
The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

author:Qingqing's entertainment diary

Pure Hong Kong dramas, you have to watch TVB productions!

I just finished watching TVB's new drama "Anti-Black Heroes", and I was really excited.

Pure Hong Kong-style police films, PTU, anti-black group, as soon as these classic elements of childhood memories return, they are indeed full of emotion.

So what is the quality of this new drama "Anti-Black Heroes"? Is it worth seeing? Please listen to me slowly!

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

1, the rhythm takes off, and the plot has tension!

In police and gangster movies, what you watch is the rhythm and what you watch is the plot.

And the plot design of this "Anti-Black Hero" really took off at the beginning!

At the beginning of the drama, there is a big scene, that is, the PTU team encounters bandits robbing the gold store on the street.

In the end, the policeman was robbed of the gun by the bandits, and one person was killed by the bandits, and finally the bandits disappeared mysteriously.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

This murder of the police directly led to the change of the fate of the three surviving policemen.

Some people continue to enforce the law at the PTU, hoping that one day they will be able to meet those bandits again.

Some people quit their jobs as police officers, went to be gangsters, and joined the club.

It wasn't until 5 years later that a gangster named Azu returned from prison abroad.

In a drug dealing case, Sergeant Xuan Shen, who was still on duty in the PTU, recognized at a glance that this thug named Azu was the gangster who shot and killed people five years ago.

But because there was no evidence, although the police arrested the person, they had to release the person in the end.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

With the return of Azu, Xuanshen's pursuit of Azu, as well as the anti-black team's investigation of Azu, were also launched simultaneously.

At the same time, the police suddenly discovered that Azu had returned to take revenge!

It turned out that he was arrested and imprisoned for five years, and he was jointly ordered by the big brothers of the two local communities.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

Azu's revenge on the two major associations, and the police investigation of Azu.

It can be said that such a plot is indeed getting better and better with the advancement of the plot, and it is becoming more and more interesting.

Especially the scene of the gangster eating black, the scene is really big enough and exciting enough.

As a traditional Hong Kong police film, this "Anti-Black Hero" is absolutely original and explosive in terms of plot design.

Especially for Hong Kong drama fans, I believe that as long as you see PTU's handsome appearance, you will be hooked.

After all, that's what you watch when watching Hong Kong dramas!

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

2. Strong sense of suspense!

Although this "Anti-Black Hero" is a traditional police film.

There are undercover agents, gangsters, and plots where black eats black.

But we will still see some different reversals in this drama.

For example, Xiaoxian, who plays an undercover agent in the play.

He used to be a PTU, but he witnessed the bandits snatching his gun and killing his master.

Five years later, he became an undercover agent and lurked beside a big brother in the club.

Originally, his task was only to cooperate with the police to dismantle this criminal gang.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

But suddenly he found out that the bandit who snatched his gun back then was back, and he was still coming for the big brother next to him!

As an undercover agent, he thought of borrowing his eldest brother's hand, eating black and black, and avenging the master who died that year.

However, the identity of the police forced him to be unable to act.

Such a sense of suspense, such a suspense design, I think it is a human thought.

Of course, there are more interesting points, as well as the use of this undercover agent by the police.

It can be seen that the boss doesn't care so much about Xiaoxian, an undercover agent.

In the heart of the boss, he only solved the case, only captured the criminal gang, and did not care much about Xiaoxian's safety.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

According to the plot introduction, the later plot may be the brothers of Xuanshen and Xiaoxian.

If this is really the case, it should be that Xiaoxian was abandoned by his boss and became an outcast.

In the end, Xiaoxian, an undercover agent, completely blackened, took over the club, and became the eldest brother.

The subsequent police and bandit duel will be interesting and interesting.

If the final plot is really like this, I think this drama is definitely worth watching.

is not only an original standard Hong Kong-style police movie, but also plays new tricks, and has new explosive points!

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

3, the actor has highlights!

Why doesn't everyone like to watch Hong Kong dramas so much?

One reason is that the plot design is too old-fashioned and has no new ideas.

Another point, and the most important point, is that there are so many actors turning over and over.

Especially Huang Zongze and Wu Zhuoxi, they are really in every Hong Kong drama.

It's not that their acting skills are bad, but the audience is really tired of watching it.

And in this "Anti-Black Hero", a few new actors finally came out.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

One is Chen Shancong.

In fact, he is not a rookie actor.

But the TV series he starred in are indeed quite few!

If I'm not mistaken, the first time Chen Shancong played the starring role was in the TV series "Golden Night Mansion", in which Chen Shancong played two roles and left a deep impression.

In other episodes, it's always been a supporting role.

It's not too remarkable, but it's also memorable.

As for the other male advocate Zhenlang in this play, like Chen Shancong, he belongs to the golden green leaf.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

From "Apostle Walker" to "Blind Barrister" and other Hong Kong films, there are cameos.

After so many years, it can be regarded as finally getting through.

There are also Yuan Weihao, Zhu Chenli and other actors.

It can be said that the actors in this drama, although they are not well-known, are definitely familiar faces, and they are all standard in Hong Kong dramas.

The first wave of real word-of-mouth of "Anti-Black Heroes" is released! The audience's evaluation hit the nail on the head

So it can be said that this "Anti-Black Hero" is not a big production, but it can definitely be regarded as a decent Hong Kong drama.

For viewers who like to watch Hong Kong dramas, this "Anti-Black Hero" is still worth watching!