
Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself

author:Simple psychology
Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself
Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself

Have you ever felt particularly tired lately? I feel like all of us are getting tired.

The thought of working 6 days this week made my heart jam and I began to feel anxious.

As soon as the phone rings, you have to pick it up to see if it is the leader cue yourself.

watched dramas and videos for a few days on May Day, and did not relax. Now that the holiday has passed, I am thinking about the unfinished work, the unfinished goals of Q2, the structural adjustment of the company, and the words of the leader......

From time to time, they will fall into mental exhaustion and self-denial......

Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself

▷ A circle of friends that I swiped

I didn't do much every day, but I was tired, anxious, and unhappy.

What's even sadder is that most of the time, we can only carry and digest it on our own, and there is no one to tell.

What are some of the moments when you feel exhausted but unable to speak? We quietly asked the people around us and our readers. Judging by the responses, it seems that everyone has had such moments. What can we do in this kind of moment, what can we do about it?


Like a person who has been walking on a tightrope, he lives a tight life every day

@dolphin It's 22 p.m., but I'm already anxious about tomorrow's work.

Worried about the morning meeting, worried about the progress of work, worried about being dumped if something goes wrong, I don't want to swallow my anger, but I don't want to tear up with my colleagues. I even had the urge to turn on my computer right now and start work early.

I have always seemed to be very nervous and anxious, whether it is at work or in life, as long as there is a wind and grass, my heart is very uneasy. Like a person who has been walking on a tightrope, living a tight life.

Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself

▷ "Husband has depression"

I decided to relax for a while, swiped Zhihu, and as soon as I opened it, I saw the homepage push: "Do you have a feeling that the world is coming to an end?" ......

I hear the sound of children playing under the street lamps in the community, and I often wonder: Where has my vitality gone? How long has it been since I've experienced that feeling of waking up, energized and looking forward to getting the day's work done?

I don't know what's going on. Anyway, I'm tired and unhappy.


Obviously longing to talk to people, but chose to be silent


At the regular meeting of the company's department on Friday, I wanted to express my opinion, but I was afraid of saying something wrong, so I could only choose to remain silent.

After getting off work, I hung up my dad's phone call to ask for warmth, and replied to the leader's message asking about the progress...... Continue to return to one's world.

I have a lot of things I want to talk to others, I want to share with others, happy and sad.

But I seem to have chosen to be silent most of the time. Who can I talk to about my pain and insecurity?

Tell a colleague? I don't trust workplace relationships very much, and I'm worried that what I say will one day be used as a lever.

Tell a friend? I'm afraid that they will be annoyed by talking too much, saying that you always pour bitter water to transmit negative energy.

I don't know how life came to be like this.

Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself

▷ "Dead Poets Society"


I complained to my friend, and my friend said, "What are you pretending to be?"

@🐟 Every time I am on an important occasion with a lot of people, my hands and feet are shaking and I am very nervous.

I'm really nervous...

But whenever I tell my friends, "I'm so nervous," they say, "What are you pretending......?"


Not on the same channel as your parents


If life is not going well, you encounter bad things, and you have negative emotions, you can choose to talk to your parents and get care and support.

But my parents ......

Last week, I just broke up with my boyfriend and was criticized by the boss at work, although I think he is clearly in PUA.

Called my dad, I didn't even have a chance to say these things, and I didn't even expect anything. The last time I told him that things were not going well at work, he would only say, "To be young is to endure more hardships and listen more to the leaders."

Sure enough, when he heard that I had eaten well this week, he thought I should be content. It's not important that things don't go well at work, emotions or anything. Again, he said, "Be young, endure much hardship."

How will they understand, they will not understand at all.


I want someone to cuddle with, even if it's just to talk

@谷小谷Linda情人节那天, I received a push from my official account about the benefits that hugging brings to people's body and mind.

The article says: It is not necessarily only a hug between lovers, any hug between people can help us relieve stress, relax our minds, and become happy.

But as I grew up, the hug seemed to slowly disappear. We are increasingly "instrumentalizing" ourselves, and our limited social interaction is always hiding behind cold screens, accustomed to text and voice.

I really want to find someone to cuddle with. Even if it's just to talk.


Finally, I would like to say

In fact, many times, we feel tired. This tiredness is sometimes not physical fatigue, but also a psychological "burnout", which makes us feel depleted and drained of body and mind.

At this time, you may think: I would be fine if I was alone for a while. Even sometimes friends will advise you so.

But mental health professionals recommend that you don't always carry it alone.

When you feel physically and mentally exhausted, troubled by negative emotions, and feel that your life is stuck, if you force yourself to cheer yourself up and resist alone, you may drag yourself into an even more painful abyss.

Better yet, you can talk to someone who is reliable and professional.

"Seeing" itself is healing. When you have a professional with a background in psychology who accompanies you, listens to you, and gives you a fresh perspective on life, you will find that the power of change is always there.

If you want to have a professional lead you to see what is wrong with you, what is the root of the problem, and what new perspectives and psychological resources you were not aware of before can bring you inspiration and healing, then you can try our new "Professional Matching Counselor System".

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Anxiety, exhaustion, mental exhaustion... A small way to heal yourself

All the moments of anxiety, regret, and confusion, you shouldn't carry it alone to talk to someone, you will find that there is actually a way out of all difficulties - "Maybe You Should Find Someone to Talk To"

Cover: "Husband Has Depression" Editor: Birdman