
Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

author:Xiaodong Food Square


Hit the teacher at the graduation ceremony, and don't you want a degree certificate?

It was reported that a student from Fudan University punched a teacher on the stage at the graduation ceremony and directly beat the teacher to the hospital for treatment.

What kind of hatred does this student have with the teacher? On the day of graduation, so many people watched and did something to the teacher? Unexpectedly, this dramatic scene is not over, and things are reversed and reversed!

From the beginning to the end, the person the student wanted to hit was not the teacher, but the wrong person......

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

On June 19, under the sunshine, Fudan University Law School ushered in its annual graduation ceremony, which is the most solemn moment of the year.

Every part of the ceremony was carried out in an orderly manner, and the graduates took the stage one by one to receive the blessings of the teachers, and the smiles on the faces of the teachers were so warm and gratifying, as if telling their expectations and hopes for the future.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

However, at this moment of joy and emotion, an unexpected scene occurred.

A male student suddenly rushed to the podium, without warning, without any reason, he threw a heavy punch directly at the teacher.

This scene happened so suddenly that everyone didn't have time to react. The teacher's hat was knocked off, and the glasses fell to the ground, and the scene was immediately plunged into chaos and consternation.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

The student quickly fled the scene after hitting someone. The teacher's glasses were knocked off, his face was badly damaged, and he was taken to the hospital by other teachers.

The students and other teachers present couldn't understand: where did this teacher feel sorry for this student and suffer such a public slap?

But an even more dramatic scene happened, after beating someone, the student was exposed, and the person he wanted to hit was the dean, not the teacher on the stage.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

It's just that when he was on stage, he didn't see it clearly, and as a result, he beat the teacher on the side.

According to the students in the college, the teacher who was beaten was a very kind and good teacher, who usually went on business trips to do things, and would correct the students' homework in the middle of the night and reply to the students' inquiries.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

Such a dedicated and good teacher was beaten inexplicably, which is really wronged. What's even more unbelievable is that this student actually beat someone on the day of graduation, does it mean that he doesn't even want a degree certificate?

After this incident, the teacher was sent to the hospital, and was asked by other teachers whether they wanted to be held responsible, but the teacher said that there was no need to pursue responsibility, and that the student must have some dissatisfaction with the beating before he hit someone.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

The student who beat people has always been a top student in the class before, and he was specially recruited from Taiwan. After that, he also found out that he had hit the wrong person and apologized on the platform.

This student started at university, studied hard, won many scholarships, and was the kind of person who was usually very gentle. But why did you suddenly burst out of your emotions on the day of graduation?

Could it be that there is something hidden behind this beating?

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

On the Internet, there are a lot of rumors, and some netizens said that this student may be dissatisfied with the school, or he may feel that Fudan University is different from what he imagined and does not want to graduate from here.

Another insider revealed that after the student came to Fudan from Taiwan, he had always felt dissatisfied, tried his best to drop out of school, and went to the dean many times, but the dean could not make the decision, thinking that once the special enrollment was recruited, he must graduate before leaving.

Therefore, he may not have dropped out of school early and wasted several years before he became so angry.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

In any case, hitting a teacher at a graduation ceremony is not the right thing to do. The school has not dealt with it privately, it may be that the personal problems involving students are more serious, and they have been reported to the police and will be reported after the police investigation.

Judging from his personal behavior, the graduation certificate that he may have managed to get through will fly because of this punch! What's more, this matter is so big, even if he applies for a job in the future, the company will mind this matter, thinking that his upbringing is problematic and not suitable for an important position.

It can be said that the consequences of this student's punch are very serious.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

Law school graduates!

Do you not know even the most basic laws? Publicly beating someone, this is already illegal.

Other students probably didn't expect that the first thing they saw in their lives to defy the law was at their graduation ceremony.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions


Whether the academic background is good or not is only the threshold for entering the enterprise, but the people who can really be trained by the enterprise must be excellent in character and learning, and have moral concepts.

This student didn't know what kind of setbacks he was facing, but when he encountered something, he didn't communicate in advance, but took such a violent way to solve the problem, which really lacked a sense of responsibility.

Fudan law male student beat the teacher follow-up, male student voiced: hit the wrong person! Insider: Special admissions

This student was originally going to be admitted to Peking University for further study, but now Peking University also said that he will not be admitted during the ideological assessment period. It seems that the influence of this fist is still quite large, making him completely famous in the legal circle.

I just don't know if he will regret his impulsive actions this time when his career is not going well many years later.