
Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

author:Yunyang micro release

"Lao Wu, run quickly, the Chinese herbs we planted have made money, and the village is about to hold a dividend meeting, and we are going to share the money!" In the past two days, it is the season of harvesting Chinese herbal epimedium goat weed, and the villagers of Zhutai Village, Qingshui Tujia Township are all full of happy smiles on their faces.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

At the dividend meeting, as the host read out the names of the villagers working at the base, everyone went to the stage in turn to press their handprints and receive dividends. At the end of 2022, in order to strengthen the collective economy of the village and help rural revitalization, Qingshui Tujia Township opened its mind, took the initiative to introduce traditional Chinese medicine enterprises to develop the Chinese herbal medicine industry, and built a goat weed provenance base covering an area of more than 40 acres in Zhutai Village. After two years of management, this year's epimedium has entered the first harvest period, and the dividend fund in the first year has reached 100,000 yuan.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

"Little Herbs" Activate the "Password" to Get Rich

In the provenance base of Epimedium in Zhutai Village, the leaves of Epimedium are lush, and the full seeds of Epimedium are adorned with branches, and the growth is gratifying. More than 20 villagers held bags in their hands and shuttled around the base to harvest goat weed leaves.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

Epimedium is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows mostly in understory forests, ditch side shrubs or damp places on mountain slopes at altitudes between 650 and 3500 meters above sea level. It has high medicinal value in tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, dispelling wind and dampness, and anti-tumor, and has great potential for research and development. Zhutai Village, Qingshui Tujia Township, is 500 meters to 1,000 meters above sea level, with lush mountains and forests, sufficient water sources, and large temperature difference between day and night. After the on-site inspection by experts, the local government attracted investment and introduced the county's leading enterprise, Three Gorges Yunhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., to vigorously develop the epimedium planting industry.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

"Don't look at it inconspicuous, the seeds and leaves of epimedium have high medicinal value, they are all treasures, the seeds are 8,000 yuan a catty, and the leaves are 60 yuan a catty." Villager Tan Xiangong said with a smile.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!
Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

Tan Xiangong came to work when the base began to be built, earning 100 yuan a day and seven or eight thousand yuan a year. His family also transferred a few acres of land, and each mu of land could also receive a circulation fee of 300 yuan. Not only that, if the big guy does a good job, there will be dividends all year round, "The more we work, the more energetic we are, and our days are getting more and more prosperous!" ”

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

Zhutai Village adopts the mechanism of "enterprise + village collective + farmer", and they have signed a cooperation agreement with Three Gorges Yunhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the village collective will transfer land in a unified manner, and the villagers will work nearby, and the Three Gorges Yunhai will provide seedlings, technical support, and guaranteed recycling.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

This year, the income of Zhutai Village Epimedium Base is expected to exceed 850,000 yuan, under the mechanism of "enterprise + village collective + farmer", not only the enterprise has made money, but also the village collective and villagers of Zhutai Village have shared the money this year. "Everything is difficult at the beginning, the base has achieved good benefits in the first year, and we will have the confidence to lead the people to increase their income and get rich!" Chen Zongwen, the village secretary of Zhutai Village, is full of confidence.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

The more than 40 acres of epimedium seed source base in Zhutai Village not only provides a high-quality seed source for the planting of epimedium under the forest of Yunyang County's agricultural industry, but also becomes an important pilot base for Qingshui Tujia Township to explore the innovation of the economic model under the forest. Relying on the cultivation of epimedium in Zhutai Village, they have expanded the planting area under the forest by 60 acres in the village this year.

Innovate the benefit distribution model to achieve a win-win situation for enterprises and farmers

Chen Zongwen, secretary of the Party branch of Zhutai Village, introduced that this year's base can pay dividends and the benefit distribution model they have adopted, and they have innovated and formulated the "315+" benefit distribution model. "3" refers to the guaranteed dividend of 300 yuan/mu per year for land circulation farmers, "1" refers to the village collective economy through participating in the industrial construction and management of the epimedium seed source base, and enjoys 10% of the dividends of enterprise benefits, and "5" refers to the village collective also enjoys 5% of the shareholding dividend.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

In addition, the villagers can also enjoy the dividends of land circulation benefits, which adopts a step-by-step dividend mechanism, and according to the growth of base benefits, land circulation households can enjoy more dividend income. When the benefit of the base exceeds 500,000 yuan, the land circulation households will enjoy a dividend of 50 yuan per mu on the basis of the guaranteed dividend of 300 yuan per mu; When the benefit exceeds 1 million yuan, the land circulation household will increase the dividend of 100 yuan per mu, and so on.

By optimizing the allocation of resources, this model realizes the benefit sharing and win-win cooperation between enterprises, village collectives and farmers, which not only guarantees the basic income of farmers, but also enhances the economic strength of village collectives, and also provides strong support for the sustainable development of enterprises.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

Under the effect of the "315+" benefit distribution model, the people in the village have consciously and voluntarily become "little housekeepers". "Almost all of us regard epimedium as a crop in our own fields, and we are very careful in managing and protecting it. Tan Xiangong said.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

Picking goat weed seeds and leaves, the base has achieved sales revenue of more than 850,000 yuan, and the annual income is expected to reach 1.35 million yuan, which undoubtedly injects strong impetus into the local economic development. At the same time, the construction of the epimedium provenance base has also driven the understory demonstration planting in the surrounding Qishan Village, Huobu Village, Zhutai Village and other areas, forming a total of more than 300 acres of epimedium demonstration planting area. These demonstration areas not only provide farmers with valuable experience in planting Epimedium weed, but also encourage more than 50 acres of farmers to participate in the cultivation of Epimedium spontaneously, realizing the diversified and professional development of the agricultural industry.

The relevant person in charge of Qingshui Tujia Township said that it will fully rely on the mature technology and rich experience of the epimedium provenance base, take the 40 acres of epimedium provenance base as the core, and take the 300 mu demonstration planting area as the key node, gradually expand the planting scale, and radiate more than 1,000 acres of idle and inefficient usable forest land in the township. We will continue to increase investment in demonstration planting areas, improve infrastructure construction, optimize the planting environment, and make every effort to improve planting efficiency, so as to make it a model and bright spot of the understory economy.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

"Inconspicuous" herbs can also become a big industry for the people to get rich. In recent years, our county has optimized the industrial layout, supporting industrial facilities, and increased support around the leading industries of Chinese medicinal materials such as chrysanthemum, citrus aurantium, and gastrodia, and the Chinese herbal medicine industry has sprung up, injecting a steady stream of power into promoting rural revitalization. In 2023, the planting area of Chinese medicinal materials in our county will be 130,000 mu, with an output value of 1.17 billion yuan. Among them, the chrysanthemum area of our county is 45,000 acres, mainly distributed in Hongshi Town, Yanping Town, and Panlong Street. The area of citrus aurantium is 15,000 mu, mainly distributed in Yanglu Town, Shuikou Town, Huangshi Town, etc.; Gastrodia covers an area of 11,000 acres, mainly distributed in Nongba Township, Shangba Township, Sangping Township, etc., and Epimedium covers an area of more than 2,000 acres, distributed in Shangba Township, Nongba Township, Qingshui Tujia Township.

Yunyang develops the Chinese herbal medicine industry and prescribes a "good prescription to get rich"!

Yunyang will rely on the abundant natural resources of some towns and villages, deepen the adjustment of industrial structure, take measures such as introducing advanced planting technology, optimizing the variety structure, and strengthening pest control, continuously improve the quality and output of Chinese herbal medicines, and insist on building the Chinese herbal medicine industry as an important way to promote rural economic and social development.