
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →

author:Shouguang Rong Media Center

Starting from June 23, the results of the 2024 college entrance examination will be announced in many places across the country. As of 10 o'clock on the 25th, 19 provinces have announced the college entrance examination score line.

Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →
Many provinces have announced the results of the college entrance examination, and the latest score line is summarized →

Today (25th), Heilongjiang, Anhui, Shandong and other places will announce the results of this year's college entrance examination. ↓↓↓

  • Heilongjiang: The release time of the college entrance examination results is expected to be around June 25
  • Anhui: Results are expected to be announced on June 25
  • Shandong: The results of the college entrance examination will be announced on June 25
  • Hubei: The results of the college entrance examination will be announced on June 25
  • Guangdong: The results of the college entrance examination will be released around June 25
  • Guangxi: It is expected that the results will be available on the afternoon of June 25
  • Hainan: The results of the college entrance examination are expected to be announced on June 25
  • Guizhou: The results of the college entrance examination will be announced on June 25
  • Gansu: The results of the college entrance examination will be announced on June 25
  • Xinjiang: It will be announced at 6 p.m. on June 25

Zhejiang and Tibet are expected to announce the results of the college entrance examination around tomorrow (26th).

(The specific time is subject to the actual release of the local education examination institute)

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