
Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people


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Some time ago, the "Jiang Ping incident" caused a lot of discussion in China

Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people

My predecessors joined the debate

But I didn't jump into the debate in the first place

It's not that you want to play something to make the bullets fly for a while, maybe there will be some reversal later

It's just pure disinterest

Some people may be surprised that this is a future related to the fairness of your exams, and you are not interested?

The problem is, I've already taken the college entrance exam...

At this time, some people may say, what about your child?


I don't know if you remember, I took a leave of absence on Monday and didn't update the article, why didn't that article pass the review?

Because some of those extremely sensitive contents are that I talk about my hatred and disgust for the school days, and every word I say is terrible

But this one is already the lightest, and there are other more terrible, ugly words

Anyway, I don't have a good impression of my school life, I hate everything about school, and I also think that people like me have no future

I envision a future where I will die horribly, so I won't have offspring, so why do I care about that?

I don't have any offspring who will take the exam

When I really have a child, I will think about the unfairness of the future exams, and then I will really find that there is something wrong with the education system

Unfair things are inserted into myself, and then I want to intervene in the person who creates injustice

Just like Stephen Chow said in "The King of Destruction".

Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people
Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people

(a sentence in Figure 2)

But although I don't have offspring, I have a lot of younger siblings (not pro, my parents are not so fierce)

My cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins

As soon as I see them, all of them are still young and still studying in school, and they talk about school topics

I never asked them how their exams were, they basically asked them all in school, did anyone bully them?

If there were, I was already grown up, and I was already able to fight, so I personally went out to help them beat them up

If not, it's better, anyway, I'm weak, and I guess I'll be beaten up, so I'll save some effort and travel expenses

This is the campus topic discussion that I often participate in after graduation, which has nothing to do with studying, nothing to do with exams, just to see if my younger siblings have been beaten

Because there are some people who think they are stupid and stupid who think they are resourceful, and treat the "violent beating" between children as a game world

That's why I've said these ugly words, if one day your cub jumps off the bridge, then you parents are murderers too

Because your children ask you for help, you turn a blind eye, just like in the First World War, and no one cares about the mental health of the soldiers

Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people
Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people

Treating traumatic stress disorder as if you were a deserter and killing you, you simply don't want your educational investment to fail

This is your last chance to change your life and become a human being, so you ignore the health of your children

You are crying not crying for an angelic lovely life and passing away, but crying that the money will not be returned

If you really have a conscience, jump down and apologize yourself (it is this kind of ugly words that it is better to be whipped with this poison than to be consoled by hypocriticality)

So when the "Jiang Ping incident" happened, I really didn't have any interest at all

Be sure to say that you are interested in campus topics

I'm afraid it's "Chitanda Airu" and "Kita-Shirakawa Tamako".

Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people
Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people

(I don't know who these two people are, but I will have the opportunity to popularize science, introduce, and explain in the future)

But I'm not interested in it, but I agree with other writers, because education is such a thing

It is indeed related to the future of the country and the people, although there is no absolute fairness, but at least it is corresponding fairness

If there is no final fairness, all this will go back, like the end of the Ming Dynasty and the end of the Republic of China

The compradors were fed, and the people starved to death

Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people

Alas~ Seriously, those Jiangnan gentry are really annoying, all the organs are exhausted, and the essence of knowledge is used to deal with the people

Even if Li Zicheng comes, even if the Qing soldiers kill them after entering the customs, they will not hesitate to continue to dig and steal the foundation of the motherland

What kind of belief is it that death should do this? This is a belief that is stronger than the belief of the organization

The belief that one's life can be sacrificed for this purpose

Until now, they are still stealing chickens and dogs, changing concepts, secretly abducting and abducting, and inciting the people and public opinion in the field of education

Do you think I should pay tribute to those Jiangnan gentry who are not afraid of death?

But in the final analysis, the reason why these people have such tenacious vitality is because their ancestors lived too nourishingly

Although he lost the mainland, he can still go to Taiwan, and he can still be the emperor of the soil when he goes to Taiwan, and he can live a good life

In his old age, he died in peace, and his disciples and grandchildren still sang praises to themselves every day on the Internet, and the coffin was still waiting to be buried in the mainland

So who doesn't want to be a bad person when they see a bad person doing bad things and still live safely

But the good guys are

Education is related to the future of the country, and the way of education is related to the fairness of the state power and the people

History owes a debt, history owes a whole bunch of things

let Xiao Japan go back to his hometown, and let Lao Jiang go to the other side

So many duels in it

We got a devastated continent, let those bastards go to the island for a vacation, and change the offspring of whomever family, and we have to think deformed when we see this kind of thing

After the autumn, although there is a feud for ten generations, it can still be avenged!

However, a generation has also said that 10,000 years is too long, and it only competes for the day~

The liquidation of the previous Jiangnan gentry cannot be delayed for more than a hundred years, and the more nourishing they live, the more excited the parasites and anti-bones on our side become

I always want to do a big vote, winning is a victory, and if I lose, I can still run to the island to live, and I must completely break this thought

More than!

Range of motion

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