
The wind is rising, the pension is rising, netizens are expressing dissatisfaction, and the opposition continues, why is this?

author:Koban Eggplant

Recently, the news about the pension increase has become a hot topic, it is reported that this year, the pension of the eastern country will be raised, the specific increase is 3%. Although this news should be intended to bring benefits to the elderly in essence, this measure has not been unanimously recognized by the majority of netizens, but has caused a lot of controversy and questions.

The wind is rising, the pension is rising, netizens are expressing dissatisfaction, and the opposition continues, why is this?

For this pension increase, the most direct question is whether the increase is enough, and in the eyes of many people, the increase of 3% is obviously far from enough. With the continuous development of society, the cost of living of the elderly is also rising, and the current pension level has not kept up with this trend, even with this increase, the actual living standards of the elderly may not be much improved, which is why many people will be dissatisfied with this.

In addition to the question of the amount of pension itself, many people have begun to pay attention to the distribution of pensions. In their view, there are a lot of injustices in the current pension system, obviously everyone is paying pension insurance on time and in full, but some people get very little money, and some people can receive a higher pension, how is the gap formed, and is it really fair and reasonable?

The wind is rising, the pension is rising, netizens are expressing dissatisfaction, and the opposition continues, why is this?

In addition to the current temporary worries, many people have begun to speculate about the long-term development of the pension system. With the intensification of aging in the eastern countries, the burden on the pension system will become heavier and heavier, and the current system design does not seem to be able to cope with this challenge well, we need to start to guess, how to ensure the sustainable development of the pension system, and how to better meet the needs of the elderly.

In the face of current problems and doubts, we are not completely denying the significance of the pension system itself, on the contrary, we believe that the emergence of this system itself is necessary, and it can indeed provide a certain guarantee for the lives of the elderly. In order to better achieve this goal, it is necessary to make certain adjustments and reforms to the existing system to ensure that it can better meet the current needs of social development.

The wind is rising, the pension is rising, netizens are expressing dissatisfaction, and the opposition continues, why is this?

We should realize that in order to make the pension truly a "pension" for the elderly, not just a "subsidy", it is necessary to fundamentally solve the problem of unfair distribution. In this regard, we can consider making certain adjustments to the distribution rules of pensions, no longer relying entirely on the individual's contribution period and payment amount, but taking into account more the actual living conditions of the individual, as well as the local economic development level, so as to achieve a more accurate distribution.

It is not enough to simply adjust the amount and rules, and we need to carry out more in-depth reforms at the institutional level. For example, we can consider gradually establishing a "national pension insurance" system, so that more people can participate in it, so as to share the financial pressure of the pension system, and can also better protect the pension needs of different groups.

The wind is rising, the pension is rising, netizens are expressing dissatisfaction, and the opposition continues, why is this?

In addition, we can also encourage and guide the elderly to actively participate in various forms of labor and social activities, so that they can better integrate into the society, and can also make certain reserves for their pension life in this way. It can also promote various forms of pension savings plans, so that personal pension security can be more diversified, and it can also reduce the financial burden of the country.

In order to truly achieve these goals, it is not something that can be accomplished by a certain department or a certain group of people, but requires the joint participation and efforts of the whole society. In the process of pension system reform in the future, it is necessary for us to build various forms of participation platform, so that the masses can participate in it, and they can also express their opinions and suggestions more directly, so as to find the most suitable pension system model for the current social development.

The problem of the pension system is not a simple matter in essence, and it cannot be completely solved through one or two "increase adjustments". It is precisely because it is so complex and important that it is necessary for us to make in-depth conjectures and discussions on it from now on, and we also need to gradually find the most suitable pension system model for the current social needs in practical action, so as to provide real security and warmth for the elderly life.