
【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

author:Beijing TV Literature and Art Channel

30 days and 30 diets to help you become a health expert in a month! Steaming hot and humid makes it feel like a sauna, which is not only prone to heat stroke, but also has the risk of heart attack due to excessive sweating! In this kind of weather, the human body is prone to various discomforts, and it is natural to have some common medicines at home. In particular, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water can be called the summer panacea in the hearts of our people. Experts remind that Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is not for everyone to eat, hurry up and take a look, don't eat it wrong!

【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

Prepare the "miracle medicine" Huoxiang Zhengqi Water at home, do you really know how to use it? How many of the following questions can you answer correctly?

[Question 1]: If you have a heat stroke in the hot weather outside, you can immediately take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to alleviate it, right?

Answer: False! Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is a pungent and warm characteristic, heat stroke itself is caused by heat, and then taking Huoxiang Zhengqi Water with a pungent and warm flavor is to add fuel to the fire and will aggravate the symptoms of heat stroke.

【Question 2】As long as you have a cold in summer, you need to drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water, right?

Answer: False! It must be symptomatic, otherwise it will backfire. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is a treatment for the "yin and heat" in summer, feeling cold and evil in the summer and humid weather, such as eating too much cold food, or sweating profusely into the house to blow the air conditioner, fever and cold, no sweating, heavy body pain, fatigue, abdominal pain and diarrhea, dizziness, nausea and vomiting and other symptoms, but also to meet two conditions, one is to be cold, the other is the existence of medium and damp evil, it is suitable to eat Huoxiang Zhengqi Water. If you have a sore throat after a cold and cough up yellow and sticky phlegm, it is not suitable to use Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

【Question 3】Is it not possible to eat cephalosporin if you drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water?

Answer: Yes! Because Huoxiang Zhengqi Water contains alcohol, you should never take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water at the same time when taking cephalosporin antibiotics. Taking these two drugs at the same time can easily cause "disulfiram-like reactions", causing headache, dizziness, sweating and other symptoms, and in severe cases, it can be life-threatening.

【What is the wonderful use of summer Huoxiang Zhengqi water】

1. Mosquito repellent

Apply Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to the body, its smell is very volatile, and mosquitoes also avoid it. In addition, after being bitten by mosquitoes, it can also be applied to the bite to relieve itching.

【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

2. Prevent prickly heat

Bathing children with half a bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water in a basin of bath water can prevent prickly heat in the summer, and the effect is very good. It can also be treated by applying diluted Huoxiang Zhengqi water to the affected area.

【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

[Method]: After taking a bath, according to the age of the child, dilute Huoxiang Zhengqi water with cool boiled water according to the proportion, dip it with a cotton ball and rub it on the place where the prickly heat grows, and wipe it twice a day.

Less than 6 months: The ratio of Huoxiang Zhengqi water to cool boiled water is 1:3

6 months to 2 years old: The ratio of Huoxiang Zhengqi water to cool boiled water is 1:2

Over 2 years old: The ratio of Huoxiang Zhengqi water to cool boiled water is 1:1

3. Cough suppressant

Many people will have a cough when they get cold in summer, you can pour Huoxiang Zhengqi water on gauze, and then fix it on the Tiantu acupoint with adhesive tape, and the cough will stop quickly.

【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

4. Alleviate motion sickness and seasickness

Motion sickness and seasickness have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, Huoxiang Zhengqi water can stabilize stomach qi, which can be taken orally before getting on the car and boat, or it can be wet with gauze and cotton balls and pasted in the navel, which has the effect of preventing motion sickness and seasickness and relieving dizziness and other symptoms.

【Food and Nutrition Class】Summer "fairy water" - Huoxiang righteousness, there are many wonderful uses that you don't know

【Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is particular about taking】

1. Take it one hour after meals, people with poor stomach can add water to dilute.

2. Huoxiang Zhengqi water has a high alcohol content, don't drink it before going to bed.

3. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is not suitable for people with yin deficiency. Manifestations of yin deficiency: dry mouth, dry eyes, hot hands and feet, dry stool.