
1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

author:A minute in the world

In November 1988, a nationwide crackdown on bandits occurred in Baiyangou, Sichuan, where a total of 1,516 people, including military police and people's police, were dispatched, consuming 17,000 rounds of ammunition, 20 rocket launchers, and 800 kilograms of gasoline.

The target of this massive crackdown was actually only two bandits, who hid in a cave near Baiyangou and confronted 1,516 military and police officers for three days, and finally burned to death by gasoline.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

So what are these two bandits capable of? Why did it take more than 1,000 police officers three days to eliminate them? Today, let's talk about the story.

The troubled youth turned from a soldier to a bandit, swinging a knife and stabbing at his comrades

Shao Jiangbin was born in Henan in 1967, when most ordinary families still dreamed of "upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones", the Shao family could be called a well-off local family.

Shao Jiangbin's childhood and adolescence did not feel a lack of materials, and he was completely in a state of worry-free food and clothing under the protection and doting of his parents, and was often called his parents when he went to school.

The parents thought that their son was in a rebellious period and that it would be good to grow up, and this kind of laissez-faire eventually led to Shao Jiangbin's catastrophe. He actually ruined an innocent girl because she was not yet 18 years old, and was sentenced to three years of re-education through labor.

Shao Jiangbin's parents regretted a little, feeling that they had lacked education for their son before, and thought that their son should be sent to the army to hone and hone his skills.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

In the 80s, there was no Internet, no big data, and there was no exchange of information between various departments, and Shao Jiangbin's parents asked someone to go through the back door to conceal their son's experience of being re-educated through labor, and stuffed such a troubled young man into the army.

When he first arrived in the unit, he had not yet shown his fox tail, and his training results in various subjects were very good, especially in the shooting subject.

The leader also liked this clever recruit very much, and wanted to train him to be a sharpshooter, and with professional guidance, Shao Jiangbing, who was already very talented in shooting, made rapid progress.

Some time later, the leaders of the unit received a report that Shao Jiangbin had been sentenced to three years of re-education through labor for rape.

After verifying that these reports were true, Shao Jiangbin was later assigned to a labor camp in Xiangfan, Hubei Province as a guard, and there was a person named Geng Xuejie.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

Different from Shao Jiangbin's wealthy family environment, Geng Xuejie was born in a poor peasant family, and he didn't like to study since he was a child.

After Geng Xuejie joined the army, the leaders saw that he was loyal and honest and could cook food, so he was assigned to the cooking class of the labor camp. Some of the soldiers in the same period became special forces, and some became armed police, and they could only revolve around the pot.

After a long time, his emotions could not be relieved, and he met Shao Jiangbin when he was depressed.

Knowing that this new comrade-in-arms was a sharpshooter, he recognized the other party as his eldest brother, and later the two became good brothers who talked about almost everything.

After work, they often drink together, one of the two people is ruthless and the other is lazy and greedy, and problem young people are prone to big problems when they get together.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

One day, after the two were full of wine and food, they started to complain again, Shao Jiangbin thought that he and the acting platoon Jiang Bo were soldiers of the same year, and the other party was inferior to himself in all aspects but became the platoon commander, and suspected that Jiang Bo used some shady means to achieve today's position.

Shao Jiangbin thought that he had a very good future back then, if it wasn't for the report, how could he be assigned to a labor camp? I think the person who reported it is Jiang Bo.

Shao Jiangbin, who lost his mind, pulled Geng Xuejie and asked: Brother, are you willing to help your eldest brother get justice? The latter nodded, and the two devised a monstrous plan to turn their guns on their innocent comrades.

The bandits committed murders and fled frantically, robbing and killing people all the way

At 12 o'clock that night, Shao Jiangbin ran back to the dormitory from under the pillow and found a sharp knife that had been hidden for an unknown amount of time.

Jiang Bo, who was just about to rest, heard someone knocking on the door, and opened the dormitory door without any suspicion, and the young acting platoon leader didn't understand what was happening, and felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

What followed was a scream, but it did not attract the attention of the other staff, because there were often prisoners fighting and brawling in the middle of the night over various trivial matters.

The correctional cadres thought it was a fight between prisoners of re-education through labor, and they did not find anything unusual when they looked around, but in just a few minutes, Jiang Bo was stabbed several times by Shao Jiangbin, and then fell in a pool of blood.

At this point, Shao Jiangbin knew that there was no turning back, so he ran to the gun room with Geng Xuejie and took out two submachine guns and 200 rounds of ammunition.

In this way, the two men put on the uniforms of the guards in the detention center, put the bullets and weapons in their backpacks, and rode bicycles in a hurry, and rode for more than an hour to the side of the road, where a truck passed by.

The driver saw the military uniforms worn by the two without the slightest suspicion, and sent them to the train station, and the comrades found out that Jiang Bo had died at 8 o'clock in the morning the next day.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

After an urgent count of the number of people, it was found that Shao Jiangbin and Geng Xuejie were missing, as well as two submachine guns and a large number of bullets missing.

When the leaders of the labor camp learned that the incident had become a big problem, they hurriedly reported it to the higher-level departments, and the departments at all levels and the armed police reported it again after receiving the notice, and by this time Shao Jiangbin and Geng Xuejie had already taken refuge in Henan.

Shao Jiangbin knew that once his murder was discovered, the first thing he did was to block the train station, and he and Geng Xuejie got off the train in advance at Xuchang Station in Henan.

After that, the two went all the way to Shaanxi through buses and kind drivers along the way, and finally settled in Sichuan.

Along the way, they robbed homes and houses, and killed the young motorcyclist on the spot in order to rob a motorcycle to escape for their lives.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

When they arrived in Nanchong, Sichuan, the two were penniless, and Shao Jiangbin robbed a cigarette hotel, robbing about 1,000 yuan, and strangled the boss to death with a rope.

Coming to Laimu Township, Leshan Rong County, an uncle who farmed the land found that the two were sneaky, remembering that several nearby villages had often reported the loss of things recently, and suspected that these two people had done it, so he hurriedly ran back to the village to report the situation to the village chief.

The village chief, Dan Xueqing, thought that the two were likely to be thieves, so he rushed to the scene with more than a dozen villagers with wooden sticks and shovels.

Shao Jiangbin and the others saw a bunch of people surrounding them, and they wanted to shoot but were worried that they would be outnumbered, and they were even more worried that they would be exposed, so they wanted to get through with the uniforms they were wearing.

But Xueqing was very vigilant and insisted on taking the two back to the security room, and during the interrogation, the two sides had an argument, and Shao Jiangbin shot Dan Xueqing in the arm.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

The village magistrate tried to stop the two men from committing the attack but were stabbed to death, after which the two set out to flee again.

More than 1,000 military and police officers confronted the murderer for three days, consuming 10,000 bullets to arrest the fugitive

However, Xueqing hurriedly went to the township government to report to the higher-level authorities after a simple bandage, and the Laimu Township Government made a phone call to inform the surrounding cities and counties to be vigilant while reporting to the higher-ups.

During this period, casualties were reported from time to time, including a director of an agricultural machinery station and a cadre of the township government, who were killed in the process of fleeing Shaojiang soldiers.

Seeing that the casualties were getting bigger and bigger, the militia and the armed forces were all dispatched, and the masses also spontaneously organized themselves to provide clues.

It was reported that the fugitives had fled in the direction of Yongning in Renshou County, and that they had been stopped by the local militia when they reached Yongning.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

These militiamen used old-fashioned rifles for training on weekdays, and Shao Jiangbin's submachine gun completely formed a crushing momentum, repeatedly strafing the militia, shouting while shooting: Get out of here! Otherwise, Lao Tzu will want your life.

The armed police force in the province was also organizing police forces to go to the scene, and at this time, Shao Jiangbin also knew that he had little ammunition in his hand, so he took Geng Xuejie to hide in a stone cave, and the place where the two hid was in Baiyangou, Jingyan County.

When the first group of military police arrived, they began to search the mountains, and one of the armed police soldiers was hit by a bullet fired from an unknown corner and died on the spot.

After 20 minutes, two injured police officers found a very suspicious stone cave, so they walked towards the entrance of the cave. At this time, a shuttle bullet flew out, and one of the policemen was shot in the head and was not rescued after being sent to the hospital.

Another policeman was seriously wounded in the abdomen by a second bullet, and the situation was so tricky that they could only shoot wildly at the cave where the bullet was fired.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

Submachine guns, rifles, machine guns and other weapons fired at once, firing more than 17,000 bullets in total, and even the bushes at the entrance of the cave were broken.

In the face of such dense fire coverage, everyone thought that the two people hiding in the cave must have been killed on the spot.

After the gunfire stopped, they fired a few more bullets from the hole, and a detective from the criminal police brigade died of a head wound.

Some elderly people in the area told the investigators that the hole looked small from the outside, but the depth of the hole reached at least 8 meters.

There is also a platform inside the cave, which can accommodate seven or eight adults, and looking out from the inside of the cave can easily see the surrounding range of more than 100 degrees, and people from the outside must stand at the entrance of the cave if they want to look into the cave.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

After discussion at the command, it was decided to use grenades to carry out a saturation attack, and in an instant, hundreds of Type 67 grenades exploded in the hole.

Everyone thought that Shao Jiangbin and others must have no bones left, and the police dog officers, under the leadership of three local cadres, planned to take the police dog to the cave to have a look, but the four people were attacked by Shao Jiangbin and others as soon as they entered the cave, resulting in one death and three injuries.

Everyone waiting for the news outside was dumbfounded, they had never seen such a difficult bandit, since they didn't even have a grenade, they could only use a bazooka.

After the local army arrived at the scene with bazookas, the location of the launch was determined by drawing a map, and several fighters operated the bazookas to fire 20 rounds in a row.

You must know that these bazookas have a destructive effect on some small bunkers, not to mention a stone cave, but Shao Jiangbin and Geng Xuejie are actually fine, and several armed police soldiers and the crowd watching the excitement are innocently affected.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

After exhausting all methods, the command finally decided to set fire to the cave, and they asked the local people to help carry more than 800 kilograms of gasoline overnight, and found rubber pipes several hundred meters long from a factory.

At dawn, all the armed police and the masses at the scene began to get busy, and everyone poured all the more than 800 kilograms of gasoline into the cave, and immediately burst into the sky with an order.

After hours of burning, the cave was already in flames, and the entrance to the cave had collapsed. After extinguishing the fire, armed police fighters wore body armor and entered through the collapsed hole to check the situation.

Walking to the deepest part of the cavern, I saw two completely charred corpses hugging each other.

After forensic autopsy, Shao Jiangbin was shot twice, and 4 pieces of shrapnel were removed from Geng Xuejie's body, indicating that the two of them had been seriously injured before their deaths and still held out in the cave for three days.

1988 Shiraiwa 沟剿匪始末: 1,516 people 17,000 发子弹, 20 pieces of fire tube

This time, more than 600 public security and armed policemen, 129 officers and men of the People's Liberation Army, and 1,516 anti-chemical warfare companies, fire-breathing companies, and local militia were mobilized to suppress the bandits. According to statistics, as many as 35 people were killed and injured by Shao Jiangbin and Geng Xuejie, and 14 people died.

Although there were only 2 extremely vicious gangsters, due to the special identity of the bandits and the terrain at that time, Baiyangou also became a relatively large-scale bandit in the 80s, and Shao Jiangbin and Geng Xuejie paid the price of their lives for their madness.

What do you think about this?

References: Baidu Encyclopedia, Headline Encyclopedia