
Welcome to the new development of cultural tourism and cohesion ‖ The bottom plate is "hard"!

author:Mianyang Cultural Tourism
Welcome to the new development of cultural tourism and cohesion ‖ The bottom plate is "hard"!

The bottom plate is "hard".

The first is to refine regulatory measures. Compile the "Mianyang City Cultural Tourism System Safety Supervision Responsibility List Version 2.0", "Mianyang City Grade Tourism Area Flood Prevention and Geological Disaster Prevention Work Guidelines (Trial)", "Mianyang City Tourism Emergency Plan" and other rules and regulations. Establish a tourism emergency response headquarters led by municipal leaders, and coordinate 31 municipal departments and key enterprises to form a joint force for tourism safety supervision. Continue to carry out the investigation of hidden dangers in cultural and tourism safety production, establish safety files for cultural and tourism enterprises by category, pay close attention to closed-loop management of rectification and rectification issues, and build a solid bottom line for cultural and tourism safety production, and there have been no tourism safety production accidents in recent years.

The second is to innovate the management model. The introduction of the "Mianyang City Cultural Market Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Cases Internal Audit Specifications", "Mianyang City Cultural Market Administrative Law Enforcement Punishment Process System", "Cultural Market Inspection System", "Major Administrative Punishment Cases Legal Review Regulations" and other law enforcement management norms, give full play to the industry associations and social supervision to the public to issue the "Circular on Collecting Clues on Illegal Tourism Business Practices with Prizes". This year, the city dispatched more than 20,334 law enforcement personnel, inspected more than 15,811 cultural business establishments, demolished 11 black radio stations, interviewed 64 companies, ordered 248 rectifications, imposed 129 administrative penalties, and handled 171 reports and complaints. The Municipal Cultural Law Enforcement Detachment won the honor of "Top Ten Case Handling Units in the National Cultural Market".

Welcome to the new development of cultural tourism and cohesion ‖ The bottom plate is "hard"!

The third is to optimize the business environment. In accordance with the principle of maximizing the benefits of enterprises and the convenience of the people, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, and Tourism vigorously promotes the online pre-examination of service materials, and adopts the parallel reception mode of windows, platforms, and mailboxes, so as to accept online and offline without discrimination and handle them with the same standard; At the same time, the process reengineering of government service matters was promoted, and 84 handling items were accelerated again, the number of required links was reduced by 65.9%, the number of application materials was reduced by 9.2%, the number of copies was reduced by 62.7%, and the time limit for handling commitments was reduced by 22.1%, striving to achieve "less errands and faster work" for the masses.

Fourth, do a good job on duty. Establish a 24-hour duty system, with the bureau organ on duty mechanism to manage the general, the bureau leaders to contact and supervise the county (city, district) and key A-level scenic spot mechanism, dynamic inspection mechanism, law enforcement services and complaint handling mechanism, publicity and promotion and public opinion supervision mechanism, emergency preparedness mechanism with the "1+5" holiday cultural tourism market scheduling mechanism, to ensure that the holiday cultural tourism market order is standardized, safe and stable.

Welcome to the new development of cultural tourism and cohesion ‖ The bottom plate is "hard"!