
The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

author:A small town girl, Ah Yue

Today's world is like a huge star-making machine, as long as there is a certain uniqueness, it will be amplified by the Internet, and then it will be noticed by everyone, and becoming famous and popular is not a dream.

Many people just saw this law and embarked on the road of Internet celebrity.

But Internet celebrities come and go quickly, and maybe no one will know them in a few days. This is a sad and helpless state of affairs.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

Since the explosion of short videos, Internet celebrities have been born almost every day, and what "brother" and "sister" have emerged in an endless stream, they are like meteors in the night sky.

There was such an Internet celebrity back then, which is a typical example.

The unexpected explosion of "Ramen Brother".

He was nicknamed "Brother Ramen" by netizens, a ramen chef in a restaurant, because of his slightly "ecstatic" ramen posture and intoxicating eyes, he was photographed and posted on the Internet, coupled with Huang Ling's song "Itchy", which instantly became popular, and "Ramen Brother" was born.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

Originally, at the beginning, he put the noodles in a relatively normal posture, but because the noodles were too long, he could only change his posture, but he didn't expect to have an unexpected gain, and the posture of changing the noodles looked very enchanting, just like dancing, and he couldn't help laughing.

At that time, it was the Spring Festival of 2017, and the major short video platforms were emerging, and the video of "Ramen Brother" quickly spread all over the Internet.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

With the popularity of "Ramen Brother", the business in the store is getting better and better, and there is an endless stream of customers, who still don't know that it is the Internet celebrity effect, and by the time "Ramen Brother" himself finds out about all this, it is already a month later.

Some netizens even did not hesitate to come to Chengdu Shuangliu Huanglongxi Ancient Town from thousands of miles away to see him, they claimed to be fans of "Ramen Brother", and wanted to see his true face, they took out their mobile phones to shoot, Ramen Brother was so frightened that he could only smile and say hello to the camera, and he didn't dare to stop the work in his hands.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

It wasn't until there were constant phone calls, some brand merchants looking for him to cooperate, and some bosses who wanted to poach him to work, and the remuneration they gave was quite attractive, and Brother Ramen realized that he might really be popular.

The originally peaceful life suddenly made waves, which overwhelmed him......

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

Behind the fire all over the Internet

In the face of the olive branches extended by these bosses, although he was very tempted, he did not dare to agree easily. However, he is keenly aware that netizens like his exaggerated ramen movements.

So when netizens came to visit, he performed several sets of ramen kung fu he created, allowing fans to see it, and the posture became more enchanting from the single pose at the beginning.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

In this regard, this noodle restaurant in Huanglongxi Ancient Town, Shuangliu, Chengdu, instantly became an Internet celebrity check-in place, and business was booming every day, and the boss was even more happy.

The boss patted Brother Ramen on the shoulder: "Tian Bo, do a good job, as long as you can keep being popular, I won't treat you badly!" "As everyone knows, Brother Ramen already has other ideas at this time......

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

"Ramen brother" is named Tian Bo, from the countryside of Pengshan District, Meishan City, Sichuan, because of the poor family conditions, Tian Bo did not study very early, but went out to work, and later worked as a ramen master in a restaurant in a scenic spot, the job remained unchanged, and the salary was not high.

Originally, Tian Bo's life was destined to be as calm as water, there were no waves, and later because of bad business, the hotels in the scenic spot began to take the initiative to attract guests, and there were many ways to attract customers, all kinds.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

The boss saw that Tian Bo ramen's posture was varied and very ornamental, so he had an idea and asked Tian Bo to attract customers at the entrance of the store, at first it was just ramen, no one patronized it at all, Tian Bo in order to attract the attention of customers, but also danced in front of the store, and later integrated dance and ramen together.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

A tourist who saw this scene was very interesting, so he took a video of Tian Bo ramen and posted it on the Internet, and many people will come to this shop to see Tian Bo performance when they travel to Chengdu.

Tourists have been checking in to online celebrity stores

At this time, it was not so hot, but the business in the store was gradually improving.

However, soon the store faced a problem, when Tian Bo became famous, other stores would immediately imitate it, and they invited professional dancers, who danced more than Tian Bo, which made the boss angry.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

So what to do? The boss came up with a solution, that is, to add music when dancing, so that it is more rhythmic and more enjoyable.

Sure enough, when the song "Itch" played on the stereo in the store, Tian Bo's ramen began to fly up and down, and his body began to writhe non-stop, and the enchantment was breathtaking.

But at first, Tian Bo couldn't let go, thinking that this was too motherly and damaging his image, but in the end, the boss said it badly, and Tian Bo agreed.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

The boss has only one underlying logic, which is to cater to the guests, and they will perform whatever the guests like to watch.

Tian Bo became the "treasure of the town store". Many tourists come to Chengdu and also know the "one noodle" of Huanglongxi Ancient Town, which is a famous local traditional snack, called "longevity noodle" by the locals, which is handmade.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

In the scenic area of the ancient town alone, there are several such noodle restaurants, which leads to great competitive pressure.

There is also a noodle restaurant next to the shop where Tian Bo works, and before Tian Bo exploded, their family's business was better than the shop where Tian Bo worked.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

After Tian Bo's work became popular, the store next door also enjoyed a little dividend, as competitors, they were not only jealous of Tian Bo, but also very grateful to him.

Resign to marry a female fan

However, since "Brother Ramen" became popular all over the Internet, Tian Bo has his own ideas.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

On March 11, 2017, 2017, the 20th day after "Ramen Brother" became popular, Tian Bo resigned and left the noodle restaurant.

As mentioned above, many big bosses extended olive branches to Tian Bo and invited him to their stores, and the remuneration given was quite high.

Later, he chose to resign and go to a place with better treatment.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

Ten days later, at the sugar and wine party on March 23, 2017, everyone saw Chengdu ramen brother Tian Bo, who performed ramen on it, the same as before, the posture was enchanting, and the performance was more mature, but the fans' enthusiasm for him has plummeted a lot.

In fact, during his popularity, Tian Bo was also chased by many female fans, these female fans were very crazy, one of them was very beautiful, and Tian Bo also got along, and the two quickly fell in love.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

It didn't take long for Tian Bo to marry this female fan, and Tian Bo, who was getting better and better in his career, couldn't be happier.

He invested all his money and opened a small shop on his own.

The silence after the excitement

The noodle restaurant where Tian Bo used to work, after Tian Bo resigned, continued to let the master perform ramen at the door, although the action was exactly the same as Tian Bo, and even more enchanting than Tian Bo, but the popularity was no longer there, and it couldn't go back to the past.

What followed was a silence after the excitement.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

The same is true of "Brother Ramen", Tian Bo's Internet popularity has passed, and many people don't remember him, and he has disappeared from the Internet since then.

At that time, when he became popular, it was the rise of short videos, and short videos experienced explosive growth, and countless Internet celebrities experienced it from the peak to the trough.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

Now Tian Bo has registered his own short video account, and it seems that his store is still operating, and the storefront signboard is faintly visible "Internet celebrity noodles", but I don't know how long this "Internet celebrity" label can last?

The videos he shoots now are not watched by many people, and there are few likes and comments.

Tian Bo's account has only 25,000 followers, but his profile also says commercial performances, advertisements, and franchise cooperation.

The ramen brother who became popular overnight back then, resigned to marry a beautiful female fan after becoming famous, what is the current situation?

Now this is the case, I don't know when the opportunity will come, and what is more difficult is how we will seize the opportunity after it comes?

Seizing the opportunity, can we still stick to our original intention?

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