
The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded

author:Liancheng Media

On the morning of June 24, the second plenary session of the fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was held. After the successful completion of the agenda, the fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded. The meeting was presided over by Lai Xiaoxiang, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress.

The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded

There should be 204 delegates present at the meeting, and 201 delegates actually attended, which met the statutory number of delegates.

Cai Dongyang, Lai Xiaoxiang, Li Zhenghong, Chen Gesheng, Yang Xiaochun, and Li Xuewu, executive chairmen of the conference, were seated in the front row of the rostrum.

County leaders Lai Yuzhong, Chen Rongbin, Liao Wencai, Qiu Xiaoping, Li Guisheng, Chen Jushui, and Li Chuanlong were seated on the rostrum.

The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded
The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded
The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded
The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded

The meeting voted on the draft list of chief voters and scrutineers, and by-elected the county magistrate of the Liancheng County People's Government and the director of the Liancheng County Supervision Commission. After on-site voting, Comrade Lai Yuzhong was elected as the county magistrate of the Liancheng County People's Government, and Comrade Liao Wencai was elected as the director of the Liancheng County Supervisory Committee, and the constitutional oath was taken in accordance with the "Organizational Measures of the Standing Committee of the Liancheng County People's Congress on the Constitutional Oath".

The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded

On behalf of the county party committee, Cai Dongyang extended warm congratulations to the successful convening of the conference, to the newly elected comrades Lai Yuzhong and Liao Wencai, and to all the delegates, participating comrades and conference staff to express heartfelt thanks.

He pointed out that all the delegates and comrades present are the organizers, promoters and practitioners of the development of Liancheng, and we should focus on the major historical mission of accelerating the high-quality development of Liancheng Revolutionary Base Area, unite as one, work hard, and work hard to ensure the successful realization of the annual economic and social development goals and tasks.

The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded

On doing a good job in the work of the National People's Congress in the new era, Cai Dongyang emphasized:

First, we must keep up with the core, build loyalty, and reflect the "people's congress position".

We should take a clear stand on politics, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on upholding and improving the people's congress system, faithfully perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and ensure that the work of the people's congress always moves in the right direction.

Second, we must focus on the center, serve the overall situation, and show the "people's congress action".

Focusing on the theme of going all out to accelerate the high-quality development of the Liancheng Revolutionary Base Area, we will adhere to the "three major actions" of attracting investment, focusing on industries and projects, and carry out the "five key actions" of speeding up key projects, improving investment and efficiency, improving the development environment, striving for the quantity of policy funds, and improving the quality of rural revitalization, so as to identify the entry point and focus of the work of the National People's Congress, and promote the work deployment of the county party committee and county government to advance and implement it efficiently in accordance with the law.

Third, we must be close to the people's hearts, serve the people wholeheartedly, and demonstrate the "feelings of the people's congress".

Practice whole-process people's democracy, always take the maintenance and development of the fundamental interests of the 350,000 Liancheng people as the starting point and end point of all work, promote better solutions to the most concerning, direct and realistic interests of the people of Liancheng, such as education, medical and health care, pension and employment, and strive to make the development of Liancheng more people's livelihood and more people's livelihood.

Fourth, we must stick to the original intention, strive for first-class, and establish a good "image of the National People's Congress".

The county people's congress and its standing committee should adhere to the leadership of political construction, closely follow the requirements of the "four organs" of the people's congress, continue to strengthen their own construction, and constantly improve their ability and level of performing their duties. The majority of deputies should cherish the honor of deputies, continue to improve their work style, enhance their ability to perform their duties, and actively contribute wisdom to promoting the high-quality economic and social development of Liancheng.

Cai Dongyang emphasized:

The people's congress system is the mainland's fundamental political system, and the work of the people's congress is an important part of the party's work. The county party committee will, as always, attach great importance to and give full support to the work of the people's congress. The "government, committee, and procuratorate" must conscientiously accept the supervision of the people's congress and its standing committee, conscientiously implement the resolutions and decisions of the people's congress, actively listen to the opinions and suggestions of the people's congress deputies, and constantly improve the level of administration according to law, supervision according to law, and judicial impartiality. All departments at all levels in the county should fully support the people's congress in exercising its functions and powers in accordance with the law, create conditions for the people's congress to carry out its work, and continue to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to respect the status of the people's congress and support the work of the people's congress.

The fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of Liancheng County was successfully concluded

Lai Xiaoxiang pointed out:

⭐ It is necessary to adhere to the party's leadership and strengthen political responsibility. It is necessary to resolutely support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" as the highest political principle and fundamental political responsibility, always adhere to the organic unity of the party's leadership, the people being the masters of the country, and governing the country according to law, develop and practice the whole process of people's democracy, and ensure that the work of the people's congress and the central work of the party committee always exert force in the same direction and resonate at the same frequency.

⭐ It is necessary to persist in serving the overall situation and strengthen the performance of duties. In strict accordance with the requirements of seizing the "three opportunities", giving full play to the "four advantages", and playing the "five cards", we will deepen and expand the "three contentions" action with the "135" work idea, find the entry point and combination point of the people's congress's performance of duties, promote the implementation of the work with more effective supervision in accordance with the law, improve the effectiveness of the performance of duties with a more perfect working mechanism, and strive to show the demeanor and responsibility of the people's congress in serving the high-quality development of the old revolutionary base area in Liancheng.

⭐ It is necessary to adhere to the original intention of serving the people and strengthen the mission. We have always adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, regarded the benefit of the people as the greatest political achievement, conscientiously practiced the "four grassroots" work system, been a good caring, confidant and warm-hearted person for the masses, and promoted the priority solution of people's livelihood problems, the accelerated implementation of people's projects, and the full implementation of policies benefiting the people, so as to demonstrate the people's people's feelings for the people in improving people's livelihood and well-being.

⭐ It is necessary to adhere to a clean and healthy atmosphere and strengthen responsibility. It is necessary to firmly grasp the positioning requirements of the "four organs", shoulder the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, consolidate and deepen the achievements of theme education, take the opportunity of party discipline study and education, continue to grasp the construction of party style and clean government, build the "four organs" that reassure the party and satisfy the people, and take on the historical mission entrusted to the people's congress in the new era with actual work results.

The meeting successfully completed all the agendas and closed with the majestic "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China".

Reporter: Wu Qinglan, Ma Biao, Lin Jiawei, Jiang Youwei, Ye Xianxian