a smooth ride, your monthly salary is more than this amount.

Let's talk about a few friends with a monthly salary of about 5k to 8k, with a monthly salary of 5k to 8k, these friends are basically former high school classmates, junior high school classmates, and some undergraduate students, engaged in a variety of industries, basically 996 in time There is no rest for a month, very hard, and the upper limit of the monthly salary is difficult to break through 10,000, up to 8K, there are many industries in this group.

And there is also a problem, when we discuss wages, sometimes some companies pay all kinds of insurance after they pay wages. And some units are called into your card after you pay it, and you actually get it, so based on this, there is also a unified measure when everyone compares salaries.

So, I can't see through why everyone feels easy when they say that the monthly salary is over 10,000, everyone can have a monthly salary of more than 10,000, and everyone has a monthly salary of more than 10,000, but this is not the case.

Someone has said that the reason why you see many people on the Internet with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan is that this group accounts for the majority of the screen name, and they have time to surf the Internet. It is difficult for this group with relatively low wages to have so much free time. In addition, those who show off are also high-paid, and those with low wages are embarrassed to show off. Here's why.

In fact, it is not easy to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, but why does everyone on the Internet earn more than 10,000 yuan a month?
In fact, it is not easy to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, but why does everyone on the Internet earn more than 10,000 yuan a month?
In fact, it is not easy to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, but why does everyone on the Internet earn more than 10,000 yuan a month?
In fact, it is not easy to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, but why does everyone on the Internet earn more than 10,000 yuan a month?

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