
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

author:Hanjiang News
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

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The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

Recently, psychotropic drugs have been repeatedly searched


Some say it's a great helper for insomnia

Some say it's exciting, hallucinating, and fragmented

It is also said that it is addictive and is a drug

There are even people who are greedy for small profits and take risks


The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

The 37th "6.26 International Anti-Drug Day"

On June 25, the Hanjiang People's Court openly tried and pronounced a verdict on an online drug trafficking case.

Basic facts of the case

The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!


Cross-border publishing of online advertisements

In February 2024, the defendant Liu Moumou clearly knew that zolpidem was a Class II psychotropic drug controlled in mainland China, and in order to obtain illegal benefits, he published an advertisement for the sale of zolpidem tartrate tablets (trade name "Sinosi") through the overseas social software "X" (i.e., "Twitter").


Illegal sale of mailed drugs

In March, "Ah Ming" got in touch with defendant Liu XX after seeing the above-mentioned advertisement on the "X" software. Defendant Liu Moumou clearly knew that "Ah Ming" had purchased zolpidem tartrate tablets for use as a drug substitute, but still agreed to sell 1 box of zolpidem tartrate tablets totaling 7 tablets to "Ah Ming" at a price of RMB 300, and mailed them to the designated location of "Ah Ming" in Hanjiang District, Putian City by courier.

Take chances

Trading again is in trouble

After the transaction was successful, the defendant Liu Moumou mailed 11 zolpidem tartrate tablets to "Ah Ming" by courier. However, because "Ah Ming" proposed to change the address, the defendant Liu Moumou requested that the courier be returned, and when he picked up the courier at the door of a store in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, he was arrested by the public security organs, and the above-mentioned 11 tablets of zolpidem tartrate were seized. After identification, zolpidem was detected in the above-mentioned zolpidem tartrate tablets.

Adjudication Results

The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

Defendant Liu XX had no objections to the facts and charges charged by the public prosecution and the sentencing recommendation submitted, voluntarily pleaded guilty and accepted punishment and agreed to apply the expedited procedures.

After trial, the Hanjiang People's Court held that the defendant Liu Moumou clearly knew that others wanted to buy drug substitutes, but still sold psychotropic drugs that could make people addicted to the state regulations and control them twice, and his conduct constituted the crime of drug trafficking. Defendant Liu XX had already started committing a crime when he sold drugs for the second time, but failed to do so due to reasons other than his will, it was an attempt to commit a crime, and he truthfully confessed the crime after arriving at the case, and voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment, and had withdrawn his unlawful gains, and the drugs did not flow into society, and so forth, he may be given a lighter punishment.

The Hanjiang People's Court applied the expedited procedures and pronounced the verdict in court, and the defendant Liu XX committed the crime of drug trafficking and was sentenced to nine months imprisonment and a fine of 4,000 yuan.

The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

What the judge said

What is the "Sinosi" that has been repeatedly searched? Is it "medicine" or "poison"?

"Sinosi" is the abbreviation of "Sinos zolpidem tartrate tablets", and the zolpidem ingredient contained in it belongs to the second class of psychotropic drugs controlled by the state produced and used in mainland China, which is used for the treatment of episodic, temporary and chronic insomnia. Hemp essence drugs have strong analgesic, sedative and other effects, but at the same time, they also have strong addiction and dependence, once abused, may become drugs, seriously endangering the society. Therefore, the production and use of hemp essence drugs are strictly controlled.

The first paragraph of Article 357 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "The term "narcotics" as used in this Law refers to opium, heroin, methamphetamine (ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine, and other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that can cause addiction and control by the State. Therefore, the sale of zolpidem tartrate tablets may also constitute the crime of drug trafficking.

Some people think that only a small amount of "Sinosi" is sold, why does it constitute the crime of drug trafficking? The first paragraph of Article 347 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "Smuggling, trafficking, transporting or manufacturing narcotics, regardless of the quantity, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility and punished." Therefore, even if the number of "Sinos" bought and sold is small, criminal liability should be pursued.

Drugs are a public nuisance to human society, which not only seriously infringes on people's organism and will, destroys family happiness, but also seriously consumes social wealth and poisons social atmosphere. This case is a typical case of warning education, which promotes the whole society, especially young people, to form an awareness of safe drug use and compliance with laws and regulations, and effectively enhance the ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs.

The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!

Cherish life

Stay away from drugs

Here's a reminder to all citizens

The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!
The popular "Sinosi" sold online? Sentenced to "punishment"! The Hanjiang Court pronounced the verdict in court!


The Hanjiang People's Court conscientiously implements the important decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on anti-narcotics work, earnestly performs its adjudication duties, continues to maintain a high-pressure posture against drug-related crimes, severely punishes crimes involving the abuse of addictive substances such as narcotic drugs in accordance with the law, actively extends the tentacles of comprehensive anti-narcotics management, creates a legal atmosphere for the whole people to fight drugs, and provides a strong judicial guarantee for the comprehensive and in-depth promotion of anti-narcotics work.

Source: Hanjiang District People's Court of Putian City

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