
Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

Talk about food moments

2024-06-23 09:04Published in Jiangxi

This year's ambush time is July 15th, many people may be more curious, the dog days have not yet come, how do you know that it is July 15th of the Gregorian calendar? If you want to understand which day to ambush, in fact, it is not difficult, we just need to remember, a folk proverb can be "summer solstice three Geng several head volts", in layman's terms, the third Geng day after the summer solstice, is a time to ambush.

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

Gengri, it refers to the ancient "Ganzhi Chronicle Law", with the prefix "Geng" on the day, so if we want to see the time of ambush, we only need to stare at Gengri, and this node is from the summer solstice festival.

The time of the summer solstice is June 21 of the Gregorian calendar, with this as the time node, June 25 of the Gregorian calendar is the Gengshen day of the Gengwu month of the Jiachen year, that is, the first Gengshen day of the summer solstice, we all know that between the Geng day and the Geng day, there are 10 days apart, then on July 5 of the Gregorian calendar, it is the second Geng day after the summer solstice, this day is the Gengwu day of the Gengwu month of the Jiachen year, and in the next 10 days, the time came to July 15 of the Gregorian calendar, that is, the third Gengchen day after the summer solstice, the Gengchen day of the Xinwei month of the Jiachen year.

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

Since then, after the summer solstice, after the Gengshen day, then the Gengwu day, and finally the Gengchen day, it will usher in the beginning of the dog days of 2024, that is, the ambush.

The dog days of 2024 are unusual, there are 3 special features, which are very different from previous years, and what are the specific aspects?

Normal dog days, the weather is hot, the time to come is relatively fixed, in addition to the climate of the weather, it is also relatively normal, belongs to a stage of high temperature and high humidity, then there is a special, we can take into account the time of ambush, as well as the length, and even the degree of heat and other considerations.

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

1. The last year of "ultra-long volts".

In the dog days in the past, most of the dog days were actually super long days, that is, the dog days that were originally 30 days became 40 days, which is also because the time of the ambush is not fixed, so the time of the middle volt is not fixed, so there will be a difference in time.

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

This year's dog days are an important time node, and it is not difficult to see from the calendar that it is the last year of the super long volts, and the dog days after that will be 30 days, which means that the hot days in the future will be shortened.

You must know that dog days have been 40 days since 2015, and in 2025, dog days will really usher in 30 days.

2. This year is the mother volt

Futian, also divided into male and female, according to a saying of the ancients, to see whether the ambush time is singular or even, if the lunar calendar time is singular, then it is the male volt, on the contrary, the appearance of a double number, is the female volt, July 15 of the Gregorian calendar, which happens to be the tenth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar.

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

That is to say, this year is a typical female volt, as the old saying goes, "male volt is cool, female volt is hot", from here we can see that if there is a female volt, it may be relatively sultry, not so hot so crisp

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

Of course, this is also, relatively speaking, after all, dog days are the hottest time of the year, but the temperature is relatively lower than in previous years. Mufu gives people the feeling of being humid and stuffy, which is not quite the same as simple heat.

3. This year's dog days will be overheated

Many people may feel puzzled when they see this, the dog days have not yet come, how do you know that the weather will be unusually hot, this is actually very easy to judge, that is to see the time of ambush and Xiaoxiao, if the distance is relatively close, the heat is relatively weak, and the distance is farther, it will be relatively hot.

Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

The arrival of the summer season means the arrival of the summer season, because the summer and the beginning of the summer often come in a hurry; There is a saying in the countryside: "After a small summer, it is hot for three minutes a day".

This year's solar term is on July 6th, and the sunset is on July 15th, and the temperature rises sharply in the middle of this period, so it will also cause the entire dog days to become unusually hot.

This year's ambush time is July 15, we must prepare in advance, not careless, especially this year's dog days, and previous years are not quite the same, the time is long, and it is particularly hot.

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  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years
  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years
  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years
  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years
  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years
  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years
  • Entering the ambush on July 15, 2024 is not ordinary, with 3 special features, which are very different from previous years

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