
When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

author:Noshi Nichiyo

In 1941, China's anti-Japanese battlefield had been in a phase of stalemate for some time, and the Kuomintang reactionaries began to move again and shifted their main energies from anti-Japanese resistance to dealing with the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army. As a matter of fact, the Kuomintang has never ceased to look for all kinds of opportunities to engage in friction, and it has cunningly sent military commanders to infiltrate our army and wait for an opportunity to sabotage.

When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

Dig out a lurking enemy

In this year, a Kuomintang spy named Huang Teh was found out while the 1st Division and 1st Brigade of the New Fourth Army were lurking. After the news came out, the officers and men of the whole brigade were very angry, especially those soldiers who were in the same company as Huang Te, because they had always treated Huang Teh as a relative, but they did not expect him to be a spy sent by the enemy.

In view of the long time that Huang Teh had been lurking in the New Fourth Army for a long time, the organization attached great importance to this matter, and the interrogation of Huang Teh was also personally responsible for the rape section.

In a dimly lit and hidden interrogation room, Huang Te sat opposite each other to the chief of the hoe and rape section, and after the two were silent for a long time, the chief of the hoe and rape section took the lead in speaking: "I don't want to go around in circles with you, I believe you know what the outcome will be when the hidden agent is caught, if you have anything to say, just say it, I will only give you this chance."

Huang Te was not a spy on the first day, and what happened to the hidden spy when he was caught, he had seen it too many times during his time in the military. The interrogation room of the military commander was full of all kinds of torture tools, and he didn't know what the power of those torture tools was, but he naturally didn't want to experience them after seeing the cruel methods of the military commander's spies.

When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

Although the New Fourth Army is not a military commander, it has always paid attention to being frank and lenient and strict in resisting. But if he really asked him to explain some information that was unfavorable to the military command, not to mention whether he would survive after he went out, those family members who were controlled by the Kuomintang would definitely die. But at this moment, he also understands that if he doesn't say anything, he will definitely lose his life if he wants to get through the trick like this.

Just when Huang Temo was silent, the section chief spoke again, "Don't worry, as long as the situation you explain is true and useful, I can apply to the organization to count your meritorious service, maybe you can save your life." Hearing this, Huang Te seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and hurriedly shouted: "I want to expose, I want to make meritorious contributions!" ”

Suddenly exposed the female soldiers of the New Fourth Army

Huang Te, who has always been silent, suddenly made a 180-degree turn in his attitude, threatening to report and expose and make meritorious service to atone for his crimes. This situation certainly made the section chief secretly happy, but it also aroused his vigilance. The section chief reminded Huang Teh with a cold face that if he dared to lie and deceive people, he would inevitably be guilty of one more degree after finding out the truth, and there would be only one way to die at that time.

And Huang Te really didn't seem to care, and nodded again and again after listening to the words of the section chief. Seeing this, the section chief of hoeing and rape asked someone to bring a pen and paper to start recording, so that Huang Te began to expose it. But what the section chief didn't expect was that Huang Te's words were surprising as soon as he opened his mouth, he identified it as a female soldier of the New Fourth Army, her name was Tian Qing.

When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

According to Huang Te's confession, Tian Qing, like him, was a spy of the Kuomintang and was ordered to lurk in the New Fourth Army. And Tian Qing's position is even higher than him, he is Huang Te's boss in the Kuomintang's secret service organization, and all his actions are under Tian Qing's instructions.

Huang Te's words were conclusive, as if he was not lying, but what puzzled the section chief was that this female soldier of the New Fourth Army named Tian Qing was widely known because she was very active on weekdays, and even he had heard of it. Is such a person really a latent enemy? Although it is unbelievable, there are many ways for the enemy to lurk, and it cannot be ruled out that Tian Qing is lurking in the way of "black under the lamp", and a secret investigation against Tian Qing was launched.

Tian Qing is definitely a special existence among the female soldiers of the New Fourth Army, otherwise she would not have gained so much attention in the army.

First of all, Tian Qing has a very high level of education, and he received higher education long before joining the New Fourth Army, and has a very solid cultural foundation. After joining the army, Tian Qing has always been active in the anti-Japanese battlefield, although she cannot fight with a gun, but she gave full play to her cultural advantages, wrote a lot of excellent anti-Japanese scripts, and even often went to the front line to perform, which brought great encouragement to the soldiers on the front line.

When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

Secondly, Tian Qing performed very well during the anti-Japanese period, actively participated in the organization of the student movement, and had a great influence among the students. Driven by Tian Qing, more than 200 students accepted the anti-Japanese ideology and resolutely chose to join the New Fourth Army, injecting new blood into the New Fourth Army and greatly improving the cultural level and activity of the New Fourth Army.

Because of this, Tian Qing was very popular in the New Fourth Army, and many young soldiers knew Tian Qing and would never associate her with the hidden enemy. But Tian Qing is not a perfect person, and she does have certain problems, especially when she joined the New Fourth Army, she had the experience of leaving the army for personal reasons, and later because she returned to the army with more than 200 students, she was not investigated deeply.

Now, Huang Te has identified Tian Qing by name as a Kuomintang spy and his boss. Tian Qing's separation from the army back then naturally has to be taken seriously, will she have been in contact with the Kuomintang during this period, thus changing the camp, and after returning to the army, she has already collected intelligence for the enemy?


At the same time, Huang Te also mentioned an enemy special organization led by Tian Qing, and the number of people in the entire organization is as many as 200 people, could it be related to the more than 200 students she brought with her when she returned to the New Fourth Army? If all this is true, then the impact will be too great, because these students have a high level of education, and after joining the New Fourth Army, they have all become important training objects, and if they are enemies, they will make a big joke.

When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, the section chief reported the matter to Su Yu, who was the division commander at the time. Under Su Yu's direct order, a more comprehensive and detailed investigation was launched again, this time the subject of the investigation was not only Tian Qing, but covered a larger area, and the entire division headquarters and the hoe and rape section seemed to be covered with a haze during the investigation.

But as the investigation deepened, the more than 200 students brought by Tian Qing were quickly ruled out. Tian Qing's life trajectory during the period when he left the New Fourth Army gradually became clearer, and he never had any intersection with the Kuomintang from beginning to end. Only one female soldier named Liu Nian was identified as a spy, and the rest of the people were not suspicious, which proves that Huang Te lied!

The facts were in front of him, and Huang Te no longer pretended, and directly told the truth about why he lied and framed Tian Qing. It turned out that after Huang Te infiltrated the New Fourth Army, he had contact with Tian Qing, and was soon attracted by this knowledgeable and versatile young girl, and finally mustered up the courage to confess to Tian Qing.

When the Kuomintang spy knew that he would not survive, he suddenly identified a female soldier of the New Fourth Army: She was my boss

But Tian Qing didn't have a good impression of Huang Te, and rejected him decisively after Huang Te's confession, which made Huang Teh hold a grudge, but he never had a chance to retaliate. This time, Huang Teh was arrested, mistakenly thinking that the New Fourth Army was the same as the Kuomintang's spy organization, and all the magnanimity was disguised, and he would definitely not end well in the end.

Therefore, when he decided that he would die, Huang Te decided to break the jar and destroy the girl Tian Qing with his own hands, so that others could not get her love. But what Huang Te didn't expect was that the New Fourth Army did not wronged Tian Qing because of his accusations, but spared no effort to investigate the truth, so that Huang Te's conspiracy failed.

After Huang Te learned the news, he immediately felt disheartened, and under all his thoughts, he was still stubborn and did not admit his guilt. Finally, that night, while the guards were not paying attention, he committed suicide by hanging himself!