
Why are people with depression reluctant to go out?


  A depressed person once said:

  Depression makes me face a mess every day, I don't want to go to work, I don't want to get along with my colleagues! I just want to be alone, I hate noise, I like to be quiet, and I don't even want to bump into others when I get off the elevator. Wash your face with tears every day, and force yourself to face life every day......

  In fact, most people with depression are reluctant to go out and communicate with others, not because they are afraid to communicate with others, but because they are not interested in communicating.

Why are people with depression reluctant to go out?

  There are several main reasons why people with depression are reluctant to go out:

  1. Lack of energy and motivation:

  Depression often causes patients to feel extremely tired and lacking energy, and even simple daily activities, such as going out, can feel like a huge burden. For example, they may have difficulty even getting out of bed, washing and dressing, let alone getting out of the house.

  2. Social Anxiety:

  Being overly sensitive to other people's evaluations, worrying about being negatively judged or encountering awkward social situations outside. For example, fear of not knowing what to say when communicating with others, or feeling that you are not good enough.

  3. Loss of interest:

  Loss of interest in things you originally enjoyed, including going out to events, exploring new places, etc. Outings that once seemed interesting may now fail to pique their interest.

Why are people with depression reluctant to go out?

  4. Negative Thinking and Emotions:

  Filled with negative thoughts and emotions, such as sadness, despair, self-blame, etc., make them more willing to stay alone in a closed environment and escape from external stimuli.

  5. Physical symptoms:

  Such as sleep problems, loss of appetite, body aches, etc., these physical discomforts can also affect their willingness to go out.

  6. Low self-worth:

  Feeling unworthy or unworthy of participating in outside activities and feeling that they cannot fit in with society.

  In short, the reluctance of depressed patients to go out is the result of a combination of factors, which requires our understanding and care to help them gradually get out of the predicament.

Why are people with depression reluctant to go out?