
After the mainland announced the opinion of "punishing independence", Lai Qingde responded, and the PLA again "surrounded Taiwan on all sides"

author:Southwind Science

There are two reasons for the tension in the Taiwan Strait: First, external forces interfere, and second, "Taiwan independence" elements are active. As far as the people on both sides of the strait are concerned, peaceful reunification is the best choice, but external forces are unwilling to see China realize reunification, and the "Taiwan independence" elements are still hoping for luck in a vain attempt to "seek independence by relying on the United States."

According to the script of external forces, either to maintain the scene or to ignite the flames of war between the two sides of the strait, but this is not what China wants, what we want is to achieve complete cross-strait reunification. For this reason, the mainland has once again taken a big move against "Taiwan independence" and promulgated 22 laws and regulations punishing "Taiwan independence," according to which "Taiwan independence" can be directly sentenced to death at the maximum.

After the mainland announced the opinion of "punishing independence", Lai Qingde responded, and the PLA again "surrounded Taiwan on all sides"

Obviously, this move by the mainland does not regard military reunification as a preference for reunification, which also shows that the mainland has its own rhythm and will not follow the rhythm of external forces to make the situation in the Taiwan Strait more tense. We cannot stop the intervention of external forces for the time being, especially now that China and the United States, the two world powers, are already in a situation of complete competition, and it is even more impossible for the United States to give up playing the Taiwan card. Therefore, punishing "Taiwan independence" and eliminating "Taiwan independence" is what the mainland is doing to realize the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait.

After the mainland announced its opinion on "punishing independence," we noticed that many "Taiwan independence" elements could no longer sit still, and it was obvious that the mainland's move had hit their pain point, and the "Taiwan independence" elements already knew that the mainland had begun to take action, so they first promulgated the decree and the next step was to directly implement it. After the revision of China's coast guard regulations, many people did not believe that China would be tough on the Philippines in the South China Sea, but as a result, everyone saw that with the support of laws and regulations, the Chinese coast guard directly used actions to enforce the law against Philippine ships and personnel that intruded into China's waters.

After the mainland announced the opinion of "punishing independence", Lai Qingde responded, and the PLA again "surrounded Taiwan on all sides"

The "Taiwan independence" forces are like grasshoppers jumping on the back of the autumn for a few days, and with the rhythm of Chinese mainland's reunification, the pace of cross-strait reunification will be markedly accelerated. However, at present, Taiwan Province is still in the power of "Taiwan independence," so the momentum of confrontation will certainly not be less. We have noticed that the Taiwan military has directly announced that it will conduct large-scale actual combat exercises, which has the meaning of openly arguing with Chinese mainland.

Lai Ching-te, the current leader of the Taiwan region, also gave a response for the first time after the mainland announced its opinion on "punishing independence." On June 24, Lai Qingde responded to the mainland's announcement of the "opinion on punishing 'independence'" in his "open hall speech" in his office, saying: "China does not have any right to sanction the people of Taiwan, and China has no right to pursue the people of Taiwan across borders." Obviously, Lai Qingde is going to confront the entire Chinese people, and according to the mainland's announcement of "punishing independence" opinions, "people" like Lai Qingde will definitely carry out the highest criminal law - the death penalty!

After the mainland announced the opinion of "punishing independence", Lai Qingde responded, and the PLA again "surrounded Taiwan on all sides"

With regard to cracking down on and punishing "Taiwan independence" elements, it is not enough to rely solely on laws and regulations; after all, for those stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements, the effect of military warnings is even more effective. We have noticed that in the two days of 21 June and 22 June, the mainland dispatched a large number of warplanes and warships to appear around the Taiwan Strait, staging a realistic version of "encircling Taiwan on all sides"! On 21 July, the mainland flew 41 sorties, 32 of which crossed the "center line of the strait." On 22 July, 15 sorties of mainland military planes entered Taiwan's "air defense identification zone" from the northern, central, and southern airspace, and staged another encirclement of Taiwan.

The mainland is advancing in two directions hand in hand, and the final fate of the "Taiwan independence" elements has already been decided, and the "Taiwan independence" elements headed by Lai Xiao are destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and be reviled by future generations! Finally, I wish the motherland the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait at an early date!

After the mainland announced the opinion of "punishing independence", Lai Qingde responded, and the PLA again "surrounded Taiwan on all sides"

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