
Working together to help grow

author:The style of western Anhui

——Sanliqiao Primary School in Lu'an City carried out a tripartite symposium on the connection between young and primary

In order to strengthen the communication and exchanges between kindergartens, primary schools and parents, and jointly do a good job in the connection between kindergartens and primary schools, on the afternoon of June 24, the symposium on the connection between kindergartens and kindergartens in Sanliqiao Primary School in Lu'an City was held as scheduled in the party member conference room of Guangming Campus. Participating in the discussion were Si Enguo, principal of Sanliqiao Primary School in Lu'an City, Huang Yuqin, director of the office, Ge Xuehua, deputy director of the teaching office, Zhou Zhengzhuan, principal of Guangming Road Kindergarten, Fang Yu, principal of Meishan North Road Kindergarten, and some teachers and parent representatives. The event was presided over by Huang Yuqin, director of the office.

Working together to help grow

There are four agendas for this symposium, namely kindergarten education and teaching sharing, primary education and teaching introduction, parents and teachers interaction, and the principal's summary speech.

Working together to help grow

At the symposium, Mr. Zhang Kejin of the Guangming Road Kindergarten Teaching and Research Group and Mr. Yang Youkun of Meishan North Road Kindergarten respectively shared the curriculum activities and implementation paths of the kindergarten, focusing on the four preparations before the children enter the school, namely physical and mental preparation, life preparation, social preparation and learning preparation, and introduced how the kindergarten is to carry out multi-faceted and multi-dimensional scientific work from small classes to large classes. Ge Xuehua, deputy director of the school's teaching office, and Xu Cheng, a representative of first-grade teachers, gave pertinent suggestions to kindergarten teachers and parents on the common problems in the adaptation of first-grade students, as well as the problems in the connection of Chinese and mathematics subjects, and shared some effective teaching methods and strategies to help kindergarten children prepare for school.

Working together to help grow

In the on-site discussion session, the participants had a fierce discussion on the main confusion and problems in the questionnaire survey of parents of kindergarten classes in the early stage. We actively exchanged views and explored solutions to provide better support and guidance to parents. Through interactive exchanges, parents received professional answers and suggestions, and enhanced their confidence and understanding of the transition between kindergarten and primary school.

Working together to help grow

President Si Enguo made a concluding speech at today's forum. Si Enguo pointed out that the connection between kindergarten and primary school is not a question of who unilaterally approaches kindergartens, primary schools or parents, but should be two-way mutual connection and common connection. All three parties should move closer to the children, kindergartens should prepare children for school, primary schools should prepare for children, and parents should prepare for children. Kindergartens, primary schools, and parents should start from the perspective of promoting the sustainable physical and mental development of children, seek common ground while reserving differences, and focus on the common educational goals, and the three parties should cooperate closely, cooperate with each other, perform their duties, and work together to give full play to their respective initiatives, so as to do a good job in the connection between young and primary schools. Si Enguo emphasized that schools should increase the interpretation and publicity of the meaning of the transition between kindergarten and primary school, and that families, kindergartens and schools should work together to slow down the slope of the connection, promote the in-depth development of the connection between kindergarten and primary school, further build consensus, and help children transition to primary school more smoothly, so as to lay a solid foundation for their future development.

Working together to help grow

Photo: Zhu Yuncun

Preliminary review: Zhang Yisen

Review: Zhang Wen

Lifetime: Si Enguo