
Do I need to re-verify the ETC card after it expires? Don't believe it, more than 30 criminal suspects were detained

author:Said Yifei

Recently, the Chaoyang branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau has been confronted with a series of alarming police reports involving serious problems related to fraudulent credit cards. These innocent citizens have unfortunately become victims of credit card fraud just by clicking on a seemingly daily, inconspicuous SMS link. In the face of such rampant criminal acts, the police of the Chaoyang Branch acted quickly and launched a swift pursuit like a cheetah.

Do I need to re-verify the ETC card after it expires? Don't believe it, more than 30 criminal suspects were detained

After more than 40 days and nights of hard work, the police's sharp gaze like a falcon finally locked on a cunning criminal gang. This gang uses telecommunications fraud to carry out frenzied theft of citizens' credit cards, and its skillfulness and meticulousness make people sigh at the level of cunning. However, justice will eventually triumph over evil, and the police succeeded in smashing this criminal gang in one fell swoop, criminally detaining more than 30 criminal suspects.

Do I need to re-verify the ETC card after it expires? Don't believe it, more than 30 criminal suspects were detained

After successfully solving the case, the police of the Chaoyang Branch did not forget to issue a warning to the general public: do not click on unknown links at will, and do not trust strange calls. The protection of personal information is of paramount importance, and if it is leaked, the consequences can be unimaginable. In case of fraud, please report to the police immediately and join hands with the police to maintain peace and harmony in the community.

Do I need to re-verify the ETC card after it expires? Don't believe it, more than 30 criminal suspects were detained

This thunderous action by the police is undoubtedly a powerful deterrent to criminals and a timely reminder to the general public. But we must understand that it is everyone's responsibility to prevent fraud. Let's work together to build an impregnable line of defense!
