
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

author:wuhu animation people space
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Text: Xiao Lu

"Have you ever used AI at work?"
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

In the digital era, AI technology is becoming more and more close to our lives and has had a huge impact on us.

In the field of art, "human creation" and "AI generation" have become two controversial topics.

Recently, a female painter (Yoru) has attracted the attention of many netizens because her work is too amazing, which has triggered a discussion about the authenticity of her work.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Netizens have questioned Yoru: Is your work AI-generated?


Yoru, a Japanese painter, has a high reputation in China, and I believe that many friends are already very familiar with her.

This wife's drawings of various popular characters such as "Blue Sea Files" and "Lonely Rock" have accumulated a lot of popularity for her.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

The above 2 are the "Blue Files" picture, from the young girl to the mature royal sister period, it is not difficult to see that the use of color and the design of clothing are very careful.

Especially the costumes during the royal sister period are simple and beautiful, which is very eye-catching.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

The above handstand and split diagrams, the editor feels that you can follow the pictures to fitness. Yoru's paintings are indeed easy to like.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

With such a smart color, the artist's painting work and the control of the details of the characters must have gone through a long period of practice.

She is best known for her one-word horse series, although the movements are eye-catching, but the quality of the paintings and the use of colors are very good, and the simplicity also takes into account the beauty.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

But maybe this style of painting is really strange, and the wife's sense of picture is so good that many netizens have questioned her, thinking that she used AI to paint, so she has the following selfie self-testimonial.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

The wife in the photo is sitting in the boss's chair, her body is very stretched, the brush in her hand and the line drawing on the board behind her prove that her work was made by "me" and not generated by AI.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Such a comparison cannot be said to be irrelevant, it can only be said to be exactly the same! Isn't Yoru really the self he paints in the mirror?

But it was this selfie clarification picture that caused a wider discussion among netizens!

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

In the face of such a figure, the tears of the Internet LSP flowed from the corners of their mouths.

"Of course, such a beautiful painting can only be drawn by such a beautiful girl!"

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Although the "AI Warriors" attacked hard, in the face of Yoru's selfie clarification, most netizens still bought it, and praised Yoru constantly.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

There are even many netizens who believe that those who say that their works are AI-generated according to the style of Yoru's works are out of jealousy of Yoru.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

But it's more that Big Brother expresses his heart and can't help but comment on the sentence: It's so big!

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Obviously, the selfie was posted to clarify, but the follow-up development was not related to the clarification content.

From "so big" to "I hope my wife is out of cos",

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Then from "out of cos" to "with high-end goods"

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

There was even a discussion of the large mirror in the artist's house.

But everyone tacitly did not mention the reason why there was this photo.

What's even more outrageous is that there are also people who believe that the selfies sent by Yoru are also AI-generated.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

It's unbearable, and Yoru angrily sends two more tweets the next day to prove himself.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

At present, this clarification has been viewed by tens of millions of people on Twitter, and in China, there are also discussions in the comment area.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......
was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Netizens said that although I didn't see what she had proved, I chose to believe her.

In fact, with the continuous development of science and technology, AI has long been integrated into our lives, and many people are willing to improve their work efficiency through AI.

In the field of art, many artists have begun to try to use AI to assist in creation. AI can bring all kinds of inspiration to artists, improve efficiency, but also bring troubles, AI abuse, more and more paintings are questioned, whether they are painted by AI?

In this context, the authenticity of the works of many serious painters will inevitably be questioned, and some people will inevitably jump out of criticism and accusations.

In the face of doubts, Yoru said that she accepted it, but please don't be overly suspicious, otherwise you will hurt others and yourself!

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

The development of technology has provided more possibilities for artistic creation, but it has also brought many challenges.

How to make full use of scientific and technological means to create and innovate while maintaining artistic originality has become a problem that every artist needs to think about.


In the face of netizens' doubts that "there is no such figure in reality", Biya also sent out a selfie of herself on Twitter, from the body proportion to the action of holding a mobile phone to take a selfie, it was restored one-to-one, and the successful slapping of the questioner in the face also earned a wave of traffic.

was questioned about using AI to paint, and the beautiful painter was forced to send a selfie to clarify, and the comment area lit up......

Seeing this, the editor can't help but wonder, are female authors forced to prove themselves? After self-proof, you have to be forced to judge your body again, and honestly, this is something that shouldn't happen.

We should be more tolerant of the works of artists, and when the artists are generous in posting selfies, we should also treat them with a normal heart, rather than wearing colored glasses.

At the moment, Yoru's selfie has been pinned to the top, and it is clear that she is not afraid of rumors, and it also proves that she is determined to clarify the hard facts.

What do you think of Yoru's selfie clarification? Let's talk about it in the comment section!

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