
Can a senior take the safety officer exam? Check it out today

author:Safety Officer Exam Book

Can a senior take the safety officer exam? Let's take a look today, shall we? Senior students are not allowed to apply for the safety officer examination, if you apply for the safety officer certificate, you need to have one year or more work experience, the safety officer certificate examination is divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced, corresponding to different occupational levels.

Can a senior take the safety officer exam? Check it out today

Exam registration conditions

Those who have reached the age of 18, are below the national statutory retirement age, and meet one of the following basic conditions, can voluntarily sign up for training and assessment.

1. Have a college degree (higher vocational) or above in civil engineering and similar majors, and have been engaged in professional technology or management related to this position for one year.

2. Have a college degree (higher vocational) or above in civil engineering related majors, and have been engaged in professional technology or management work related to this position for two years.

3. Have a secondary vocational degree in civil engineering and similar majors, and have been engaged in professional technology or management related to this position for three years.

4. Have a secondary vocational degree in civil engineering related majors, and have been engaged in professional technology or management related to this position for four years.

How to Register:

The safety officer exam is registered online, and you need to refer to the registration website on the official notice of the local Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. When registering for the safety officer exam, you need to prepare:

1. One copy of the ID card, both front and back need to be copied;

2. One copy of the academic certificate, which should clearly show the academic number and other important information;

3. Two 1-inch color ID photos;

4. Fill in the registration form, and pay attention to the correct and complete information to avoid affecting the exam.

The relevant fees for the safety officer examination include training fees, registration fees, examination fees, certificate production costs, etc.

Job Responsibilities of the Safety Officer

1. Clarify the safety prevention responsibilities of the department, attach great importance to safety responsibilities ideologically, conscientiously implement the company's safety rules and regulations management system, and ensure the smooth implementation of safety production work in the department.

2. Strengthen daily safety management, establish and improve the company's sudden accident system, participate in the preparation of accident emergency rescue and drills, and carry out personality in major festivals and holidays.

3. Inspect and eliminate potential safety hazards, and implement responsibilities, organizations, systems, and preventive measures.

4. Strengthen safety education for department employees and employees, fully perform safety duties, and ensure that employees do not violate the law or commit crimes.

Fifth, carefully carry out the establishment of "polite construction" activities of publicity, so that everyone knows the establishment of activities and attentive participation.

6. Strengthen the management of toxic and harmful dangerous goods, and the laboratory should strictly manage the chemicals, so that the "five pairs" are strictly formalized, regularly inspected, and the accounts are consistent.

7. Departments and individuals who do not attach importance to safety precautions and fail to report accidents in a timely manner have the right to report to the relevant competent departments beyond their authority.

8. Responsible for the investigation and management of hidden safety hazards in the follow-up, and the timely rectification of various unsafe factors in on-site management.

9. Drive all employees to participate in safety work, give full play to the role of mass safety officers (group security officers), and carry out group security activities with heart.

The National Safety Officer Exam is easy to make mistakes, and the answer analysis ↓↓↓↓↓

1. The "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the special operation personnel of the production and business operation unit must obtain special safety operation training in accordance with the relevant national regulations before they can take up their posts.

A. Post Certificate

B. Operational Qualification Certificate

C. Safety production assessment certificate

D. Eligibility

Answer: D

Analysis: The special operation personnel of the production and business operation unit must be trained in special safety operation in accordance with the relevant national regulations and obtain the corresponding qualifications before they can work.

2. The "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the trade union has the right to put forward suggestions for solving the problem when it finds that the production and business operation unit violates the rules and regulations, orders risky operations or discovers potential accidents, and the production and business operation unit shall study it in a timely manner.

Can a senior take the safety officer exam? Check it out today

A. Filing

B. Escalation

C. Processing

D. Responses

Answer: D

Analysis: Trade unions have the right to demand correction for production and business operation units violating safety production laws and regulations and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of employees; When it is found that the production and business operation entity violates the rules and regulations, orders risky operations or discovers potential accidents, it has the right to put forward suggestions for solutions, and the production and business operation entity shall promptly study and reply; When a situation endangering the life and safety of employees is discovered, it has the right to suggest to the production and business operation unit to organize the employees to evacuate the dangerous place, and the production and business operation entity must immediately deal with it.

3. The "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that if the decision-making body, the main person in charge or the individual investor of the production and business operation entity does not ensure the necessary capital investment for safe production in accordance with the provisions of this law, resulting in the occurrence of a production safety accident, the main person in charge of the production and business operation unit shall be dismissed, and the individual investor shall be fined not less than 20,000 yuan () 10,000 yuan; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

A. 十



D. Fifty

Answer: B

Analysis: If the decision-making body, the main person in charge or the individual investor of the production and business operation entity fails to ensure the necessary capital investment for safe production in accordance with the provisions of this Law, resulting in the production and business operation entity not having the conditions for safe production, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and provide the necessary funds; If it is not corrected within the time limit, the production and business operation unit shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification. Where there is an illegal act in the preceding paragraph, resulting in a production safety accident, the main person in charge of the production and business operation unit shall be dismissed, and the individual investor shall be fined [between 20,000 and 200,000 yuan]; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

4. The "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that if the main person in charge of the production and business operation entity fails to perform the safety production management duties stipulated in this law, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined (); If the correction is not made within the time limit, a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan shall be imposed, and the production and business operation unit shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification.

A. Between 10,000 and 50,000 yuan

B. Between 20,000 and 50,000 RMB

C. Between 20,000 and 100,000 RMB

D. Between 50,000 and 100,000 RMB

Answer: B

Analysis: The "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that if the main person in charge of a production and business operation entity fails to perform the safety production management duties stipulated in this law, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined [between 20,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan]; If the correction is not made within the time limit, a fine of [between 50,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan] shall be imposed, and the production and business operation unit shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification.

5. The "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that if a production and business operation entity enters into an agreement with an employee to exempt or reduce its liability for the injury or death of an employee due to a production safety accident in accordance with the law, the agreement shall be invalid; The main person in charge of the production and business operation unit and the investor who operates the individual shall be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan.

A. 五

B. X. X


D. Fifty

Answer: B

Analysis: If a production and business operation entity enters into an agreement with an employee to exempt or reduce its liability for the injury or death of an employee due to a production safety accident in accordance with the law, the agreement is invalid; The main person in charge of the production and business operation unit and the investor who operates the individual shall be fined [between 20,000 and 100,000 yuan].

6. The "Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the management of warehouses for storing combustible materials must implement fire protection ().

A. Safety Standards

B. Technical Standards

C. Management Provisions

D. Operating Procedures

Answer: BC

Analysis: Article 23 The production, storage, transportation, sale, use, and destruction of flammable and explosive dangerous goods must be implemented [fire protection technical standards and management regulations]. Fire safety regulations must be implemented when entering the places where flammable and explosive dangerous goods are produced and stored. It is forbidden to illegally carry flammable and explosive dangerous goods into public places or take public transportation. The management of warehouses for the storage of combustible materials must implement fire protection technical standards and management regulations.

7. The "Beijing Municipal Regulations on Work Safety" stipulates that () organize employees to participate in the democratic management and democratic supervision of the work of safety production in accordance with the law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees in production safety, and supervise the implementation of laws and regulations on production safety in the unit.

A. Principal Persons

B. Security Management Authority

C. Party and mass departments

Trade unions

Answer: D

Analysis: The "Beijing Municipal Regulations on Work Safety" stipulates that the [trade union] shall organize employees to participate in the democratic management and democratic supervision of the work safety of their units in accordance with the law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees in production safety, and supervise the implementation of laws and regulations on production safety by the unit.

8. The "Provisions on the Punishment of Fines for Production Safety Accidents" (for trial implementation) stipulates that the administrative punishment of fines imposed on the unit where the accident occurred and its relevant responsible personnel shall be decided in accordance with the following provisions: The administrative punishment of fines for the unit and its relevant responsible personnel who have a major accident shall be decided by ().

A. State Administration of Work Safety

B. Work safety supervision and management departments of provincial-level people's governments

C. Work safety supervision and management departments of the people's governments at the level of cities divided into districts

D. Work safety supervision and management departments of county-level people's governments

Answer: B

Analysis: The "Provisions on the Punishment of Fines for Production Safety Accidents" (for trial implementation) stipulates that the administrative punishment of fines imposed on the unit where the accident occurred and its relevant responsible personnel shall be decided in accordance with the following provisions: The administrative penalty of fines for the unit and its relevant responsible personnel that have occurred major accidents shall be decided by the [production safety supervision and management department of the provincial people's government].

9. The Regulations on the Reporting, Investigation and Handling of Production Safety Accidents stipulate that the accident investigation team shall submit an accident investigation report within () days from the date of the accident.

A. 30

B. 45

C. 60

D. 90

Answer: C

Analysis: The Regulations on the Reporting, Investigation and Handling of Production Safety Accidents stipulate that the accident investigation team shall submit an accident investigation report within [60] days from the date of the accident.

Can a senior take the safety officer exam? Check it out today

10. The "Regulations on the Administration of Work Safety for the Main Persons in Charge of Construction Enterprises, Project Leaders and Full-time Safety Production Management Personnel" stipulates that if the "safety management personnel" change the hired enterprise, they shall terminate the labor relationship with the original employing enterprise, and apply to the assessment authority through the newly hired enterprise to go through the certificate change procedures. The assessment organ shall complete the handling within () working days from the date of acceptance of the application for change.

A. 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 10

Answer: B

Analysis: The "Regulations on the Administration of Work Safety for the Main Persons in Charge of Construction Enterprises, Project Leaders and Full-time Safety Production Management Personnel" stipulates that if the "safety management personnel" change the hired enterprise, they shall terminate the labor relationship with the original employing enterprise, and apply to the assessment authority for certificate change procedures through the newly hired enterprise. The examination authority shall complete the application within [5 working days] from the date of acceptance of the application for change.

11. The Measures for the Establishment of Safety Production Management Institutions and the Allocation of Full-time Safety Production Management Personnel in Construction Enterprises stipulate that one of the main responsibilities of the safety production management institutions of construction enterprises is to equip full-time safety production management personnel for the project.

A. Arrangement

B. Coordination

C. Assistance

D. Accountability

Answer: B

Analysis: Article 6 of the Measures for the Establishment of Safety Production Management Institutions and the Allocation of Full-time Safety Production Management Personnel in Construction Enterprises stipulates that the safety production management institutions of construction enterprises have the following responsibilities: (1) Publicize and implement relevant national laws, regulations and standards on production safety; (B) the preparation and timely update of the safety production management system and supervise the implementation; (3) Organize or participate in the preparation and rehearsal of emergency rescue plans for production safety accidents of enterprises; (4) Organize and carry out safety education, training and exchanges; (5) Coordinate the allocation of full-time safety production management personnel for the project; (6) Formulate an enterprise safety production inspection plan and organize its implementation;

(7) Supervise the use of safety production expenses for projects under construction; (8) Participate in the expert demonstration meeting of the special construction plan for the safety of the more dangerous project; (9) Notify the investigation and punishment of violations of rules and regulations for projects under construction; (10) Organize and carry out work on the evaluation and commendation of production safety; (11) Establish safety production management files for projects under construction; (12) Evaluate and evaluate the safety production performance of the subcontracting enterprise and the safety production management of the project; (13) Participate in the investigation and handling of production safety accidents; (14) Other safety production management responsibilities specified by the enterprise.

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