
Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

The data says sports

2024-06-25 12:52Posted in Shandong Sports Creator

This offseason, the biggest problem for the Rockets is how to deal with Jalen Green and Shin Jing, because they are both rookies in 2021 and both are facing contract extensions, according to ESPN salary expert Bobby. Green and Shin Kyung are eligible to sign a five-year, $225 million rookie clause, and if they can make the All-NBA team in the 24-25 season, then the contract will reach $269 million for five years, so the Rockets are now in a dilemma, and it is not realistic to give the two a maximum salary at the same time, one of them must make sacrifices, and if they can't do it, they can only trade one, judging from the current indications, Shin Kyung's status in the Rockets is significantly higher than Green.

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

This is because since the regular season last season, Udoka has been building tactics around Shen Jing, whether it is ball possession or key ball handling, Shen Jing occupies the first place in the team, and Green's position is frankly a little embarrassing, Udoka thinks he is just a scorer, which causes Green to not have many shots, let alone Shen Jing, even Van Vliet has more ball possession than him, and Green is only a three-leader at best, so we see that when Shen Jing plays, Green's data is not good-looking, and many rounds of the ball can't be touched, Especially in the fourth quarter, Shen Jing and Van Jordan on the offensive end of the Rockets turned around, and Green turned back to watch the show.

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

The American media believes that Shen Jing is not for sale of the Rockets, not long ago Spurs player Osman also said in an interview that Shen Jing is the first choice of the Rockets, when you pass the ball to him, Shen Jing will repay you, coupled with Udoka's attention, we will find that the Rockets obviously prefer Shen Jing, as for Green, I am afraid that he will become a victim, although after Shen Jing fell last season, Green was a god in March, but was beaten back to his original form in April, indicating that Green is extremely unstable, and when Shen Jing returns next season, Green will definitely have no ball again. To sum up, if the Rockets have to break up the two in the offseason, it will only be Green who will leave.

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

Unless Green is willing to take a pay cut to stay with the team and get a salary of about $25 million, now the Rockets have a new way to reduce prices, some time ago it was reported that Nets guard Cameron Thomas will complete a contract extension with the Nets, but the salary is only $20 million-25 million, Thomas is also a 21-year rookie, from the 27th pick, the Nets don't want to give him a big contract, and Thomas will not pursue, the two sides are expected to complete the signing soon. Thomas is 1.91 meters tall, currently 22 years old, and his salary last season was $2.24 million.

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

In the regular season last season, Thomas averaged 22.5 points, 3.2 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game, shooting 44.2% per game and 36.4% three-pointers. Thomas has a lot of offensive means, extremely strong breakthrough ability, and good projection, and has been improving since entering the league, playing as a substitute in the 21-22 and 22-23 seasons, and completely exploded after entering the starting line last season, and became a blockbuster.

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

As a comparison, Jalen Green averaged 19.6 points, 5.2 rebounds and 3.5 assists per game last season, with an average shooting rate of 42% per game and 33% three-pointers. But as far as last season is concerned, Thomas did play better than Green, and in addition, the Rockets and Nets played each other twice in the regular season last season, and Thomas did not play in the first matchup.

Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

In the second meeting, the Nets narrowly defeated the Rockets 106-104, in this game, Green only got 19 points and 10 rebounds in 5 of 15, while Thomas on the opposite side was 11 in 19 and bombarded 37 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists, which broke Green, which shows that Thomas is now only stronger than Green, which solves the problem for the Rockets, since Thomas's annual salary after the contract extension is 20 million to 25 million US dollars, it means that Green will be at this price, will not exceed 25 million US dollars, after the door to the free market opens, If Green insists on a five-year $225 million contract, then the Rockets will simply release him and give the maximum salary to Shen Jing, who is at least more comprehensive, although the defense is not good, but compared to Green's instability, Shen Jing's ceiling is still higher.

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  • Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative
  • Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative
  • Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative
  • Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative
  • Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative
  • Better than Green! With an average of 22+3 per game, you only got 20 million, thanks to the Nets, you helped the Rockets regain the initiative

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