
Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

author:Heilongjiang Net

Wedo News reporter Wang Linxi Wang Kexin

When I met Xiao Xie, nearly a month had passed since the court pronounced the divorce, and her complexion looked slightly better, covered in a loose black dress, and the whole person looked thinner.

Talking about the hard-won parent-child time, a rare smile appeared on her face. My daughter is now two years and three months old, and she usually likes to be held by her mother very much, but Xiao Xie's physical condition can't support it for too long. "Her personality is a bit like a boy, more daring, I think it's good, at least not to be bullied like me."

On June 21, Xiao Xie came to the hospital again for examination. She had previously been diagnosed with loss of function in her left kidney, but this time she was told that high creatinine was affecting both kidneys, and that her left kidney had shrunk to the point where it was almost invisible. Looking at the checklist in her hand, she squatted at the door of the hospital and cried into tears.

"I know my body, and I may not live many years, but if he hadn't been sentenced to death, my life would have officially entered the countdown. He will definitely find me again the day he comes out, and next time, I can't be so lucky. ”

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

On June 18, Wedo News interviewed Xiao Xie. Photo by Wedo News reporter Wang Kexin

01 "I used to think he was honest and dutiful, and even a little cowardly"

Xiao Xie said that his marriage was in a blur.

Just graduated from college, she borrowed 150,000 "loan sharks" as start-up capital and started a clothing business from scratch. The original period of 3 months, she used 1 month and 28 days to pay off all the principal with interest. Within 4 years, she opened 4 clothing wholesale stalls in Beijing, and also brought her brother into the industry together.

After that, she went to Guangzhou to open a garment factory with a net worth of 1.8 million yuan earned in Beijing, and returned to her hometown in Sichuan a year later due to poor management. In July 2020, Xiao Xie sold clothes live on the e-commerce platform, and her ex-husband He Feng (pseudonym) met her during this period.

He Feng is 5 years older than Xiao Xie, about 1.78 meters tall, and he opened a company in Chengdu to do advertising and decoration business. "When I first met him, I thought this person was very honest and responsible, even a little cowardly."

Xiao Xie remembers that once she went out for supper with He Feng and another friend, and when she was about to leave after checking out, she was suddenly stopped by a drunk man and asked for a drink together. And He Feng simply said, "This is my girlfriend", brushed the man's hand away and left.

"If it's someone else, even if you don't do it, at least you'll kill the other party for a few words to defend your girlfriend, right? Later, he may also see that I am not very satisfied, and take the initiative to explain that he can't be so impulsive now, and seems to be quite responsible. ”

Xiao Xie's second impression of He Feng is that he loves to scold people very much, and he can scold ugly words anytime and anywhere in private, scolding friends around him, scolding slow drivers, and scolding all people and things that he is not used to. "I felt like this person was so unqualified."

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

In April 2021, Xiao Xie showed his clothes in the live broadcast before being subjected to domestic violence. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After two or three months of dating, He Feng began to frequently urge Xiao Xie to get married, asking early and late, and saying that he would break up if he didn't get married within a year, but Xiao Xie still didn't let go. On April 29, 2021, Xiao Xie's cousin was about to get a marriage certificate, and after He Feng learned about it, he asked again, "Let's get married too". Xiao Xie choked back, "What don't I dare?" "After coming and going, the marriage was so hastily decided.

On May 20, 2021, the sky was very overcast, and Xiao Xie was not happy after coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau. She came to the rooftop of her hometown alone and sent a message of her marriage to her father and brother, and her father replied with a thumbs up, and her brother told her to spread her wings and fly high to pursue if she had an ideal.

That afternoon, Xiao Xie cried for a long time on the rooftop.

"I feel sorry for myself when I get married, but I'm sorry for my parents if I don't get married, after all, they are old and have to worry about my affairs every day."

There was no wedding, no bride price, just a bright red marriage certificate.

At this time, it was less than 2 months before she was subjected to her first domestic violence, and nearly 3 years before she got rid of this terrible marriage.

02 "Less than a week pregnant, I was slapped by choking my neck"

Xiao Xie's original life plan never had the option of having children, and before, she and her friends rented a large storefront in partnership, ready to return to their old business and sell clothes, but they didn't expect to wait for the news that she was pregnant.

"He was quite happy at the time, and he always said that there were no children and couples were unstable, but I felt very panicked, very panicked."

The time came on the evening of July 8, 2021, on this day, He Feng and his ex-wife's son told Xiao Xie that He Feng was lying on his mother's lap on the way to the airport during the day. So Xiao Xie sent a message to ask, but he didn't expect He Feng, who was sitting in the living room, to say nothing, and rushed into the bedroom to snatch Xiao Xie's mobile phone first, and then pinched her neck with one hand, slapped her hard with the other, and after slapping a few times, she felt that her hand hurt and continued to fan with her mobile phone, shouting while fanning back, "I'll let you talk nonsense, I'll let you talk nonsense!" ”

Xiao Xie, who was originally lying on the bed, was completely stunned. Unexpectedly, He Feng was still angry after slapping him, and dragged Xiao Xie from the back door of the community into a very dim small park, the clothes on his body were worn out by the ground, and his shoes were gone. Immediately afterward, he threw Xiao Xie on the park bench and continued to hit her on the head and slap her in the face. Bursts of pain came from my abdomen, and blood slowly dripped down my thighs.

"I was standing barefoot on the side of the road, and I happened to meet a man and a Meituan delivery boy, and he left me home as soon as he saw the two of them, and finally the delivery boy took me to a nearby hospital, and I was diagnosed with threatened miscarriage."

After calling the police, Xiao Xie went home to pick up his clothes accompanied by the police. Because he lived with He's mother after marriage, the police confessed to him that if He Feng committed domestic violence again, he would be detained, and He Feng hid in the bedroom and played with his mobile phone the whole time. That night, Xiao Xie was taken to He Feng's sister's house by He's mother, and she heard her sister ask her mother: "Why does he still beat people, why does he still have domestic violence, I thought he had changed in the past few years." ”

Xiao Xie only then knew that He Feng had a history of domestic violence, and he filed for divorce that night, but He Feng refused, and he also wrote a letter of guarantee promising that if there was a next time, he would compensate Xiao Xie with one million yuan. Considering that the other party was a money-hungry person, Xiao Xie hesitated to believe it. Soon after, Xiao Xie returned to his hometown and told his parents about it, and He Feng also apologized and repented repeatedly in front of the second elder, and finally got a chance to mend his ways.

However, not long after Qixi Festival, Xiao Xie was horrified to find that the guarantee was missing after encountering domestic violence for the second time.

03 "Two domestic violence warnings didn't do anything for him"

He Feng's ex-wife once told Xiao Xie that he was "beating people to death", and he would not stop unless he was tired of fighting. was beaten more times, and Xiao Xie gradually summed up the law of He Feng's domestic violence: "One big violence is often followed by a few small domestic violence, and then another big big violence." During the domestic violence, I grabbed my mobile phone first and cut off my contact with the outside world. And she herself has developed a habit of avoiding exposing her back to He Feng as much as possible, so as to ensure that when he rushes over and beats her, she can protect the vital parts as soon as possible.

In January 2022, Xiao Xie, who was already 8 months pregnant, was sitting in the living room with He Mu, but He Feng rushed over and slapped her without warning, forcibly dragged her to the ground, kicked her hips, hips and shoulders, and even He Mu couldn't stop it.

That night, when Xiao Xie was about to take advantage of the opportunity to escape at night, she found that the door of the house was locked, so she took out an old mobile phone that she had not used for many years to take photos of the wound and send it to her friends, and emphasized that she must call the police before He Feng went to work at 8 o'clock the next morning. Early the next morning, the group went to the police station to make a record, and Xiao Xie insisted on being detained, but in the end he only got a letter of warning for domestic violence. When Xiao Xie's brother hurriedly arrived, He Feng was nowhere to be found. Looking at his sister, who has loved him since childhood, has a big belly, half of her face is red and swollen and bruised, and her forehead is also scratched, oozing blood, he is very distressed, this is also the first time he knows that his sister has been suffering from domestic violence after marriage.

However, this time the "everyone riot" once again ended with He Feng coming to the door to apologize and kneel down to repent and write a guarantee. He begged Xiao Xie and his family to see his performance, and said that the child would be born in two months, and during this period, if he did it again, the two would divorce peacefully after the child was born.

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

The first domestic violence warning. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

But in September of the same year, when Xiao Xie sat in the passenger seat with his half-year-old daughter in his arms and offered to let He Feng buy a baby high chair for his daughter for less than 200 yuan, the angry He Feng suddenly pulled out a knife from the left side of the driver's seat and slashed at the top of Xiao Xie's head.

The two have been at odds over economic issues. At first, Xiao Xie and his partner were diagnosed with pregnancy, and when the epidemic occurred, He Feng persuaded Xiao Xie to close the store and concentrate on taking care of the children at home, and he came to make money to support the family. He Feng promised that Xiao Xie's pregnancy expenses would be borne by him, and gave Xiao Xie a relative card with a monthly limit of 2,000 yuan.

But soon, the kinship card was stopped by He Feng. Once the two were walking on the street, Xiao Xie used his relatives card to buy an 8 yuan wolf tooth potato, and when he returned home, He Feng was furious, pointing at Xiao Xie's nose and scolding: "Mom sells batches!" Spend Lao Tzu's money every day! I'm going to impose economic sanctions on you! After that, Xiao Xie was responsible for the supplements and other expenses during the entire pregnancy, and the two of them also spent their own money in their future married life. Because He Feng has been preventing Xiao Xie from going out to work, her former savings are slowly bottoming out, so she can only secretly find opportunities to do some odd jobs to subsidize her family.

After the incident, Xiao Xie begged He Feng to take her to the hospital with blood on her face, but the other party ignored it and accelerated back to the parking lot of the community.

"I said I wanted to go to the hospital for stitches, and he said no, he couldn't die anyway."

Then, Mother He went downstairs to pick up her granddaughter, who was covered in blood, and left without asking.

In the carriage, He Feng handed the knife to Xiao Xie very calmly. "Come, you stab me, I must see blood today, if I don't see blood today, neither of us will leave this car." Seeing that Xiao Xie didn't move, he decisively stabbed his thigh twice, and was thrown away by Xiao Xie with a knife. "The knife already has your fingerprints on it." Then he pointed the camera of his mobile phone at Xiao Xie and recorded a video: "Look, this woman poked me." ”

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

Slashed on the top of the head. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Since He Feng never ignored Xiao Xie's request to go to the hospital, the two decided to go home directly. After getting out of the car, Xiao Xie ran forward desperately, but was soon caught back. In the end, under Xiao Xie's repeated requests, He Feng finally agreed to send her to the hospital. However, when he drove to a fork in the road, he turned right directly and went to the police station to report the case, claiming that Xiao Xie had stabbed him with a knife. Xiao Xie said that the monitoring or dash cam along the road could be adjusted, and He Feng must be detained this time, but the police did not call up the monitoring in the end.

Women's Federation, Community, Civil Affairs Bureau, 12345 Government Service Hotline...... Among all the methods, calling the police has almost become Xiao Xie's only lifeline when he encounters domestic violence. She has called the police six times, but every time she shows up at the police station with a blue nose, swollen face and bleeding to seek protection and ask the police to detain He Feng, she can hear the same reply: "We have procedures for handling cases, and we don't want to detain you just by detaining you." The police persuaded her: "It's normal for two people to fight and make trouble, for the sake of the child, you see that you are pregnant with a big belly, (detention) will affect your child." Every time before being released, the police would admonish He Feng: "The next time you do this (domestic violence), I will detain you." ”

Until the last violent person was criminally detained, He Feng had never been detained.

This time was no exception, early the next morning, He Feng was released, plus a second domestic violence warning.

"It's useless, this admonition doesn't do anything for him. He said that he would kill me from domestic violence next time, so I didn't have a chance to call the police again. ”

In Xiao Xie's impression, she ran away in 10 of the 16 domestic violence, but she was caught each time. This time she decided to run a little farther and go to Chongqing to join a friend. During this period, she never used her mobile phone number, ID card and health code. But no matter where she fled, she could always be found by He Feng. Later, thinking that the most dangerous place might be the safest place, she secretly ran back to Chengdu alone, found a job far away from home, and rented a new house.

On the evening of October 27, 2022, when Xiao Xie came out of the subway station after work and raised her eyes to see He Feng standing quietly 10 meters away, she felt that her blood instantly coagulated.

Since then, He Feng has taken Xiao Xie to and from work every day, and threatened to take her children to her unit to make trouble if she dares to escape. There was no way, Xiao Xie could only compromise. During this period, He Feng repeatedly proposed to let Xiao Xie move back home, but Xiao Xie's answer was only divorce, and then he would be punched and kicked.

He even cried, saying that he had been looking for me in Chengdu for more than a month and spent more than 50,000 yuan. I posted a missing person notice at a gas station, saying that I was depressed after giving birth, mentally disturbed, and ran away from home; Give the taxi driver money and let them post the search information in the driver group, but it didn't work, and finally I found a relationship and found me through technical means. ”

"He said that as long as I am still in China and I am alive, he can find me."

04 "A table of casseroles was all poured on me, and that time he finally agreed to divorce"

After the 15th domestic violence, He Feng relented and agreed to divorce for the first time.

At noon on April 15, 2023, Xiao Xie took He Feng and another female friend to eat casserole, and talked about the conflict between the female partner and her boyfriend because of money, Xiao Xie deliberately did not participate in this topic, but he didn't expect He Feng's spearhead to suddenly point at Xiao Xie and shouted: "What are you wearing every day?" It's like going out to sell! ”

On that day, Xiao Xie was wearing a white short-sleeved, ankle-length black dress, and a black baseball cap. Because he didn't want to quarrel in public, Xiao Xie had to soothe: "What you say I am is what I am, hurry up and eat, don't eat and can't stop your mouth." ”

In the next second, before the dishes in He Feng's chopsticks were sent into his mouth, he splashed the casserole on the table on Xiao Xie's body one after another. The burning pain instantly swept through the body, and the waiter immediately called the police, but He Feng had already slipped away.

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

Xiao Xie was splashed with a hot casserole. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After a simple treatment at the hospital, Xiao Xie went to the police station accompanied by his friends, and waited until He Feng was about to get off work, and said, "You hurry up and tell people that it's okay, I'm leaving, and I'm still busy." When she asked to detain the other party again, she waited for a word of persuasion.

Xiao Xie collapsed.

"The police told me that with what they know about this kind of person, domestic violence cannot be changed, and if he is detained, he is likely to kill me directly next time. But I'm really devastated, who the hell can protect me? ”

Due to the constant stalemate, Xiao Xie proposed either divorce or detention. In the end, the two reached a consensus on the condition that Xiao Xie gave up the custody of his daughter, left the house, and paid He Feng 5,000 yuan per month in child support, signed a divorce agreement, and agreed to go through the divorce procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau on May 19 of that year.

Walking out of the gate of the police station, He Feng warned Xiao Xie: "I stayed for this month to repair my relationship, not to divorce." Don't forget that you are still my wife, and we have not yet gone to apply for a divorce certificate. ”

A few days later, Xiao Xie asked a friend who was a trainee lawyer to write a writ of habeas corpus and a divorce application. She also reported the domestic violence to the Civil Affairs Bureau, which provided her with the dossier materials needed for the divorce. On April 24, 2023, Xiao Xie went to the Wuhou District People's Court to submit an application for a writ of habeas corpus and a divorce application. Seeing the burns on her chest and back, the window staff was also very sympathetic, but because the divorce application lacked He Feng's identity information, the staff asked her to go back that day to complete the materials and help her handle it as soon as possible the next morning.

Unexpectedly, on the way back to the rental house that night, when passing a small road without street lights, the fear of the dark prompted her to run instinctively, but He Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly fell to the ground from behind and forcibly dragged into the car.

This night has become Xiao Xie's most painful memory in the future.

05 "For the sake of me having a child for you, please save me"

Xiao Xie was woken up by falling on the bed. Not at home, but inside a hotel.

The first picture after opening her eyes was He Feng rummaging through her bag, and seeing the habeas corpus application and divorce application inside, He Feng was unprecedentedly angry.

When the first punch hit his body, Xiao Xie's whole person seemed to be choked by the throat, and he couldn't shout for help, so he could only silently open his mouth and dodge under the fierce punches and kicks. The punches and kicks rained down on her waist and abdomen. He Feng kept repeating while beating: "I have already explained to my mother, if I kill you, I will go to give you your life!" ”

After being punched on the bridge of the nose, Xiao Xie lost consciousness. When she woke up again, she found herself naked in bed. The stomach had swelled from the beating, and the unbearable pain continued to come from the abdomen.

"I was afraid of angering him, and I kept begging for mercy. I said husband, please, for the sake of me having a child for you, please save me, please......"

However, all Xiao Xie was waiting for was another slap in the face and a forced sexual relationship. Because Xiao Xie kept shouting that his stomach hurt, He Feng scolded when he left, "What a disappointment!" ”

Just when Xiao Xie thought that the torture method was over and it was finally possible to go to the hospital, He Feng lay directly next to her and fell asleep.

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

A 10 cm cut from the chest to the navel. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After several days of running around to submit materials, coupled with the fact that his career finally improved a little, Xiao Xie was exhausted, and his spirit became even more trance after being beaten. Although she was very sleepy, she kept reminding herself that she couldn't sleep, and if she did, she might never wake up again.

Sleepless all night, Xiao Xie endured the severe pain and carried it until morning.

He Feng got up and answered a phone call at work, and at this moment, she heard a loud sound of the door closing in the corridor, so she slowly moved her almost limp limbs to the door on the pretext of going to the toilet, opened a gap and shouted for help. When He Feng heard this, he quickly covered her mouth and nose, locked the door, and locked her in the toilet.

Fortunately, the man outside the door insisted on letting Xiao Xie show up in person, no matter what He Feng said, otherwise he would call the police. He Feng couldn't bear to be disturbed, and dragged Xiao Xie to the garden behind the hotel, the garden where he committed domestic violence for the first time.

"Then he dragged me into the car, first to the gas station to refuel, then to the unit to handle the work, and then to work in the car himself. I couldn't stand the pain anymore, so I tapped the car window for help, and he finally got me to the hospital. ”

When he arrived at the hospital, He Feng was still stalling for time. first asked his cousin to park the car in the parking lot, and then forced Xiao Xie to ask if he was going to call the police again, and waited until she started to shoot the window again to ask passers-by for help before letting her get out of the car, and at this time Xiao Xie had already exhausted his last strength and fell directly to the ground.

Before she lost consciousness, she grabbed the doctor and muttered "Help me", and then heard the doctor say loudly, "The patient has no pulse, send him to the operating room immediately!" ”

Xiao Xie finally lost consciousness.

At 15:47, Xiao Xie's brother received a hospital location from He Feng. The younger sister who has been cared for since childhood has been beaten into the hospital by this man again and again, he hates him for being ruthless, and he also hates himself for being incompetent, so he returned a "get out". At 20 o'clock, he rushed to the hospital, called He Feng, and asked where his sister was. His usual calm voice came from the phone: "This time the situation is a bit serious, I missed, in the ICU." ”

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

Injury Identification Image source: China News Weekly

This "miss" caused Xiao Xie's rib fracture, duodenal fracture, small intestine obstruction, and varying degrees of damage to the kidneys, lungs, pancreas and other organs, which made her need to live with a fecal bag for life. After identification, she had multiple injuries all over her body, including 4 minor injuries of the second degree, 5 minor injuries of the second degree, and 1 minor injury.

However, Xiao Xie, who was lying in the ICU at the time, did not know all this, she only felt very thirsty and was in a coma most of the time. When she was awakened again, she saw her parents, brother and sister-in-law.

"Dad took my hand at the time and said, "Obediently, come on, it's okay, as long as you want to live, you can definitely live."

It was the first time she saw her father crying, and the old man, afraid of adding pressure to her, turned his back and silently wiped his tears over and over again.

"Dad, don't cry, I don't hurt."

Xiao Xie lay in the ICU for 8 days. The doctor cut a 10-centimeter incision on her body from the chest to the navel, repaired her ruptured organs, drained a large amount of blood in her abdominal cavity, and the sutured scar was hideously raised, and the painful feeling tormented Xiao Xie every day. "At that time, I wanted to drink saliva and let me live happily for ten minutes and then die, it was really painful."

On April 29, 2023, He Feng was criminally detained by the public security organs. During Xiao Xie's hospitalization for nearly a month and a half, He Feng's family never expressed any apology or concern. The only intersection is to ask Xiao Xie to issue a criminal understanding - because He Feng has been violent to his wife for a long time in the two years after marriage, at the end of last year, the Wuhou District People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Wuhou District People's Court on suspicion of intentional injury and abuse. In some cases, the issuance of a criminal understanding can reduce the criminal suspect's punishment or help the criminal suspect to be released on bail pending further investigation.

"I didn't agree, so his father went to my parents' house and threatened to kill our whole family if he didn't sign it."

In mid-June 2023, Xiao Xie took his brother to meet with He Feng's sister and the lawyer, and the lawyer conveyed a total of two requests: one is to let Xiao Xie take the child away, because He Feng will have his own children after he comes out; The second is to ask Xiao Xie to issue a letter of forgiveness for criminal matters, if not, he will not easily forgive her after He Feng's character comes out. But Xiao Xie's trip was mainly to get the He family's long-overdue medical expenses. Previously, Xiao Xie's parents had spent more than 30 yuan in medical expenses, and the 160,000 yuan in medical expenses that the He family originally promised to pay was also given only 80,000 yuan on the grounds of "no money".

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

Xiao Xie's renal function test report. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

After being discharged from the hospital, Xiao Xie's sequelae caused by kidney problems are also slowly emerging. On weekdays, foods such as milk, eggs, vegetables, and soup cannot be eaten because the kidneys cannot metabolize them; frequent edema of the face and legs; In the past month, she suddenly had tinnitus again, and the sound of "boom" made it difficult for her to sleep.

In addition to that, the invisible damage was also left behind. She became introverted and sensitive, and with the exception of her own family and a few trusted friends, she closed herself off, rarely going out shopping, and barely interacting with other people. "I'm scared, I feel like everyone out there is a bad guy." She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and she would tremble uncontrollably when she saw He Feng's photos or other things related to him, or when she heard false statements from He Feng's family. The scars and stoma on her body made her feel that she had lost her health and dignity, and she thought of suicide several times. It was the unconditional support and love of her family that made her pick herself up again and again, waiting for the day when justice would come.

At 10 o'clock on May 31, 2024, Xiao Xie's divorce dispute against He Feng was heard in private at the Wuhou District People's Court in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

At the trial scene, He Feng flatly denied the fact of his domestic violence, and he claimed that he still loved each other and wanted to raise the children together. Hearing this, Xiao Xie's whole body almost collapsed, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and tears flowed down in a thread. Fortunately, the court ruled that Xiao Xie and He Feng were divorced, and the daughter was raised by Xiao Xie. He Feng paid a one-time living expenses for his daughter to the age of 18 at the standard of 2,000 yuan per month, and Xiao Xie and He Feng paid 40% and 60% of her daughter's medical expenses and education expenses respectively.

In addition, Xiao Xie's claim also involves the division of property after marriage. Suspecting that He Feng had transferred the property to several relatives, Xiao Xie sued He Feng and his relatives in a separate case for illegally transferring the joint property of the husband and wife. The trial of the five tort liability disputes was completed in the Wuhou District People's Court on May 30, and the verdict was announced at a later date.

In addition to the above claims, Xiao Xie's divorce dispute complaint shows that the plaintiff requested that the defendant be ordered to pay 800,000 yuan in damages for the plaintiff's serious disability and 100,000 yuan in moral damages due to domestic violence.

At 20:30 that night, Xiao Xie, who had finished the trial, walked out of the courthouse, gave a thumbs up, and said with tears in his eyes: "I am free from today." ”

Interview with the client who has been subjected to domestic violence 16 times in two years: Now I don't just live for myself

On the evening of May 31, 2024, outside the Wuhou District Court in Chengdu, Xiao Xie told reporters that the court ruled in court to grant the divorce.

06 "I want other victims of domestic violence to see hope"

Since Xiao Xie's matter was first known to the majority of netizens, she has also become the faint light in the hearts of countless victims of domestic violence. "I will never forget June 25, 2023, the first time I had media coverage of me, I felt like I had grabbed a lifeline, it was the first time I cried after the operation."

Since the incident fermented, Xiao Xie has received many private messages from fellow victims of domestic violence every day. Some of them encouraged Xiao Xie to insist on defending her rights, and some confided in her about their experiences and asked for solutions, and it was these many bloody facts that gave Xiao Xie a sense of mission that he had never had before.

"In the past, I just wanted to survive for myself, but now I hope to get justice for everyone, to give hope to other victims of domestic violence, and to let everyone understand that domestic violence is not a housework, but an illegal act."

"I hope that all women and children who have been victims of domestic violence can stand up bravely, only in this way can we more effectively protect our own rights and interests, and can we avoid more victims like us from continuing to suffer."

The wedding ring is only to witness the eternity of love, not to bear the shackles of violence; Home is the place where my heart belongs, not a hidden corner where violence blooms. Although Xiao Xie's divorce case has come to an end, the discussion on how to better combat domestic violence and how to further protect the rights and interests of women and children has not stopped. Next, for the case of He Feng being charged with intentional injury and abuse, Xiao Xie is undergoing an appraisal of the level of disability and a supplementary appraisal of the degree of injury, and will be tried at a later date after the appraisal opinion is issued. Wedo News will continue to pay attention to the progress of this case.