
This common dish, the taste of "bitter" may be poisonous~~ Don't eat it indiscriminately, you can't "get rid of the fire" at all

author:Longnan Liangdang released

Health preservation is a kind of life attitude, which allows you to enhance your physique, prevent diseases, have health, and enjoy happiness;

As the saying goes, "Hardship in summer is better than tonic".

After entering Futian, many friends found that eating some bitter food at this time can not only strengthen the spleen and appetize, increase appetite, but also clear the heart and relieve heat.

But, did you know? Not all "bitter foods" have a tonic effect!

The loofah will "hide the poison"

Loofah is a vegetable that we often eat, rich in a variety of nutrients, whether it is eaten raw, cold or stir-fried.

Normal loofah, with a little sweetness, if you find that the loofah has a bitter taste, it is best not to continue to eat.

Because, such a loofah contains a toxic substance - alkaloid glycoside alkaloids.

This common dish, the taste of "bitter" may be poisonous~~ Don't eat it indiscriminately, you can't "get rid of the fire" at all
This common dish, the taste of "bitter" may be poisonous~~ Don't eat it indiscriminately, you can't "get rid of the fire" at all

This toxin cannot be removed by rinsing or salting, and it is difficult to decompose at high temperatures.

Different people have different tolerance to alkaloid alkaloids, and people with low tolerance will have symptoms such as dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, etc., and severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dehydration, and even life-threatening.

Generally, the onset occurs 0.5~7 hours after consumption, and once the symptoms of poisoning appear, you must seek medical attention immediately.

It should be noted that in addition to loofah, cucurbits, zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons and other melons and fruits, if alkali glycoside alkaloids are accumulated, they will also be bitter and toxic.

Don't try these "bitter foods" because of the pursuit of "bitterness"!

Eat bitterness in moderation in summer

Bitter foods to choose in summer: bitter gourd, bitter chrysanthemum, kale, lettuce, celery

Although bitter foods are suitable for summer, not everyone can eat "bitter"!

✿ Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bitter food is cold in nature, has the effects of clearing heat and purging fire, drying and dampness, and laxative, and belongs to the laxative food, so it is not suitable for people with weak constitution.

Generally speaking, the spleen and stomach of the elderly and children are weak, so it is not suitable to consume too much bitter food.

✿ Patients suffering from spleen and stomach deficiency, abdominal pain, and loose stool should not eat bitter cold food, otherwise it will aggravate the condition.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a saying that "bitter cold spoils the stomach", so bitter food should not be excessive, otherwise it is easy to cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.

✿ Because most bitter foods are cold or cold, excessive consumption during menstruation can cause meridian coagulation and obstruction of blood flow, which in turn leads to gynecological diseases such as poor menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume too much bitter food during menstruation.

In addition, when eating bitter foods, it is also necessary to pay attention to the use of reasonable cooking methods.

The nature of bitter food is bitter cold and dry, the amount of oil absorption is relatively large, and not only some vitamins will be lost after stir-frying, but also the content of the oil will be relatively high, so that it can not play the role of cooling and reducing fire.

Cold salad can well retain the vitamins contained in bitter foods, and can also reduce the intake of fats.

Therefore, the best way to eat most bitter vegetables is to eat them cold.

This common dish, the taste of "bitter" may be poisonous~~ Don't eat it indiscriminately, you can't "get rid of the fire" at all

Source: Health and Wellness