
The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

Cuckoo Mom

2024-06-22 21:07Posted in Hunan Parenting Creators

When we think of raising children, inevitably, we talk about IQ.

Many parents ask, how can they make their children smarter? How can you improve your baby's IQ?

The child's IQ is indeed "7 points are destined, and 3 points depend on hard work". Many times, a child's IQ depends on genetics, and then on acquired development and cultivation.

Do you know that in fact, in this "7 points of destiny", the child's IQ is also related to the month of birth?

The study has found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages.

The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

One: Children born in these 3 months are smarter

There was a study that surveyed nearly 10,000 children and tracked them for seven years. It was found that children born in October, November, and December had relatively higher IQs.

What's going on?

In the study, the months of birth, weight, height, intelligence tests, and so on were recorded in great detail.

Through comparison, it is found that children born in October and December are more prominent in the following aspects:

In the standard weight range, the average weight is generally 210g heavier than other children;

The average height is 0.2cm higher;

IQ 0-6 points higher.

What's even more interesting is that in the IQ test, children born in these 3 months have the highest IQ.

In fact, there are not only such studies abroad, but also many domestic data show that October and December are "smart" months.

Statistics from Fudan University show that most of the new students who come to register are in October; The survey results of Nankai University also found that among students, the proportion of students born in October is relatively large.

In other words, children born between October and December will have stronger learning ability, comprehension ability, and IQ will be more advantageous.

Why is this so?

The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

Two: 3 reasons

Why is this an interesting situation? There are three reasons for this.

(1) Start school one year late

A friend of mine, who is a teacher, told me that the older children in the class are more receptive and more powerful in all aspects than the younger children.

There is a very important reason why the proportion of new students born in October and December is that they are slightly older than their peers. If it was a little earlier, they could all be seniors.

We are generally children who turn 6 years old before September and can go to elementary school, and after September, we need to wait for the next year.

As a result, the brains of children born in the second half of the year develop half a year or even a year longer than those born in the first half of the second year.

The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

Don't underestimate this short period of half a year or a year, but for the child's brain, it is far from the same. There will be a big gap in their cognition, thinking logic, and language ability.

And a child born in the second half of the year, after entering primary school, behaves better than others, then he will receive more recognition and encouragement.

This kind of positive feedback can make them better and better.

Of course, whether you study well or not cannot depend on the month of birth alone, but also by a series of other factors.

It's just that children born in the second half of the year will have an advantage when they just enter the "starting line".

The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

(2) The season of pregnancy is suitable

For children born between October and December, mothers generally get pregnant in January and February, and then go through three seasons: spring, summer, and autumn.

In spring, everything recovers, the sun is warm, and mothers can go out for a walk, see the scenery, enjoy the flowers, and be in a happy mood, which is also better for the baby in the womb.

Moreover, after spring, there will be a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, and they are all in season. When mothers eat fresh fruits and vegetables, babies can also have balanced nutrition, which is beneficial to brain and physical development.

The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

(3) The timing of the exercise is just right

Before the age of half a year, children are generally unable to move, and only after 7 or 8 months of age can they climb, stand, and develop gross movements.

For children born in October and December, when he needs to exercise a lot, it happens to be in July or August of the following year.

At this time, he doesn't need to wear a lot, just right for the event. The weather is comfortable and the temperature is right, so children can crawl around and explore their surroundings.

This is of great benefit to children's cognitive, sensory, and physical coordination, which is conducive to brain development.

For the above reasons, children born in October and December have an advantage.

Of course, whether a child is smart or not, and what his IQ is, cannot be judged only by the month, he also needs to consider genetics, acquired cultivation and other factors.

However, being born in these 3 months is considered to be an advantage, when was your child born?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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  • The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?
  • The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?
  • The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?
  • The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?
  • The study found that children born in these 3 months are smarter and have their own advantages, is your child?

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