
After losing 12 kilograms, I was a little floaty

author:Ah Lian whispered

I don't really want to write about weight loss. Because even though I'm a veteran fat guy, I've never tried to lose weight by any means. So there's not much experience to share.

After losing 12 kilograms, I was a little floaty

In terms of the amount of food, anyone who has eaten with me knows that I eat so little that people think I'm deliberately on a diet. In terms of diet – I used to eat less chicken and pork, but I haven't even eaten both in the past two years, so I don't have much experience in terms of diet.

After losing 12 kilograms, I was a little floaty

In terms of sports, as a person who often interviews and travels, especially in counties and districts, running factories and scenic spots, and sometimes needs to climb mountains, so tens of thousands of times a day are ordinary data, and there are a lot of times when there are twenty or thirty thousand.

As for how to get fat, I don't know very well, I should take medicine and injections for a long time, and take too much hormone.

After losing 12 kilograms, I was a little floaty

The loss of 12 kilograms this time was purely accidental: the long-term desk work led to back pain, especially the cervical spine and shoulders, which were uncomfortable and tight. So I went to the Chinese medicine department of Lanshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital for various physiotherapy, who knew that while curing the arm pain, I also lost a lot of fat.

I didn't find out myself, because to be honest, these ten pounds and twenty pounds are nothing at my level, and I can't see it if I don't look carefully. It was first discovered by my sister, who said sister, why is your face so smaller, and later more and more good friends found out that my face is so small.

So I said that I really lost weight.

Of course, there are some who can't be seen, such as my mother, and my husband. Of course, I understand them very well, because in their eyes, I am the most beautiful in every way, and it doesn't matter how fat or thin.

From these 12 kilograms, I floated. Can you lose so much weight without dieting and exercising? I asked my attending physician, Director Chen, and she said that all her treatments, whether they were physiotherapy or traditional Chinese medicine, were based on pulse to condition the body, and there was no intention of losing weight.

The consequence of floating is that I don't want to lose weight on my own, and I let myself go even more.

After losing 12 kilograms, I was a little floaty

Floating, in fact, is very bad.

However, there are many people who are floating.

Some people have money, some people have power, and even, some people have money or power because their relatives and friends have money.

Some people have no money and no power, but because they are in a special position, others respect him because of this position, treat him as a guest, and flatter him, he floats, and he can't find the kind in the southeast and northwest. Because of my profession, I often see people like this. Sometimes, eating with them is also flattered and "respected", and at this moment, I feel like I am sitting on pins and needles, and I can't wait to find a place to sew.

Later, I got used to it, so I cooperated with everyone to go through the motions, and I was able to cope with it mentally. It can also be said that with the many people in this world acting, everyone is happy.

Losing weight or not losing weight is a small part of life, you can float, you can get carried away, and let yourself go.

A lot of things are different from losing weight, you really can't float, because it's about being a person. It doesn't matter how presumptuous you are in your own life, but if you are too outrageous and forget who you are, it will be dangerous.

It is often seen on the news that people who were sitting on the stage yesterday are "allegedly... was ...", or, the Internet celebrities who had tens of thousands of fans yesterday were banned today, and those who were flattered in the special position I mentioned above, some regarded the status given by the unit as their own ability, and went out to work alone with few results, and some thought that their ability was big enough, and they caused trouble for the enterprise unit but caused trouble......

There are also people who, by chance, get a "leader" position, completely forget their previous friendship with their colleagues, and play their little power to the extreme, which is extremely ridiculous.

Is not forgetting the original intention a slogan? I think this is the truth of being a human being.

They all think of high-rise buildings, they all want to feast guests, but they don't want the building to collapse.

Copying, copying, copying, copying, copying,

Good night.