
"Can doctors be psychopathic when they see life and death?" See what a doctor has to say

author:Original article by Dark Horse

Dark Horse Psychology Case Sharing, this is from a doctor's self-report:

Some of the patients touched me very much.

There was a patient who, for two weeks, couldn't even afford the MRI of the spine that I recommended to make a diagnosis. He's just a poor fisherman. He was lying on the floor of the ward and we couldn't even give him a bed. He didn't get better. However, one day, while I was at his bedside, he made a gesture. He folded his palms together on his face and bowed his head in respect.

"Can doctors be psychopathic when they see life and death?" See what a doctor has to say

There was an old lady who was taken to the ward late at night. It was a stroke, a bad stroke. There's nothing we can do. She's dead. As I was leaving with the body, one of her family members grabbed my hand and said, "Doctor, you did your best I understand, thank you." ”

There was also an old man struggling to breathe. He was also sitting on the floor, and we couldn't make a bed for him. He was unable to lie down due to respiratory distress. He needs to be nebulized regularly, but there is only one nebulizer in the entire ward. I asked a ward boy to get the nebulizer. The old man put his hand on mine and said sincerely, "You are like my grandson, taking care of me." ”

"Can doctors be psychopathic when they see life and death?" See what a doctor has to say

I wandered around the ward, looking at documents, lab reports, etc. A patient and his wife were having lunch. They put some newspapers on the bed and ate from the small bed board sticking out of the side of the bed. I'm just checking his file. The lady asked me gently, "Doctor, would you like to have lunch with us?" ”

No patient had asked me to have lunch in the ward before. I knew the lady had to pluck up the courage to ask me. They were the poorest of the poor, and they were almost terrified in the face of the terrible conditions of the ward. I could feel her love and respect for me.

"Can doctors be psychopathic when they see life and death?" See what a doctor has to say

There are two such brothers. The younger ones are my patients, who sold their land, transferred from one hospital to another, did tests, but have not yet been diagnosed. Before the holiday, my brother knew that I would not show up that holiday, he panicked, and he couldn't trust anyone but me. The next day, he said he wanted to give me as a gift. When I refused to accept any gifts, he asked me to have dinner with him one day. To escape the meal, I promised to wait until his brother got better. The patient was later diagnosed with a case of leukemia and died shortly after.

Whenever I'm feeling down, whenever I want to give up, I think of stories like this. At the same time, I try to remember the faces of my lost patients. I remember the 14-year-old girl who died of leukemia, the 15-year-old girl who died of poisoning, the 17-year-old boy I lost. I try to remember all of them. That's what motivates me to do better and get better – every day.