
Liang Shi's college entrance examination results

author:Traveling in life
Liang Shi's college entrance examination results
Liang Shi's college entrance examination results
Liang Shi's college entrance examination results
Liang Shi's college entrance examination results
Liang Shi's college entrance examination results

This is the 28th college entrance examination of Sichuan Liang Shi, he is 57 years old this year, and his results in this college entrance examination are out:

According to the live broadcast of Kandu News: The 28th college entrance examination score of 57-year-old Wang Liangshi was 107 points in Chinese, 91 points in mathematics, 89 points in foreign languages, 159 points in literature comprehensive, and a total score of 440 points.

57-year-old Lao Liang, this achievement is reasonable, don't worry about it, if a school admits you this year, you can go to study, and you have a wish and opened a knot.

Sincerely, don't come back in the exam room next year. The spirit and courage are commendable, after all, this thing can't be eaten. Also, leave your hopes to the children who really need to be referred to, and don't fight with them.

Personally, I feel that it is unlikely that there will be one or two books, and three colleges and universities may be. It depends on Lao Liang's willingness.

Obsessed with this thing, once stubborn, is quite terrible, everything has to be moderate, too much. With the data of 28 references, it is perfect to end this period of your life. Even if you don't enter the university, it is estimated that this data is unprecedented, and it is difficult to have anyone who will come.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a good one.

Of course, what if Lao Liang comes again in the exam room next year?

What can I do? Invite Kong Yiji's seniors to come out and say the truth: Brother, it is enough to stop, there is not much more.

That's about it.

There will be in the future, enter the school gate this year, and if you graduate as you wish in four years, you will have a sixtieth birthday, and you will be retired, and the weight of this diploma is there. It's just that the value geometry cannot be arbitrarily discussed.

Copy an awkward English sentence and give it to Lao Liang:

Gudraco Liang.

Maybe it won't take many years for the story of Lao Liang, the nail household of the college entrance examination, to be forgotten by most people, but it doesn't matter, he can look at his children and grandchildren under his knees and tell them: the past.

What a life with a sense of picture.

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