
Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

author:Xin car review

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to behead his nephew, but Queen Ma heard the news quickly, wearing shabby clothes and showing a sad face. When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he felt compassion, tears appeared in his eyes, and finally ordered a pardon. Queen Ma's wisdom resolved a storm and demonstrated the tenderness of the royal family.

What's going on here? This question has been haunting my mind for a long time, and I can't let go of it. I tried to analyze it from various angles, to explore the reasons for this, and hoped to find a reasonable explanation.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

People often say that "the emperor's family is the most ruthless", Zhu Yuanzhang went through ups and downs, and finally became the founding emperor and created a great foundation. However, he has one major flaw, and that is a deep suspicion, which makes him often in trouble on the road to power.

He was suspicious, not only of the loyal ministers who had fought alongside him, but also of his own nephews. His doubts hung like a dark cloud, making everyone around him feel depressed and uneasy.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was young, his family was poor and he couldn't eat enough every day. Only the second sister is married, and her family is slightly better, so she often gives her a helping hand. The generosity of the second sister enabled Zhu Yuanzhang to survive in the difficult years, and his kindness is remembered in his heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he was particularly close to the second sister's family. He is well aware of the selfless dedication of the second sister in the difficult years, and this deep sister-brother friendship makes him still care for the second sister's family after becoming the emperor, showing his affection.

The village originally had more than 200 residents, and the drought caused famine, and the hungry people suffered greatly. What is even more frightening is that famine often leads to a depopulation, which is often accompanied by plague and misery for the villagers.

The father and son have gone through hardships and dangers, sleeping in the open air, being in troubled times, full of dangers, and on the verge of life and death several times. However, after going through many difficulties and dangers, they finally found Zhu Yuanzhang and were able to reunite.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

Zhu Yuanzhang saw his nephew's downfall, and his heart swelled with deep sympathy and pity. Out of cherishing this family affection, he resolutely decided to adopt his nephew as his son and gave him the surname Zhu, and the nephew became a member of the Zhu family from then on.

What's going on? Everything seems so confusing. Mysteries are so elusive that they can be elusive. We urgently need to lift the veil and get to the bottom of it in order to restore the truth and make everything clear.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

After Zhu Yuanzhang stabilized the throne, he immediately set out to eliminate the heroes without mercy. Even the nephew of his dearest relatives was not spared, and the degree of his ruthlessness can be seen and terrifying. Such a means was really necessary to consolidate the imperial power.

This year, the imperial court was shaken in the whirlpool of the "Hu Weiyong case". Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, and in the name of rebellion, he severely punished many old ministers in the court, and many officials were implicated and affected, and a strong atmosphere of slaughter permeated the government and the opposition.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious and determined to dig deep into the case. After a strict investigation, more than 10,000 people were involved, and there were rumors inside and outside the court, and everyone was in danger. For a time, the court was shrouded in clouds and darkness.

Although he knew that the road ahead was full of hardships and dangers, out of loyalty to the imperial court, he still embarked on the road of persuasion without hesitation, determined to admonish him with death, hoping to bring a little change to the country.

This statement is really disrespectful, and he dares to slander the Holy One, accusing him of being the master of mediocrity and confusing right and wrong. Zhu Yuanzhang was furious when he heard this, and under the anger, he vowed to severely punish him and sentence him to death as an example.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, and originally just wanted to reprimand his nephew a little, but he had no remorse and openly provoked in the court. This move made Zhu Yuanzhang very angry, and he was determined to punish him severely.

If my departure can help the emperor distinguish between right and wrong, then I will be loyal and do my best. I don't ask the emperor to remember, but I hope to awaken the eyes in his heart so that he is no longer trapped by the fog, which is my greatest wish in this life.

He thought his life was hanging by a thread, but he accidentally escaped. Zhu Yuanzhang did not put him to death, the reason was the reasonable and generous Queen Ma behind him. It's a staggering twist, but the wheel of fortune often surprises, and he is saved in the end.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

Queen Ma, the name of virtue has been praised through the ages. With only one old clothes, he kept the loyalty of the court. The emperor did not do evil because of his good words. Queen Ma's wisdom and courage are really a blessing for the country and the people.

Zhu Yuanzhang has the assistance of Queen Ma, so that he can always introspect himself and avoid making big mistakes. Her existence, like a mirror, allows Zhu Yuanzhang to gain insight into his own mistakes and stay sober, thus avoiding many potential disasters.

Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the dynasty and caught a glimpse of Queen Ma dressed in coarse cloth, sitting alone on the edge of the bed, with tears in her eyes and a sad expression. He was shocked, but when he saw that the queen was so sad, he became suspicious, and couldn't help but step forward and ask why.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

Curious, he asked Queen Ma what was going on. Seeing this, Queen Ma told the story and stated the ins and outs of the matter one by one. After listening to this, he understood in his heart and had a clearer understanding of the matter.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard Queen Ma's words, looked at the coarse cloth clothes she was wearing, the patches were mottled, and the memories of the past war years surged in his heart. Although those days were hard, they were full of truth and perseverance, which deeply moved him.

Life was difficult, the clothes were patched, and the family was struggling to get by. And he was on the verge of starving to death on the streets, but fortunately, his sister often lent a helping hand and gave him the continuation of his life with her meager strength, and this kindness he remembers in his heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Queen Ma hurriedly put on her ragged clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang: Don't kill it

My sister passed away, and my nephew survived hardships and fought side by side to create brilliance. Now that he is in a high position, I want to take his life because of a few words of advice. This is not a wise thing to do, and I should think carefully so as not to make a big mistake.

If this happens, my last loved one will be gone. At that time, I couldn't help but wonder if my deceased sister would be resentful of me. However, the world is unpredictable, and I only hope that her spirit in heaven can understand my helplessness and sorrow.