
The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Uncle Li, your body is healthier than me, a doctor!" Doctor Lao Liu's eyes widened, and the physical examination report in his hand almost fell to the ground. Standing in front of him was 58-year-old Uncle Li, an ordinary company employee, sitting in the office every day to work on documents, either planning or holding meetings.

I am usually as busy as a spinning top, and I should have been sub-healthy a long time ago, but I don't know that as soon as the physical examination report of this year comes out, it is like a fantasy: normal blood pressure, normal blood sugar, normal blood lipids, normal cardiopulmonary function, and even the liver function is not good.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

"Lao Liu, I don't have anything special about this, last year you said that I was not in good health, didn't I start to pay attention to health preservation." Uncle Li replied with a smile, not showing the slightest trace of fatigue, but energetic like a young man.

Dr. Liu was very surprised by the results of Uncle Li's physical examination. He remembered that when Uncle Li came last year, he was obese, with high blood pressure and high blood sugar, a typical "three high" patient. And this year has passed, Uncle Li has not only lost several pounds, but his physical indicators are so good, it is unbelievable.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

"Uncle Li, how the hell did you do this? Are you usually quietly practicing some martial arts? Lao Liu asked half-jokingly. He knew that Uncle Li used to be a "little white" in health preservation, why did he suddenly become such a "master"?

"I haven't practiced martial arts, but I have a little secret." Uncle Li smiled mysteriously and took out a small glass bottle from his bag, which contained a few pieces of yellow medicinal herbs. "This is astragalus, I soak it in water every morning and drink it, it's as simple as that." Uncle Li explained.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

When Dr. Liu heard this, his brows furrowed slightly, and he took a closer look at the astragalus in the small bottle. He is a doctor, and he naturally knows the effect of astragalus, but can this thing really have such a miraculous effect? "Uncle Li, you just drank this astragalus water, and you didn't do anything else special?" Lao Liu was still a little unconvinced, and continued to ask.

"There really isn't, I just have a glass of astragalus water every morning, and I usually pay attention to my diet, and nothing else has changed." Uncle Li replied very sincerely, with an expression of "believe it or not".

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

Dr. Liu rubbed his forehead and felt that things were not simple. There is no doubt that astragalus is a good thing, but it is unbelievable that this herb alone can make a middle-aged man with a mess of body so healthy.

"Uncle Li, you wait a while, I have to study it well." Dr. Liu took the physical examination report and looked at the astragalus brought by Uncle Li, and had already made up his mind to carefully study what is so magical about this astragalus.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

In the physical examination room, Uncle Li continued to chat with Dr. Liu about health care without a word, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy. Outside, the sun had climbed up the treetops and poured in through the windows, as if witnessing the miracle of all this.

Dr. Liu carefully studied the efficacy of astragalus and found that this Chinese medicine does have a lot of miracles. Astragalus, also known as "Astragalus", is the dried root of the leguminous plant Mongolian Astragalus or Astragalus membranaceus, whose medicinal value has long been recorded in the Chinese Medicine Dictionary, and is known as the "King of Qi Supplementation".

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

The main effects of Astragalus include replenishing qi and raising yang, improving health and strengthening the surface, diluting water and reducing swelling, supporting toxin and draining pus, building muscles, etc., which have many conditioning effects on the body. First of all, the most well-known effect of astragalus is to replenish qi. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the "qi" of the human body is the basic substance that sustains life activities, and qi deficiency is full of diseases.

Astragalus can enhance the body's immune function and improve disease resistance by nourishing the spleen and lung qi. For people like Uncle Li who have been in a sub-health state for a long time, the qi-replenishing effect of astragalus is particularly important.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

Secondly, astragalus has the effect of Yiweigu table. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the body's "Wei Qi" is responsible for defending against the invasion of external evils, which is equivalent to the immune function in modern medicine. Astragalus can enhance the health qi, thereby improving the body's ability to resist diseases and prevent colds and other external diseases.

Uncle Li rarely caught a cold during the year, and his physical health improved significantly, which obviously has a lot to do with this effect of astragalus. In addition, astragalus also has the effect of diluting water and reducing swelling. Edema is caused by the imbalance of water and fluid metabolism in the body, and astragalus can promote the normal metabolism of water in the body and reduce the symptoms of edema by strengthening the spleen and improving water.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

Uncle Li used to have swollen legs and feet, but his edema has been significantly reduced in the past year, which should be inseparable from the water dilution and swelling reduction effect of astragalus. Another important effect of astragalus is to support toxin, drain pus and build muscle. During the wound healing process, astragalus can promote the growth of new flesh and speed up wound healing.

This is very beneficial for people who have chronic diseases or wounds that are difficult to heal. Although Uncle Li did not specifically mention this problem, it can be speculated that this effect of astragalus also played a certain role in the improvement of his overall health.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

In general, the conditioning of astragalus to the body is multifaceted, it can not only enhance immunity, prevent diseases, but also regulate water metabolism, promote wound healing, etc. Uncle Li insisted on soaking astragalus in water every day, and obviously benefited a lot from it.

Considering the many benefits of Astragalus, Dr. Liu decided to recommend some other health regimens to Uncle Li to help him further maintain his health. First of all, Dr. Liu suggested that Uncle Li could add some other Chinese herbs to the astragalus water, such as wolfberry, codonopsis, etc.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

The combination of these herbs and astragalus can further enhance the effect of nourishing qi and blood, liver and kidney. In terms of living habits, Dr. Liu suggested that Uncle Li should pay attention to proper exercise. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that exercise can help promote qi and blood, improve the flow of qi and blood, and have many benefits for physical health.

Uncle Li can choose some sports that suit him, such as walking, tai chi, swimming, etc., and insist on a certain amount of exercise every day, which can not only enhance physical fitness, but also relieve work pressure and improve sleep quality.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

In addition, maintaining a good attitude is also an important part of health preservation. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that emotional internal injuries are also one of the important causes of diseases. Dr. Liu suggested that Uncle Li should learn to regulate his emotions, keep his mood happy, and relieve his troubles in time.

You can relax your mind and reduce psychological stress by listening to music, reading books, and communicating with friends. Finally, Dr. Liu reminded Uncle Li that health preservation is not an overnight thing, and it requires long-term persistence and accumulation.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

Although astragalus is a great help to his physical health, he should not rely too much on a single regimen. A variety of conditioning measures should be considered comprehensively in order to truly achieve the goal of health and longevity.

In short, through a detailed explanation, Dr. Liu made Uncle Li understand the many benefits of astragalus to the body, and also suggested that he should carry out comprehensive conditioning in terms of diet, exercise, and mentality to maintain the health of the body.

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

After listening to Dr. Liu's advice, Uncle Li felt that he had benefited a lot, and decided to continue to insist on drinking astragalus water every day, and at the same time try more health methods according to Dr. Liu's advice, and strive to keep his physical condition at the best level.

(All names have been changed)


What do you think about the efficacy of astragalus water? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Zhao Shuang. Research progress on the pharmacological effects of the active ingredient of Astragalus membranaceus in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. General Medicine, Jingzhong Medical District, PLA General Hospital, 2024-06-21 12:57

The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?
The 58-year-old man soaked in water with astragalus every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, the doctor was surprised: What have you done?

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