
Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

author:Very Mr. Watch Entertainment

Since being with Ma Xiaomei, Wang Xiaofei is like a different person, her clothes are higher, her mood is stable, and her temperament has rebounded.

In terms of career, Ma Xiaomei also provided Wang Xiaofei with enough emotional value, the latter has gone all out to fight for her career in the past six months, and the influence of Ma Liuji's online live broadcast has become more and more influential, and 34 offline stores have been opened, even to Seoul and Singapore.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

From a medical aesthetic consultant in a medical aesthetic institution to the wife of one of the four young people in Beijing, Ma Xiaomei has indeed achieved a class leap, and she must not regret it.

However, many actresses in the entertainment industry have proven that it is not easy to marry into a wealthy family, not to mention that Ma Xiaomei's previous identity is far inferior to that of female artists.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

Before marrying Wang Xiaofei, Ma Xiaomei was very low-key and knew how to correct her position, except for the group photo in Seoul, she almost never appeared in Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan's videos, and her social accounts were rarely updated.

But recently, Ma Xiaomei finally became active on her account, it turned out that Wang Xiaofei encouraged her to do what she liked, not to limit the ordinary things because of other factors, and it was also the first time to publicly call Wang Xiaofei's husband on social platforms.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

On June 22, Ma Xiaomei posted a photo of herself and Wang Xiaofei for the first time, which was a live photo of the two attending the family banquet of the owner of a perfume brand.

At that time, Wang Xiaofei was holding the microphone and smiling to speak, while Ma Xiaomei was sitting next to him and listening to him with a smile.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

On June 24, Ma Xiaomei's social account was updated again, posting a photo outside the window of her room, saying that today is the first time in half a year that she has slept for 8 hours, and she feels satisfied.

The half year in Ma Xiaomei's mouth is probably half a year with Wang Xiaofei, from falling in love to getting married for most of the year, she didn't sleep for 8 hours, and it was not easy to marry into a wealthy family.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

In fact, it's right to think about it, Wang Xiaofei is so busy every day, and Ma Xiaomei, who is by his side all day, will naturally not be idle.

At the beginning of this year, Wang Xiaofei was anxious because she couldn't see her children, and the most fierce confrontation after the divorce broke out with Da S, and even made trouble at Da S's residence twice, and went to the police station to report Da S's drug abuse with his real name.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

Wang Xiaofei was complained that she was disheveled and her mood was seriously unstable, although Ma Xiaomei was not the focus of the media at that time, he had been silently following Wang Xiaofei during that time.

When Wang Xiaofei accompanied a pair of children in Taipei, Ma Xiaomei always accompanied her, the four of them went shopping together, ate roadside stalls together, and Ma Xiaomei even made braised pork rice for the children.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

At that time, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei had not been together for a long time, but the latter had begun to learn to be a stepmother, and she was doing well, and she had a good relationship with her two children.

Wang Xiaofei can transform from a person who is angry to such an emotionally stable entrepreneur today, Ma Xiaomei has contributed a lot, and it is no wonder that Wang Xiaofei is willing to take Ma Xiaomei with her wherever she attends any event.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

On May 27, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei received their marriage certificate in Beijing early in the morning, and appeared at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport in the morning to attend the opening ceremony of Ma Liuji in Shanghai.

In this regard, Zhang Lan praised her daughter-in-law in the live broadcast room, saying that her daughter-in-law had just received the certificate and had not yet gone on her honeymoon, so she followed her husband on business trips to work.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

After returning to her mother's house in Taipei for a short stay, Wang Xiaofei started the work mode of the boss again, and flew to Shenzhen with Ma Xiaomei a few days ago, also for the opening ceremony of the new store.

It is worth mentioning that in the two days after the opening of the Shenzhen store, Ma Xiaomei appeared in Zhang Lan's video twice, and called "Mom" sweetly twice.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

After returning to Beijing to rest for a few days, Wang Xiaofei recently took Ma Xiaomei to participate in the summer Davos exchange meeting.

Judging from the video exposed on the Internet, Wang Xiaofei was radiant at the time, showing off her figure in a suit, and her English speech was full of elite style, and she was not at all a gentleman in the mouth of some black fans.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

After the Davos exchange meeting, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei will rush to Qingdao to participate in the opening ceremony of Qingdao's second Ma Liuji, and then the two will go to Taipei to pick up the two little babies and travel with Zhang Lan to relax.

Such a full itinerary may be commonplace for Wang Xiaofei, and she must have experienced it in the heyday of South Beauty's development before.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

But for Ma Xiaomei, her previous life was relatively regular, at least she wouldn't fly around the country, and under such a full and tiring schedule, it was indeed rare to have the opportunity to sleep for 8 hours.

In addition to her body, Ma Xiaomei's psychology must have also changed, because she also has to adapt to Zhang Lan's style, both in life and work.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

For example, at work, Zhang Lan is used to shooting videos for everything, so Ma Xiaomei needs to cooperate in words and deeds.

At the Beijing family banquet some time ago, Ma Xiaomei made up for the lipstick envelopes that she hadn't sent out in Shenzhen before, but such a private matter still needs to be filmed.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

During the meal, Zhang Lan got up to pick up vegetables for Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, of course her son Wang Xiaofei was very casual and didn't get up when she sat down, but Ma Xiaomei, as a daughter-in-law who had just passed the door, was in a state of getting up and holding the plate with both hands to pick up the food.

Whether Ma Xiaomei is highly educated or more cautious in the face of the camera, the fact is that she needs to do this, otherwise she will be used to make a fuss by someone with a heart, after all, Wang Xiaofei recently did not give Ma Xiaomei a chair before eating, which has become a point of complaint for black fans.

Ma Xiaomei took beautiful photos and called Wang Xiaofei's husband, who slept for 8 hours for the first time in half a year, and it was not easy to marry a wealthy family

Therefore, Ma Xiaomei's marriage to Wang Xiaofei seems to be a sure win, but there are a lot of things that need to be paid, especially the mentality, which is like this in private, even more so in front of the camera.

Of course, at present, Ma Xiaomei is doing a good job, she is indeed more suitable for Wang Xiaofei, and she does know how to please her mother-in-law Zhang Lan, low-key and not demonic, respects her husband and mother-in-law, and is good to be a wealthy daughter-in-law with peace of mind.