
Guanshanhu District: Carry out integrity publicity and optimize the business environment

author:Cool Guiyang, beautiful mountains and lakes

On June 21, the 2024 integrity culture publicity activity of "Everyone Stresses Integrity and Charm Guanshan Lake" in Guanshanhu District was held in the Enterprise Home of the District Government Affairs Hall.

With the theme of "Co-construction, Co-creation and Sharing of a Creditworthy Society", the event was carried out through the method of "the government setting up the stage and the enterprise singing", aiming to further popularize the importance of creditworthiness construction to enterprises and the public, guide the public and market entities to actively participate in the construction of creditworthiness, and establish and consolidate the business awareness of honesty and trustworthiness of enterprises.

Guanshanhu District: Carry out integrity publicity and optimize the business environment

At the scene of the event, lawyers were invited to give lectures on creditworthiness to social enterprises and citizens, to carry out publicity and education on creditworthiness such as creditworthiness policies, regulations, and ethics, and to distribute creditworthiness brochures to further popularize knowledge related to the establishment of the social credit system to the enterprise public, and to create a positive atmosphere of honesty and trustworthiness.

Guanshanhu District: Carry out integrity publicity and optimize the business environment

Staff distribute integrity brochures

Guanshanhu District: Carry out integrity publicity and optimize the business environment

Interaction between the company and the lawyer

After the event, many enterprises and merchants expressed that they had a deeper understanding of the importance of integrity and would actively practice the concept of integrity in their daily lives. "Today, through the lawyer and staff to explain the relevant integrity knowledge of the enterprise, we are deeply touched, in the future, our company will pay more attention to the construction of integrity, strengthen internal management, integrity management, and jointly create a fair and just market environment." Wang Yi, a representative of the participating enterprises, said.

Guanshanhu District: Carry out integrity publicity and optimize the business environment

The representative of the enterprise signs the integrity pledge wall

"We have united a number of district-level departments and some enterprises in the jurisdiction to jointly carry out this activity, through publicity, is conducive to building a good business environment, the establishment of a "pro-Qing" government-enterprise relationship, in guiding enterprises to play a role in integrity demonstration at the same time, and enterprises to form a long-term benign interaction, to boost the development of enterprises. Zeng Yi, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Guanshanhu District Development and Reform Bureau, said.

Next, Guanshanhu District will continue to carry out integrity publicity activities to further enhance the public's awareness of integrity and help business entities operate in good faith.

Author: Luo Ya